Finally Friday! What a long week, even though it seems like it was a short week.... in my land it was extremely long. Wednesday was my third ultrasound. Everything is going along fine, they just wanted to recheck the spine since Arabella was completely uncooperative on the second one to get the pictures they needed. She's getting so big already. She no longer fits in the screen of the ultrasound in one try, they have to take pictures of different parts. It was kind of neat!
This time we got a video (We didn't know for the two times before). Unfortunately they can only record on VHS so Matthew is going to make a DVD so I can upload it online for all to see. Thursday, I had another check up and the glucose test. Man was that stuff nasty to drink! The check up went fine - everything is looking good.
My next appointment is at the end of January and then they will get more frequent from every three weeks to every two then one. Time's running out! March is quickly approaching.
Work's been relatively quiet (except for yesterday). Most of our office is out for the week so it's been really lonely. I don't mind though, I've gotten a lot of random things done in the process. I had a list of random projects to keep me busy, I got most of them done. I think I'll be knocking the last few off this afternoon after we get our proposal out to Pittsburgh. Hopefully, who knows though!
Preparations are underway for our New Year's Get Together. I don't really want to call it a party because it's just really going to be mostly the same people that hang out at my house on a regular basis. We'll have fun though! The boys will probably all be trashed and I'll take lots of funny photos while they do silly things! I'll be the lonely sober one, oh well though. I never really was a big drinker! I told Matthew to buy me some goodies to make some smoothies so I'll at least having something yummy to drink all night.
I'm hoping I can make it to midnight, but it's debatable! I usually pass out somewhere around 11pm anymore but there are occasions I can make it a little later. I'm going to attempt taking a nap at some point on Monday so I can hopefully stay up for the evening. If not, oh well. I'll be well rested for Tuesday when we start tearing down Christmas decorations!
After my ultrasound on Wednesday, Matthew and I stopped at the mall (Yeah, I'm apparently nuts)! I wanted to get a few games for my DS because as much as I love Brain Age, I wanted more things to play. EB was relatively vacant on DS games. The selection had been completely wiped out but I did manage to find two games to play. I'm big on the puzzles and not so much on the action/adventure kinds of things (though I will play them). I picked up another brain game (I forget the name though) and it's fun but the one i really like is WordJong. It's a combo of Majong and scrabble where all you do is make words. I'm completely addicted! I play it for hours and don't even realize it. The game has daily puzzles and challenge modes and more. I love it!
I think in a few weeks I'll wander back down to EB and see what other games I can pick from. I'll let the stock build up again after being decimated from Christmas. What's really a bummer about going down there before though was they had a sale on used games buy 2 get 1 free. Unfortunately I couldn't find 3 used games that I would even play. Ah well, such is life.
While Matthew and I were at the mall we also stopped to see the castle bank at the ornament kiosk I wanted so badly before Christmas. We saw it a few weeks back where they do the personalized ornaments. It was a pink castle bank and of course I fell in love - unfortunately it was a little expensive so we didn't' get it. Well now that Christmas is over, they cut prices and knocked it down to $20.00. Naturally, it wasn't a hard decision for me to buy it and put Arabella's name on the front. It's simply gorgeous! I can't wait to put it in her room!
Speaking of her room, that's this month's project. I really want to get everything accomplished and ready this month before I get too far along in the 3rd trimester and can't do things. For the most part it's just rearranging. I think Matthew and I are planning on setting aside a weekend to do it together. Perhaps later in this month I'll make a long weekend (Take either Friday or a Monday) and get things underway. Most likely a Friday because at least Matthew is done earlier on Fridays.
Well it's about time to get some things accomplished for the day. If you haven't seen yet, visit Arabella's photos as my third ultrasound pictures have been posted for your viewing. Enjoy! Leave comments!
This time we got a video (We didn't know for the two times before). Unfortunately they can only record on VHS so Matthew is going to make a DVD so I can upload it online for all to see. Thursday, I had another check up and the glucose test. Man was that stuff nasty to drink! The check up went fine - everything is looking good.
My next appointment is at the end of January and then they will get more frequent from every three weeks to every two then one. Time's running out! March is quickly approaching.
Work's been relatively quiet (except for yesterday). Most of our office is out for the week so it's been really lonely. I don't mind though, I've gotten a lot of random things done in the process. I had a list of random projects to keep me busy, I got most of them done. I think I'll be knocking the last few off this afternoon after we get our proposal out to Pittsburgh. Hopefully, who knows though!
Preparations are underway for our New Year's Get Together. I don't really want to call it a party because it's just really going to be mostly the same people that hang out at my house on a regular basis. We'll have fun though! The boys will probably all be trashed and I'll take lots of funny photos while they do silly things! I'll be the lonely sober one, oh well though. I never really was a big drinker! I told Matthew to buy me some goodies to make some smoothies so I'll at least having something yummy to drink all night.
I'm hoping I can make it to midnight, but it's debatable! I usually pass out somewhere around 11pm anymore but there are occasions I can make it a little later. I'm going to attempt taking a nap at some point on Monday so I can hopefully stay up for the evening. If not, oh well. I'll be well rested for Tuesday when we start tearing down Christmas decorations!
After my ultrasound on Wednesday, Matthew and I stopped at the mall (Yeah, I'm apparently nuts)! I wanted to get a few games for my DS because as much as I love Brain Age, I wanted more things to play. EB was relatively vacant on DS games. The selection had been completely wiped out but I did manage to find two games to play. I'm big on the puzzles and not so much on the action/adventure kinds of things (though I will play them). I picked up another brain game (I forget the name though) and it's fun but the one i really like is WordJong. It's a combo of Majong and scrabble where all you do is make words. I'm completely addicted! I play it for hours and don't even realize it. The game has daily puzzles and challenge modes and more. I love it!
I think in a few weeks I'll wander back down to EB and see what other games I can pick from. I'll let the stock build up again after being decimated from Christmas. What's really a bummer about going down there before though was they had a sale on used games buy 2 get 1 free. Unfortunately I couldn't find 3 used games that I would even play. Ah well, such is life.
While Matthew and I were at the mall we also stopped to see the castle bank at the ornament kiosk I wanted so badly before Christmas. We saw it a few weeks back where they do the personalized ornaments. It was a pink castle bank and of course I fell in love - unfortunately it was a little expensive so we didn't' get it. Well now that Christmas is over, they cut prices and knocked it down to $20.00. Naturally, it wasn't a hard decision for me to buy it and put Arabella's name on the front. It's simply gorgeous! I can't wait to put it in her room!
Speaking of her room, that's this month's project. I really want to get everything accomplished and ready this month before I get too far along in the 3rd trimester and can't do things. For the most part it's just rearranging. I think Matthew and I are planning on setting aside a weekend to do it together. Perhaps later in this month I'll make a long weekend (Take either Friday or a Monday) and get things underway. Most likely a Friday because at least Matthew is done earlier on Fridays.
Well it's about time to get some things accomplished for the day. If you haven't seen yet, visit Arabella's photos as my third ultrasound pictures have been posted for your viewing. Enjoy! Leave comments!
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