Tuesday, November 6, 2007


It’s beginning to look a lot like…. Not fall…. I woke up this morning to snow…. Before Thanksgiving! Gotta love the crazy PA weather we get! So here we are barely into November and the lovely white stuff is fluttering around on my car this morning. I love it! I felt so moved by the snow; I wore my snowflake earrings today!

Sitting at work looking at the snow flurries makes me want a nice cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows… too bad I don’t have any at work. But I have lots of tea… tea is good! I think I may have to make hot chocolate later tonight when I get home because we just bought a nice big bag of marshmallows!

So one more day until the agony is gone… 2pm tomorrow just won’t come fast enough! I am looking forward to finding out, but certainly not drinking all the water to the point of feeling like I’m going to burst! Ugh! Thankfully this test isn’t first thing in the morning like the last one was.

If you’ve noticed, I’ve been doing some renovations to the website getting ready for tomorrow. Once we found out the sex, the polls will be coming down with one finalized poll replacing the two… I have also added a box to the bottom of the polls/fun stuff page for anyone to suggest names not on the list they think we should consider. We’ve looked and reviewed tons of names, but still there are some we haven’t heard or thought of, so we welcome your feedback.

I should have ultrasound pictures up by Thursday, should anyways… I’ll do my best. They will be up by the end of the week though, come hell or high water… I’ll make it happen! If we have video that will be up as soon as possible as well.

I keep meaning to post the pictures from our trip to York a few weeks ago, but alas they are still sitting on the camera as I haven’t had a chance to get them to the computer (along with the other pictures on the camera from Toby Keith, Brad Paisley and other things I did over the summer…. Yes, I’m a little behind!

It’s a quiet day at work today. My boss is gone and there isn’t much to do in the way of work that I can actually do, mostly things I need other people for… and well they are all busy… ah well. It gives me time to do some updating that I’ve neglected on this website the last few weeks.

If you’ve noticed the background changes with the seasons… hopefully I’ll keep that up for the whole year (Yeah Right)… because there are some really nice backgrounds for the holidays… surprisingly though the Christmas background isn’t as nice as some of the others… well maybe some new things will pop up before the Christmas season comes around.

This weekend I’ll be rearranging the house with the help of my mother. We’re getting ready for the Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year. I’m really excited about it too! It will be so wonderful not to travel for the holiday. It gets tiresome and we never really got to spend time with either family much because we had to run out to the next dinner so quickly. I was tired of eating twice as well… finally a year of relaxation!

Well it’s about time for a refill on my tea… it’s a little chilly in here hopefully that will warm me up.

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