Monday, March 24, 2008

.... she's coming...

I just got home from my doctors appointment. Oh how I love the torture! Even though everything is fine, the doctors have scheduled me for induction on Wednesday night at 9pm. I will be given medication to help me dilate and then they'll actually induce me into labor.

I can't say I'm disappointed... I'm actually thrilled. It's nice knowing when things are going to happen - no more wondering if that last pain was actually a contraction (or Matthew asking me every night if I'm having contractions every time I get a weird pain). It's just nice to know WHEN it's going to happen and we can be completely ready and prepared.

I'm glad they aren't waiting until next week either since I will be going back to work on May 1st, this will give me a lot of time to recover before returning to work. I have a few days to myself at home (Today and tomorrow) and then all day Wednesday to lose my mind and then the wait is over. There's just so much to do though, I don't know where to begin.

Well, after my appointment, I stopped at Target to return a few things (and buy even more things). I realized we didn't have any cute shoes for Arabella to come home in on Thursday so I had to buy some (and then buy other things too). I bought her two pairs of adorable shoes, a pair of tights, a onesie that says "I love Daddy" and some headbands with butterflies (of course). I also bought Artex a hammock since we're taking away his jungle gym. It's only fair I give him SOMETHING. It's small and compact so it won't take up nearly as much room and we can move it where necessary as we need space. I think he's going to like it a lot!

While at Target, I also raided the Easter left overs. I bought three cute baskets with butterflies on them. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them, but I just HAD to have them for things! I bought some candy too (of course).

Well, time for me to go - I've got a million things to do before Arabella arrives. I must get ready for it! Now comes crunch time for us!

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