She's here .... and now I've finally got a few minutes to post something (I know you're all dying to read this)....
Arabella arrived after a grueling experience in the hospital. Matthew and I went in Wednesday night as planned to administer a medication to help me along with dilation. The doctors broke my water early Thursday morning to start the labor process and I did start dilation a bit but unfortunatly all my contracts were in my back and I couldn't take the pain. It was worse than anything I've experienced so I opted for an early epidural.....
After getting the wonderful drugs to which I felt NOTHING (thankfully).... I unfortunatly didn't dilate any more and by 8pm my doctor opted for a C-Section (not my first choice.... but at that point I didn't care anymore). By the time they made the decision the epidural was wearing off and I felt EVERYTHING.... at that point I didn't care what they did as long as they made the pain go away!
Arabella was born at 9:20. Matthew was with me... he never left my side. Sadly, I didn't really get to spend any time with her until almost 11:30pm because of the recovery after the surgery. I did get to see her briefly in the OR after she was born though.
Thursday was the longest wait of my life, but it was worth it. Matthew and I are so happy to finally have our daughter. She looks so much like Matthew and me... it's crazy. She was lucky enough to have all the Martin traits - Matthew's Hair, a strawberry birthmark on her neck, his chin and of course the dimples on her butt. She did get some of my features too.... but it seems phyiscally more of Matthews... and that's ok. I'd rather her get my personality... and interests... so I guess as she grows we'll see what she's like.
I came home from the hospital yesterday so we've been home now for two days. It's been crazy since then. She's a good sleeper.... she sleeps for hours on end. We were worried at first because we couldn't get her to eat because we'd have to wake her up but the doctor said it was fine. She'll tell us when she wants to eat.
She has her first doctor appointment tomorrow morning. The doctors saw her at the hospital and said she's doing great. I have my staples out on Friday (man I can't wait) and hopefully then I'll be able to really function around the house.
I've had to rely a lot on Matthew for the time because I can't do a lot (much like pregnancy). I can't get up or sit down while holding her because I have to brace myself from the staples and I can't bend over. Other than those two things though, I can function rather well and each day is getting better and better.
Enjoy the photos. I keep posting more and more as we take them and I have a moment. Parenting hasn't been so bad so far.. she's mostly slept through the day so I'm sure as she wakes more and more things will become more and more hectic. Ah, such is life.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Big Day
Well, it's the big day..... I just woke up (yes it's almost 11am) for the second time today. Matthew went to work early today to come home early before the hospital so I ended up waking up once with him around 7am. After he left I started watching TV and fell back asleep until about 20 minutes ago. I actually feel pretty good too!
Today's a day of relaxing for me. I plan on just laying around the house in preparation for the long night ahead of me. At least that's the plan. I might scrapbook a little.... clean just a few things (mostly every thing's done though) and just enjoy some time with Artex who as usual is glued to my hip! I really think he knows something is going on.... he won't leave my side.
On the plus side, he absolutely LOVES his new hammock! He's been laying in it a lot which is great - I'm glad he likes it. We just need to find a nice location for it... right now it's just kind of sitting around until things get moved around a bit and Matthew tears down the jungle gym. Hmmmm I may even get ambitious and tear down the jungle gym... (It's just plastic! It can't be that hard) but we'll see... depends on my mood later.
I packed my bags last night (all three of them) for the hospital. I think I've got everything - I hope I've got everything! Distractions, clothes, baby stuff... I think I'm set. Just trying to get things ready now... I don't want to be doing it at the last minute.
Well time to go accomplish some things for the day and grab a yummy snack! Snacks are my friend today since after dinner I won't get to eat anything until who knows when :( bummer..... I'm gonna be so hungry.
Matthew if you read this ... I swear if you go to Burger King while I can't eat you may not live to come out of that hospital! :P......
Today's a day of relaxing for me. I plan on just laying around the house in preparation for the long night ahead of me. At least that's the plan. I might scrapbook a little.... clean just a few things (mostly every thing's done though) and just enjoy some time with Artex who as usual is glued to my hip! I really think he knows something is going on.... he won't leave my side.
