It's finally Friday! I thought this day would never get here. If you've been an avid reader of my blogs, you've noticed I've moved them from the original site. The reason for the switch is quite frankly, Verizon's blog site is a royal pain to work with and blogger is much more user friendly. Plus it's easier to post pictures and other things into this site then Verizon. The journal was actually taking up a good 10% of our Verizon Free Website space so something had to go. This was the best solution, I've got unlimited space here.
This website also allows for comments (and you don't have to sign up to leave them) so feel free to comment on anything you'd like!
Moving along, what a crazy week. I had a presentation Tuesday evening for work so that was a long day. Last night I attempted to stay up late enough to watch the Steeler game but I crashed shortly into the third quarter. Matthew woke me up at the end to tell me that I won on my mom's football pool for the final (that's a first)... guess I should go to sleep more often during the games I might actually win more!
Work has been great (minus the insanity now and then). We got Christmas presents from our managers today - mine a gift card to Applebees (Haven't even been here that long and they already know me well)! I love Applebees so I think I know what I want for dinner tonight!! YUM! I've been wanting to try their steak stuff. I use to hate steak but lately I've started liking it more and more. They have a garlic butter topping for their steaks and I think that's what I want tonight! I deserve a treat - I think that's what I want tonight!
Matthew and I still have a bit of Christmas shopping to do to finalize everything. I'm hoping we can knock that off this evening so we can enjoy the weekend before the crazy week begins. Ah - Holidays!
This weekend is the superbowl for fantasy football. It's come down to me and John (go figure)! I've been leaving him little jokes all week with pictures of cats destroying knights (My team mascot is a cat - his is a knight). It's all in good fun! Gotta love it! I'm looking forward to the game though, it's going to be a tough match up.... one person doesn't do well and the entire outcome could change. I'm predicted to lose, but predictions mean nothing - as I've learned week after week. It's all just figures what counts is what actually happens during the game!
Most of our games are on Sunday but a big game for John is on Monday so if anyone is around me Monday evening and I'm constantly checking my phone it's to make sure that LT isn't running all over my score!!! LOL! Here's to hoping!!!!
With all the Christmas craziness going on, I've thought about how different next Christmas is going to be with the new baby. I can't wait for the holidays next year.... I'll actually get to have fun! More so the following year when Arabella will be about 2 years old. It's going to be a blast! I told Matthew we'll have to find him a Santa suit in a few years so we can really do it up right - I got a weird look from him with that comment. It's all going to be fun though!
Artex is still lurking around. He's been really hyper the last few weeks. He's very much a child who knows there's some presents under the tree for him (well there will be after tonight when I go buy them anyways). Matt still laughs at last Christmas when he started messing with his stocking Christmas morning. He didn't believe me that he actually knew it was Christmas!
Artex and Arabella still play tag almost every day. I've gotten use to it now so it's not as annoying. He also likes to lay on me and listen to my stomach. I know he can hear her in there because cats have really good hearing. I wonder what it sounds like to him?
Well time to get some last minute things done here. It's going to be so quiet next week with most of the office out. Ah well, at least I can relax at that point!!! Happy Holidays! I'm sure I'll see most of you soon!
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