Sunday, January 6, 2008

Whirlwind Weekend

Ah where to begin! Matthew is finally starting to feel better. There's times he's feeling good but it seems he's still a bit run down from being ill.

Yesterday, Shower preparations really got underway as we started making plans for all the things to be done. We're working on favors (I'm taking suggestions if anyone can think of anything good to give as baby shower favors), the invitations, and a few other bits and pieces. Things are really starting to come together and I'm so glad!

My friend Leeanne and I went shopping on Saturday and I bought a ton of stuff for the baby scrapbook. I've been looking for the scrapbook for quite some time and up until this weekend I couldn't find ANYTHING I liked. I hated most of the traditional baby books I found in Walmart/Joanns/Etc because they were either pink, gaudy and ugly or had way too much junk on the front to really customize and make it my own (which I love to do). Finally at Walmart I found the perfect book, though it's pink it's very me and very customizable.

I choose a pink book with butterflies and flowers. It had a lot of room to work with to really make the book stand out as a unique scrapbook so I'm quite thrilled. Over the weekend I bought a ton of paper and embellishments and really am just ready to go with the book. I'm so excited!

I've also been on the hunt for a journal. At the baby shower, I wanted to do the advice jar, which went over as a great idea but upon chatting at the shower meeting on Saturday the idea of doing it as a journal instead was much better. I could easily loose the pieces of paper from the advice jar after the shower, but a journal book would last forever! I was thrilled with the idea. I've already found embellishments for the cover, the book has been a little more difficult to find. Matthew and I went to about six different stores hunting for a book and the best I found was an art sketch book because it was one of the only BLANK covered books I could find (so I could decorate it on my own). If anyone knows a good place to find a nice blank journal, let me know.... I'm sure I'll find one somewhere. I've got time still, but as a last resort... I'll get the sketch book.

Today has been a bit crazy. After shopping for a bit, I started cleaning up the back room. It's really not that there's a LOT I need to do before Matthew can paint... it's just most of what needs done I need him to do because I can't move it! It's mostly a matter of rearranging now. I've already cleaned for the most part.

Well, back to work I go. I'm sure I'll find some more time this weekend to write.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, check out borders, they always have lots of journal books, both blank or not, lots of styles, often a number of them on sale.