Monday, March 24, 2008

... do you ever feel like you're fighting a losing battle...

So it's day one of being home and relaxing - or attempting to relax anyways. I feel eh.... tired, swollen... the usual- nothing not usual. Artex must love the fact that I'm home because he's glued to me all day. I woke up, he sat wkth me while I had breakfast. I watched TV for a bit, he joined me. Now I'm on the computer and he's on the keyboard (sorry for any type-os I miss.... it was him). I really think he knows something's up. For the last 15 minutes he's been headbutting me and my belly.... his way of saying hello!

While cleaning over the weekend he's been my happy helper... or something to that effect... while putting baby clothes away he climbed into the basket and the drawer at least a dozen times "checking it out". He's also been spending a lot of time under the crib as if waiting for Arabella to arrive. It's actually adorable! So cute I even took a picture of it! Thankfully he hasn't tried to get IN the crib.... but we have a tent to solve that probably anyways. It should be arriving any day now. Hopefully it will deter him from any quests to see just what's in the crib.... I think he'll be fine though. He's such a mellow cat for the most part and not an attention craving feline so I think he's going to adapt to the baby just fine. I HOPE!

Life is getting more and more interesting.... these days are just getting so crazy. I still feel as though there's a million things to do and I'm not going to get them done, but I just don't have enough energy to accomplish everything. Matthew thinks I'm nuts (I know he thinks I'm nuts) but I just want everything to be perfect for her arrival which could be any day. I hate not knowing!

I have another appointment today (JOY). It's this afternoon so hopefully they give me some good news. I HOPE! I HOPE! I HOPE! I'm so sick of doctors at this point. I never wanna see another doctor again.... well at least not for a long, long, long time!!

I printed a ton of pictures this weekend at Walgreens (gotta love specials)... so I have things to occupy my time that can be done easily like scrapbooking. I've already completed as much as I can in the baby book I got from my shower. All the pre-baby stuff is filled out... now she just needs to get here so I can fill in the rest. It came out lovely! I also printed pictures to finish the scrapbook Matthew started for the two of us years ago as well as some other random things I want to accomplish. If they get done - great - if not, They'll get done eventually!

I think I'm going to try to clean up the house today a little. It's actually in pretty good shape thanks to my mom ... just touching up some clutter that accumulated over the weekend. Clutter is the biggest problem we have - epecially when we're busy with work and what not, but if that's the biggest problem we have - it's not a big deal. I'm sure Artex will help me too as he gets into everything I'm doing! Last night I was sorting through some photos to put in the photo boxes I bought from Michaels last week and he decided to help me by showing me how much room was in them... by sitting in them. Go figure! He's a cat and loves boxes.... at least he's cheap for entertainment!

I need to buy him a new toy soon though. With the baby coming his jungle gym needs to be torn down to make room. He hasn't played with it much since we moved it away from the window anyways ... but it's his toy and I feel bad we have to take it away. I think I'll have to get him something cool to replace it. Target clearenced a bunch of kitty stuff... perhaps I'll pick him up something small and fun! They had an adorable wheel thingy that was only like $8. It's small and would fit easily somewhere small. Perhaps that's what I'll get.

Well time to get some things accomplished. Until later.

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