Friday, May 2, 2008

Back to work

Ah back to work. It's actually not so bad. I did enjoy the reutn to chaos and over 200 unread emails! That was a fun sort at 8am yesterday morning.... took over an hour to filter through them and I'm still reading some.... I may be reading emails until next week!!!

Arabella's adapting well to life with Grandparents! I'm glad too! I got through yesterday well. Everyone told me it was going to be the longest day of my life, but it raelly wasn't that bad. I didn't have time to think about anything other then work and that actually isn't a bad thing - made the day fly by!

I'm joining a marketing association at work. I just picked it out today - the Society of Marketing Professional Services. Sounds like fun. They have lunches and seminar and all kinds of interesting Marketing related things! I'm looking forward to joining. My first meeting with SMPS is going to be on May 20th for the New Member Breakfast! I might take the seminar on the 21st too but I haven't decided yet. I need to talk to my boss about it and it's potential to really have value in my job (which I think it does).

This weekend is going to be nice and quiet. We don't have anything planned and I aim to keep it that way. Leeanne is coming over tonight but then I'm relaxing for the weekend before going back to work 5 days for the first time in over a month.

Well time to get things done! Later all!

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