Wow, I'm getting really bad about posting on here... guess its because I've been a little busy as of late.
Life is really starting to get crazy. After the shower, Matthew and I have really started putting the room together with all the beautiful things we've been given. Unfortunatly, we're still waiting on a few of the major pieces like the crib and the dresser (anyone have a nice slender dresser for cheap????) so there's only so much we can do. Arabella's toybox is already over flowing, as is her closet. She's going to be one well dressed child with lots of goodies to play with!
Matthew has put the bassinet together and it's simply lovely. We'll be moving it into the bed room this weekend probably. We've built it early to get Artex use to the idea of it being in the house and that he is NOT allowed to be in it. So far he hasn't really messed with it, which is a really good thing!
I've been out and about pricing all the things we're going to need to buy for the baby. We started buying some things as we find them, but we're just pricing righ tnow. I think we're going to get the bulk of the items this weekend or next weekend. I don't want to wait too long as it gets hard and harder for me to do anything at this point! A trip around Walmart is a killer and of course they have to put the baby section ALL The way in the back of the store. What moron man designed that one!!!
I bought my boppy pillow for nursing on Monday from Toys R Us. I saw it, I liked it, I bought it! I was actually going to wait, but it's all good. They had one I really liked so I just felt like getting it that day. We also bought Arabella a wonderful entertainer to grow with her as she learns to crawl (it becomes a neat tunnel of discovery when she starts to crawl).
Matthew has take everything downstairs we're not going to use RIGHT NOW like the high chair and walker (obviously it'll be at least a few months before she's ready for those things). He's going to put the swing together in the next few weeks as well. We don't want to build it too early as it takes up less space in the box right now. We can't wait to use it though!
I had my ultrasound on Monday. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures because they aren't very clear at this point. The girl printed one for me but you can't really see anything. They are estimating her due date as being accurate and right now she's about 6lbs but now's when she's really going to gain weight! At least they didn't tell me she's 10lbs now..... I'd be getting scared!!!!!!
I started writing out the thank you's from the shower last night. It's going to take me until Arabella's born to get through the massive list. Thank you to everyone
and they are coming (I swear) but there are just so many. While I was writing them last night, Artex decided to help me along..... or at least I think that's what he was trying to do. I apologize for the horrible quality of the picture, I took it with my camera phone. Apparently after watching me write about 30+ thank you's he decided he'd had enough of watching me and he would then LAY on top of the thank yous, my list of people and my pen! It's kinda like fighting a losing battle with him! Actually, it reminded me a lot of when he was a baby and I was teaching and going to school. Whenever I would sit on the couch with my lap desk it was like an instant cat call and within minutes he would be on top of my lap desk and my work wanting to lay there. He hasn't done that in a long time - I kinda missed it! At least he let me get about 30 done before he plopped his butt in the way though!

My mind is starting to wander today. I'm exhausted from all the work I'm doing in the house. I can only do little bits at a time and it drives me crazy! Matthew hung the shelves over the weekend so I spent most of the weekend rearranging. I've put some beautiful figurines in Arabella's room (high out of the reach of little hands) but still visible for all to see. I've also put all her books on the shelves for easy access. She's already got a collection like Mommy! I'm so thrilled! I can't wait to start reading them to her. There are so many wonderful books people bought us from the shower. I'm thankful I've got great friends and family.
Leeanne was over this weekend and we scrapbooked a good bit. I actually have the cat's scrap book almost completed. Only a few more pictures to put on to pages. I had so many that I actually broke it up into two books. One from when he was a baby and one with more recent pictures. I'm sure he'll have a few more by the time I'm done. Just think of how bad I'm going to be with the baby when I'm this bad with my cat! Of course he's my baby too! He was my child for the last two years and I spoiled him rotten. I'll continue to spoil him too! He's such a little angel!
I can't believe it's already March 5th and in less than 30 days (hopefully) I'll be seeing our baby. I think I'm ready at this point. I know I'm ready for my clothes to fit me again, to not have to get up to pee a million times, and I'd just like to be able to SLEEP on my belly again. I always slept on my belly and I miss it! I miss dancing too! I'm lucky Matthew is supportive of me going back to Saddle Ridge to keep line dancing. It was either line dancing or a gym and line dancing is more fun and a whole lot cheaper! Plus I'm more likely to actually DO it. When I was line dancing I went down three sizes in a year without a diet! I'm hoping it'll help me lose the baby fat along with a good healthy diet. Gotta get good for the baby while nursing!!! He actually said he doesn't mind me going because he knows it makes me happy! I'm so happy!!! :)
I also found out today that the Dolly Parton show from Monday was rescheduled and depending on our finances in April and how I'm feeling. Matthew said he'd consider taking me to the show (it has a lot of "if"s but he knows how badly I want to go to the show and how upset I was that I couldn't because of it being in March and not knowing how I'd feel. Not to mention that the concert gods all hate me by putting Dolly, Devildriver, Saliva, Trace Adkins and Bon Jovi all in MARCH when I'm due. GRRRRRRRRRRR.... it's like utter TORTURE TO ME!!!!! I'm hoping I feel well enough to go next month. I'd love to see her live! I was saving some money to buy a sewing basket from Joanns but I think I'd rather go see Dolly Parton!
Well, my hands are hurting so it's time to stop typing for me. Hopefully, I'll post again real soon!
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