On the plus side, he absolutely LOVES his new hammock! He's been laying in it a lot which is great - I'm glad he likes it. We just need to find a nice location for it... right now it's just kind of sitting around until things get moved around a bit and Matthew tears down the jungle gym. Hmmmm I may even get ambitious and tear down the jungle gym... (It's just plastic! It can't be that hard) but we'll see... depends on my mood later.
I packed my bags last night (all three of them) for the hospital. I think I've got everything - I hope I've got everything! Distractions, clothes, baby stuff... I think I'm set. Just trying to get things ready now... I don't want to be doing it at the last minute.
Well time to go accomplish some things for the day and grab a yummy snack! Snacks are my friend today since after dinner I won't get to eat anything until who knows when :( bummer..... I'm gonna be so hungry.
Matthew if you read this ... I swear if you go to Burger King while I can't eat you may not live to come out of that hospital! :P......
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
One More Day
So we've only got one more day until all the fun starts and I'm just trying
to keep myself busy. I've been cleaning and scrapbooking today (alternating as I get tired of each one) and through everything, Artex has decided to help me out..... first he walked on my keyboard while typing, then he decided I really didn't NEED to scrapbook the shower photos.... I should instead give him attention! Of course his big ol' butt prevented me from accessing ANYTHING on my desk so I had to find a way to divert his attention...
Monday, March 24, 2008
.... she's coming...
I just got home from my doctors appointment. Oh how I love the torture! Even though everything is fine, the doctors have scheduled me for induction on Wednesday night at 9pm. I will be given medication to help me dilate and then they'll actually induce me into labor.
I can't say I'm disappointed... I'm actually thrilled. It's nice knowing when things are going to happen - no more wondering if that last pain was actually a contraction (or Matthew asking me every night if I'm having contractions every time I get a weird pain). It's just nice to know WHEN it's going to happen and we can be completely ready and prepared.
I'm glad they aren't waiting until next week either since I will be going back to work on May 1st, this will give me a lot of time to recover before returning to work. I have a few days to myself at home (Today and tomorrow) and then all day Wednesday to lose my mind and then the wait is over. There's just so much to do though, I don't know where to begin.
Well, after my appointment, I stopped at Target to return a few things (and buy even more things). I realized we didn't have any cute shoes for Arabella to come home in on Thursday so I had to buy some (and then buy other things too). I bought her two pairs of adorable shoes, a pair of tights, a onesie that says "I love Daddy" and some headbands with butterflies (of course). I also bought Artex a hammock since we're taking away his jungle gym. It's only fair I give him SOMETHING. It's small and compact so it won't take up nearly as much room and we can move it where necessary as we need space. I think he's going to like it a lot!
While at Target, I also raided the Easter left overs. I bought three cute baskets with butterflies on them. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them, but I just HAD to have them for things! I bought some candy too (of course).
Well, time for me to go - I've got a million things to do before Arabella arrives. I must get ready for it! Now comes crunch time for us!
I can't say I'm disappointed... I'm actually thrilled. It's nice knowing when things are going to happen - no more wondering if that last pain was actually a contraction (or Matthew asking me every night if I'm having contractions every time I get a weird pain). It's just nice to know WHEN it's going to happen and we can be completely ready and prepared.
I'm glad they aren't waiting until next week either since I will be going back to work on May 1st, this will give me a lot of time to recover before returning to work. I have a few days to myself at home (Today and tomorrow) and then all day Wednesday to lose my mind and then the wait is over. There's just so much to do though, I don't know where to begin.
Well, after my appointment, I stopped at Target to return a few things (and buy even more things). I realized we didn't have any cute shoes for Arabella to come home in on Thursday so I had to buy some (and then buy other things too). I bought her two pairs of adorable shoes, a pair of tights, a onesie that says "I love Daddy" and some headbands with butterflies (of course). I also bought Artex a hammock since we're taking away his jungle gym. It's only fair I give him SOMETHING. It's small and compact so it won't take up nearly as much room and we can move it where necessary as we need space. I think he's going to like it a lot!
