Monday, February 25, 2008

Whilrwind Weekend

What a weekend. Sadly, I'm actually happy it's over! I've never been so exhausted in my entire life! Friday was hectic even though I had the day off. Between getting my car inspected (Yeah it passed with flying colors), then having a doctors appointment and getting the joy or rearranging All of the remaining appointments (I had them made clear to April). What a joy!

The rest of the day went well. Matthew and I shampooed the baby's room rug (horray)... I wanted to do it BEFORE the shower so once I brought things home I could just put them away. Friday night we decorated the hall. It was lovely! I was so happy with everything. The grandparents both found the most beautiful centerpieces. It was just everything you could ask for and everything went smoothly!

Saturday was very much a whirlwind experience... and very exhausting. The shower went great... no problems! We estimated about 90 guests total thoughout the shower. It was so great seeing so many people in my family that I haven't seen in ages! We had a handful that didn't end up making the trip due to weather, which is completely understandable. Such is life! They were missed but better off safe!!!

I was shocked at the amazing gifts our friends and family gave us. The table was overflowing with beautiful things for our little one. It was just overwhelming! I swear I opened gifts for well over an hour... possibly close to two hours! Everything was just wonderful. I will have picture of the shower this week... been a bit exhausted trying to make a dent in the gifts to get them to some form of organization (As if that's possible). At some point this week, Matthew and I are going to pull the gifts out to take pictures collectively of what we bought so everyone who didn't make it to the shower can see all the beautiful things we've got for our little one (including gifts that have been brought to the house from friends and family who just couldn't make it).

To tide anxious friends and family over, here's a brief list of what we got (that I can remember off the top of my head):
  • Rainforest High Chair
  • Rainforest Swing
  • Rainforest Play yard
  • Rainforest Bathtub
  • Travel Bassinet with Music
  • Winnie the Pooh Walker
  • Clothes, Clothes, and more Clothes!
  • Diapers up to the ceiling of the baby room closet!
  • Blankets, bibs, pacifiers, and rattles
  • Toys, toys, toys!
  • Two hand made afghans - one from my mother with butterflies and Arabella's initials!
  • Curtains from my mother
  • The Butterfly Bed Set
  • Bath Fun - toys, towels, and wash cloths
  • Books galore - which is what I asked for! I 've got lots of reading to do to my beautiful baby
  • Steeler outfits and a toddler terrible towel (thanks mom) .... and Matthew is thrilled (As he is a raiders fan)
  • Baby Calendar (calendar of all the firsts)
  • Brag book
  • Photo frames
  • Giant stuffed purple Pegasus (I want to keep it for me).....

I know there is so much more... but off the top of my head remember anything (I'm lucky I remember my name today I'm so tired). I will be posting a more comprehensive listing of presents ... and pictures ... :)

My doctors appointment went well this morning. I scheduled my final ultrasound to get Arabella's measurements (so I know what I'm in for in a few weeks). That will be next Monday at 11am so I'll hopefully have more pictures to share.

Well it's almost the end of the day. I've got a busy week ahead of me. I've already had a busy weekend. I'm so focused on getting the baby's room ready and in some form of order! I have this fear in the back of my mind I'll be one of the girls that go before my due date and the room won't be ready and I'll be losting my mind!

Well time to get some work done. Until then.... bye

Thursday, February 21, 2008


It's cold! I hate winter!!! But at least today is my last day of work for the week. I took Friday off in preparation for the baby shower (Among other tasks I need to accomplish like putting the room together, getting my car inspecting and having another doctor appointment). Basically, it was just easier to take the day off and get things done then to go to work. Plus, who doesn't looooooooove a day off. Man did I time it well too with the winter storm moving in. At least by the time I have to leave my house tomorrow, roadways should be clear and what not.

My car's getting inspected at 7:45 am. I'm dropping it off tonight so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow morning and I can sleep in and get life accomplished. My appointment is at 10am. My parents are taking me since my car will be on the other side of Washington. No worries - at 8:30pm we're getting the hall decorated for the shower. I can't wait! I'm so excited... I just wish Matt was feeling better to be excited with me. I haven't been able to really put my house back together as of this point due to the fact that he can't move anything for me and I certainly can't move it myself! Ah well, it'll get done. I may enlist my mother's help tomorrow during the day if possible. I already need them to run me to sams club to get me kitty food after my doctors appointment. I think I'm going to walmart tonight too to get a few things we also need (like kitty litter) - gotta take care of my baby until his little sister arrives!

Well time to get some things accomplished. See you all soon!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Vote for Artex!!!

