Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who's sick of rain? I AM I AM!

Is anyone else out there sick of rain this summer? Have we really even had more then a few days of sunshine since like MAY? UGH! I bought a stroller to take Aerie for walks and I've barely used it. BUMMER! It's either raining or it's like 90+ degrees and humid as can be.... and although I wouldn't mind sweating off a few extra pounds, I'm sure it's not good weather for my beautiful little baby.

So this week, the high chair was built for Aerie! HORRAY! Next Monday she starts on cereal after her 4 month check up. I'm so excited! I've already bought the bowls, spoons, etc for her and have the cereal as well. We have some plain and some flavored (apple and banana) cuz I like variety and I'm sure she will too!

Aerie's already getting so big... yet she still has no rear end so NOTHING FITS HER! She hasn't so much filled out as she's gotten really, really looooooooooooong. I think she's going to be tall like her Daddy.

Her eyes are still changing color so we're not quite sure what they are going to be. They don't want to make up their mind between a hazel brown and a hazel green.. and then sometimes they are steel gray. Matthew's eyes change color a lot so perhaps she'll be like her daddy with randomly changing eye color .... his change depending on his moon.... I swear!

So life's been pretty good. Aerie's pretty well set on a schedule of eating and sleeping. She sleeps so well and will sleep through anything. Last night when we had some pretty crazy storms.. my little angel was fast asleep (now if only I was too... but nooooooooooooooo). Stupid Thunder!

Next month our whole family is going to Baltimore while I'm there on work business. I have a meeting and rather than leave Aerie at home which would be somewhat troublesome with the breastfeeding..... I opted to just bring her (and daddy) with me! I'm so glad my company is so amazingly wonderful.

Well time to jet.

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