Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's Raining on Sunday...

What an icky day. Rain, rain, rain and no real nice sunshine. At least it's not really cold! It's actually kinda nice!

Today has been rather uneventful and I'm glad. I went to big lots earlier to take back a table mirror I bought that was broken. I was really bummed it was so cheap because it looked really pretty. Oh well! Finished the absolute last of the Christmas shopping and wrapped the last two presents so I am officially done and thrilled about it.

Tomorrow begins the week of insanity. There is so much going on and I know come the end of next week I'm going to be exhausted! It's been really nice relaxing at home all day watching my football games. Matthew and I just finished watching the Browns/Bengals game. John had two of his keys on hte Browns so I had to watch the game to root against them (for many reasons). You have no idea how much I loved the intercepetions (-2 for each one). Gotta love it! John's still predicted to beat me but we'll see how Tom does in the next game. Tom Brady has been my team (literally) carrying my butt week to week and getting me to the superbowl. I love it! I'm so happy I picked him from the get go. Best decision I made all season. Now if only I could have kept myself with running backs, it'd be better!

Well off to watch the patriots game. I hope it's a good one!

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