Monday, December 17, 2007

Armageddon Recap

Where to begin? What a night!!! I love wrestling but watching from ringside is an entirely new experience. Matthew winning these tickets was the most amazing end to 2007. I’m so thankful we are so lucky!!

So let’s start with a recap of the day. We watched the football games and I slowly watched Tom Brady get the worst score he’s gotten all season long (5 lousy points). Normally, he gets between 20-40 points for me but 5???? I thought for sure I was done for the superbowl of fantasy football. I was only one game away. But alas, the football gods saw fit to screw just about every quarterback apparently because Tim (The person I was playing) had a quarterback (Tony Romo) who only got 5 lousy points as well. So I guess we’re even. As I sit and write this blog at home watching Monday Night Raw on TV flipping between the football game, I’m set to beat Tim by more than 20 points, so long as the Minnesota defense doesn’t do anything useful (PLEASE DON’T DO ANYTHING USEFUL)! If this is the case, it will be me and John battling it out in the fantasy superbowl of the league – Who would have thought!!!

So after the insane games we watched (weather was nuts), we left for the event around 6:30ish when John got home from work. The weather sucked on the way in with some slippy roads, but we were determined to get there. (Thankfully the ride home was great – no problems)!

We got inside only a few minutes before the event started, what a crazy line out front. After literally crawling into our seats (we had to crawl over people smashed at ringside halfway through the row to get to our seats in the middle), wrestling really took a change for me.

It’s a totally different world when you’re so close one mistake could land a wrestler in your lap. They look different close up, many look much smaller than they look on TV> It’s quite weird.

The matches were great, starting off with Rey Mysterio who gave his mask hand delivered to the little boy in the row behind us. What an experience. We had a lot of action on the floor in front of us (See amazing pictures in the photos section). I took well over 400 shots but after weeding through the good and the bad ended up with well over 300 pictures. I put the best 40 or so up on the web (But there are many more good shots).

The ECW match with Kane and CM Punk was great; we just prayed that no one knocked Visera off the ropes into our barricade because he may have knocked us over too! We had many wrestlers run into the barricade in front of us, especially during the last match, which had a lot of action in front of us. Matthew almost had the undertaker in his lap. We actually got to touch the legend himself. Man what a feeling. That man is huge!!! We also had the two fake Edge’s lying in the ring in front of us for quite some time. Pure insanity! I loved every minute of it though.

The Jeff Hardy/Triple H match was amazing. I got some of my best photographs of action shots during that match. Of course, why not with as acrobatic as Jeff Hardy is in every match. I also got a lot of great action shots from the Undertaker vs. Batista vs. Edge match. I love it!

Being so close to the action gives me an entirely new look on wrestling. These people really put it all on the lines; there isn’t an easy way to get flipped upside down because you’re not landing on a pillow top ring that has to hurt! Not to mention getting flipped and thrown outside of the ring on those floor mats, it still has to hurt at least a little bit.

I was a little disappointed with some of the match outcomes; I really thought things could have been better. JBL interfering with Chris Jericho’s match was a little lame and the fake Edge wrestlers were kind of silly, but otherwise it was a really great night. I missed not having John Cena there who’s out on injury, along with a few other choice wrestlers who were MIA for the night.

I guess the bright side of everything is if the Pens get their new arena soon, we’re likely to get some better wrestling events in Pittsburgh, maybe even a major pay per view like Royal Rumble or something – now that would be something to see.

I think one of the best parts of the night was the joy in taking home my chair though. When sitting in the first few rows around the ring, the chairs are padded and decorative with the events theme. Our chairs look awesome and at the end of the night, they cut them apart and you can take them home to keep. We were nice enough to give one to John because prior to the event we made a deal that if either of us won and we did get to take home the chairs we’d split them. It’s only fair and it was a nice way early Christmas gift to each other.

We got home last night around midnight so obviously I’ve been exhausted all day today. When we got home I couldn’t sleep because I was still on an energy rush from the show. I woke up with no problems surprisingly, but I think I’m going to crash a little early tonight anyways – I’m already getting sleepy.

It’s going to be a very hectic week for me this week as tomorrow night I’m going to Waynesburg to give a presentation for work. This will be the first time I’ve had to do something like this so I’m a little nervous, but I’m sure it’ll be fine. Waynesburg isn’t that far and I’d hate to make April come from York to do the presentation when I’m only 30 minutes away and she’s hours away. I’m excited as much as nervous though because this is a big responsibility for me at my job. I’m thrilled they trust me enough to do something so important.

The holidays are quickly approaching. I can’t wait until they’re over. It’s been so insane since the beginning of the month. I’ll be happy when it’s all over and life will settle just slightly for a little while.

Check out the pictures I’ve posted on the event. I’ve put up my favorite pictures out of the 400+ I took at the event. Enjoy! LEAVE COMMENTS!

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