Sunday, July 6, 2008

Vacations are nice.....

So it's Sunday and unfortunatly it's back to work tomorrow... bummer. Matthew and I have been off for 4 days and we've really done NOTHING! And to be honest, I couldn't have been happier.

Friday was Matthew's birthday (yes the 4th of July). We went to a picnic and then came home. Other then the one trip out we've done nothing but hang around the house and play with Aerie. A vacation well spent! It was just nice not to have to be anywhere, go anywhere or do anything..... just relax.

Sadly, it rained for most of our vacation or we might have ventured out to a park or something with Aerie for a picnic but by the time Saturday and Sunday rolled around we just didn't want to do anything.

I just posted some new pictures (Yea ... I'm a bit slow this week) so check them out and enjoy! Nothing really new to report other then another beautiful Sunday. Perhaps Aerie and I will go for a walk this afternoon if it's not too hot. Currently she's passed out on her gym mat after playing for the last two hours.

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