Artex has been placed in another contest (You may remember helping him win the cutest Christmas Kitty about a year ago). Anyways, he is now in a contest with Bissell (Yes the Vacuum) to be the newest pet model for their Pet Eraser Vacuum. The pet with the most votes each week will be the lucky pet to give their family a FREE PET VACUUM (Value of approximately $169). I really want this with the baby coming as the vacuum is awesome for pet hair!

Here’s the link to vote for Artex. He’s Pet number #741. You can search through the website for him by name or just click on this link to go directly to a page for him. Thank you in advance for your help!!! I HOPE HE WINS! You can only vote once per email address… so if you’ve got a few extra emails…. I’d love for you to vote a few extra times! Here’s the picture you’ll be looking for. I’ve attached it so you know you’re voting for the right kitty!!

To vote for Artex – Click

Busy Busy Busy!!!!

What a whirlwind week or so I've had. I went to the doctors last Wednesday in the horrible weather to learn my Blood Pressure was on the rise (JOY). So I had to get some blood work done and then come back in a few days to be checked again. It could have been nothing - it could have been something but they weren't taking any chances. Well, Friday rolled around and I went back and it was still high so they opted for a low dose medication to help bring it down. All my other tests came back normal so they told me I'm one of the lucky people that get high blood pressure during pregnancy for no apparent reason. Oh Goody! They also wanted me to come back on monday for another test.

Over the weekend, Matthew painted (slowly) and got sicker and sicker each day. The room is painted though, just not put back together at this point. I can't move things and he's been so sick. He woke up today and went to Med Express to discover he has a severe respritory infection along with an ear infection in both ears. Poor thing... he's just miserable and of all weeks - the week of my shower.

So Matthew is home severly medicated with some antibiotics, etc. Monday's test went well. The baby is moving around just like she's supposed to and her heart rate is perfect. I have another appointment on Friday for a check up - I'm down to a weekly visit... as if I haven't seen these people enough in the last 9 months!!!!

This week has been a bit nutty with the shower only a few days away. I'm excited and stress, but all is well! It will come together in the end and be wonderful. I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of family that I haven't seen in a long time - some in quite a long time! It's going to be wonderful and hopefully Matthew will be better by then. I hate that he's sick. I feel so helpless for him because there's nothing I can do to make him better. I guess next year he should get a flu shot... perhaps then he won't get sick so much.

The contest with Bissell that I entered Artex in should start sometime today. I've been checking the website hourly for them to post the link to the new pictures but it hasn't been posted yet. I don't know what time it will be either. As soon as it's posted, I'll be sending out an email with the info and posting the link on the website. I want one of those sweepers so badly!!!! Not to mention the chance of my beautiful kitty being a model. How exciting!

Well back to my lunch.....

Monday, February 11, 2008

Time's ticking

What a productive weekend (mostly). Friday Matthew and I purchased the paint and some of the shelves for the room. Sunday we moved everything out of the room so Matthew can paint this coming weekend, as he's promised. He already started drilling the holes for the shelves and lining up the items on the wall before he paints so he won't ruin the paint afterwards. Basically, things are moving along nicely. I'm thrilled! (Though my house is in a disarray as everything in the back room minus my desk is scattered througout the apartment. We opted to just cover the desk and leave it in the room as it's heavy and large!

The shower is getting close and everything is coming together nicely. I'm really happy! We're still waiting on some RSVPs, but for the most part we're getting everything prepped easily.

For those waiting to see the DVD from the 3D Ultrasound, I believe it's been converted at this point, I just need to get it from our friend and then I will upload it. Thanks for your patience! I'm very excited to put it up.

Arabella's scrapbook is also coming along nicely. If you'll be at the baby shower, I'll have the book out and about for everyone to see.

Well back to work.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Day Finally Arrived...

Ah.... what a day. A long day, but a wonderful day. We headed out to Moroeville this morning with my family and Matthew's family for what was to be the first real glimpse of our future. The 2D Ultrasounds just don't cut it. I wanted more - more more more!

It was everything we hoped for..... she's so cute and adorable. Unfortunatly she hugged to me like there's no tomorrow so we couldn't get the greatest of pictures - but we got a lot of good shots of her chubby cheeks and adorable nose. She sleeps like her daddy with one hand above her head and the other tucked in close.

At one point during the ultrasound, she hugged on the cord, which made for a cute picture. It also looked as though she was sucking her thumb a lot.

The lady confirmed for the third time we're having a girl.... yet still some family was doubting. Three ultrasounds later - it's still a girl! YEAH!!!! :)

It's now almost 4. Matthew and I just got home a little while ago. We stopped for some lunch after the ultrasound. I just uploaded the pictures to walmart and sent them over to the photo department to print for my scrapbook. I will be uploading them to photobucket today (As soon as photobucket decides to come back online!!!!!!). A video will follow shortly. (gotta do one thing a time).

Well enjoy the photos - they are coming shortly. I promise!