Thursday, November 29, 2007

Almost Friday

Almost Friday! This week just will not end….. UGH!

I had a check up today and everything went well. I’m gaining minimal weight (YEAH!!!) and the baby’s heartbeat was right where they want it. She also kicked the doctor, which was kind of funny…. As she measured my stomach and pressed in…. her had got a swift kick. Apparently she didn’t like having her personal space invaded! It was pretty funny.

I was schedule for yet another ultrasound since during the last ultrasound; she wouldn’t cooperate and let the lady get pictures of her spine. Ah well, it’s another chance to see the progression of the baby. That ultrasound is scheduled for December 26th. It’ll be fun!

The office is quiet today with most of the employees gone to the corporate office for a meeting. There are only a handful of us here and it’s wonderful. I love these quiet days. So relaxing!

It’s such a beautiful day outside, sunny … but unfortunately coooooooooold! Brrr…. But from my office window it looks lovely out.

Monday, Matthew and I are taking a class through Washington Hospital on baby care. We’re both excited about going and learning. I’m sure it’ll be incredibly useful for the both of us!

So I think I might put the Christmas tree up at work today. We have one in the office but haven’t gotten around to decorating it as of yet. Today seems like a perfect day to do so. I don’t really have a whole lot to do and it will defiantly keep me entertained for the time being.

Well I’m going to go make myself some lunch. Matthew cooked me some chicken last night and rice to surprise me with a great healthy lunch for work today. YUM! It smells so good…..

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