Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lazy Saturdays

Ah what a night. Matthew and I had some dinner at Applebees and then off to get the last of our Christmas shopping done. Walmart was a zoo (as if it's not always) but surprisingly it wasn't ALL THAT BAD. We were home by 9:30 so it wasn't too terrible of a night.

Matthew and I rented Armageddon finally last night. I watched it this morning and found us on TV constantly, mostly the back of our heads but anytime something good happened out of the ring in front of us, we were on tv for a few moments. It's actually kind of cool. Watching the matches again, I actually saw most of what I missed when things happened on the other side of the ring, but thats ok because the experience was simply wonderful! I am so happy we got to go!

I finished wrapping most of my gifts this morning. Most of Matthew's things are sitting under the tree unwrapped because he saw me buy them. I'm not worried though, I told him he can't play with them until Tuesday morning (though I did let him play with a few things already).

I bought Artex his presents last night. I opened the one up already to let him toy with it. We bought him a remote controlled cat toy. I think he's more confused by it then anything else, but he's started messing with it slowly. It's kind of neat. I also bought him some cat treats and stuck them in his stocking. When Matthew and I woke up this morning, the stocking was in the bedroom. I think someone wants his presents early.

Well, it's time to start cleaning for the day. I need to get things in order for this weekend before the insanity begins. I swear its going to get done (sooner or later).

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