Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Big Day

Well, it's the big day..... I just woke up (yes it's almost 11am) for the second time today. Matthew went to work early today to come home early before the hospital so I ended up waking up once with him around 7am. After he left I started watching TV and fell back asleep until about 20 minutes ago. I actually feel pretty good too!

Today's a day of relaxing for me. I plan on just laying around the house in preparation for the long night ahead of me. At least that's the plan. I might scrapbook a little.... clean just a few things (mostly every thing's done though) and just enjoy some time with Artex who as usual is glued to my hip! I really think he knows something is going on.... he won't leave my side.

On the plus side, he absolutely LOVES his new hammock! He's been laying in it a lot which is great - I'm glad he likes it. We just need to find a nice location for it... right now it's just kind of sitting around until things get moved around a bit and Matthew tears down the jungle gym. Hmmmm I may even get ambitious and tear down the jungle gym... (It's just plastic! It can't be that hard) but we'll see... depends on my mood later.

I packed my bags last night (all three of them) for the hospital. I think I've got everything - I hope I've got everything! Distractions, clothes, baby stuff... I think I'm set. Just trying to get things ready now... I don't want to be doing it at the last minute.

Well time to go accomplish some things for the day and grab a yummy snack! Snacks are my friend today since after dinner I won't get to eat anything until who knows when :( bummer..... I'm gonna be so hungry.

Matthew if you read this ... I swear if you go to Burger King while I can't eat you may not live to come out of that hospital! :P......

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