While at Target, I also raided the Easter left overs. I bought three cute baskets with butterflies on them. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them, but I just HAD to have them for things! I bought some candy too (of course).
Well, time for me to go - I've got a million things to do before Arabella arrives. I must get ready for it! Now comes crunch time for us!
... do you ever feel like you're fighting a losing battle...
So it's day one of being home and relaxing - or attempting to relax anyways. I feel eh.... tired, swollen... the usual- nothing not usual. Artex must love the fact that I'm home because he's glued to me all day. I woke up, he sat wkth me while I had breakfast. I watched TV for a bit, he joined me. Now I'm on the computer and he's on the keyboard (sorry for any type-os I miss.... it was him). I really think he knows something's up. For the last 15 minutes he's been headbutting me and my belly.... his way of saying hello!
While cleaning over the weekend he's been my happy helper... or something to that effect... while putting baby clothes away he climbed into the basket and the drawer at least a dozen times "checking it out". He's also been spending a lot of time under the crib as if waiting for Arabella to
arrive. It's actually adorable! So cute I even took a picture of it! Thankfully he hasn't tried to get IN the crib.... but we have a tent to solve that probably anyways. It should be arriving any day now. Hopefully it will deter him from any quests to see just what's in the crib.... I think he'll be fine though. He's such a mellow cat for the most part and not an attention craving feline so I think he's going to adapt to the baby just fine. I HOPE!
Life is getting more and more interesting.... these days are just getting so crazy. I still feel as though there's a million things to do and I'm not going to get them done, but I just don't have enough energy to accomplish everything. Matthew thinks I'm nuts (I know he thinks I'm nuts) but I just want everything to be perfect for her arrival which could be any day. I hate not knowing!
I have another appointment today (JOY). It's this afternoon so hopefully they give me some good news. I HOPE! I HOPE! I HOPE! I'm so sick of doctors at this point. I never wanna see another doctor again.... well at least not for a long, long, long time!!
I printed a ton of pictures this weekend at Walgreens (gotta love specials)... so I have things to occupy my time that can be done easily like scrapbooking. I've already completed as much as I can in the baby book I got from my shower. All the pre-baby stuff is filled out... now she just needs to get here so I can fill in the rest. It came out lovely! I also printed pictures to finish the scrapbook Matthew started for the two of us years ago as well as some other random things I want to accomplish. If they get done - great - if not, They'll get done eventually!
I think I'm going to try to clean up the house today a little. It's actually in pretty good shape thanks to my mom ... just touching up some clutter that accumulated over the weekend. Clutter is the biggest problem we have - epecially when we're busy with work and what not, but if that's the biggest problem we have - it's not a big deal. I'm sure Artex will help me too as he gets into everything I'm doing! Last night I was sorting through some photos to put in the photo boxes I bought from Michaels last week and he decided to help me by showing me how much room was in them... by sitting in them. Go figure! He's a cat and loves boxes.... at least he's cheap for entertainment!
I need to buy him a new toy soon though. With the baby coming his jungle gym needs to be torn down to make room. He hasn't played with it much since we moved it away from the window anyways ... but it's his toy and I feel bad we have to take it away. I think I'll have to get him something cool to replace it. Target clearenced a bunch of kitty stuff... perhaps I'll pick him up something small and fun! They had an adorable wheel thingy that was only like $8. It's small and would fit easily somewhere small. Perhaps that's what I'll get.
Well time to get some things accomplished. Until later.
While cleaning over the weekend he's been my happy helper... or something to that effect... while putting baby clothes away he climbed into the basket and the drawer at least a dozen times "checking it out". He's also been spending a lot of time under the crib as if waiting for Arabella to
Life is getting more and more interesting.... these days are just getting so crazy. I still feel as though there's a million things to do and I'm not going to get them done, but I just don't have enough energy to accomplish everything. Matthew thinks I'm nuts (I know he thinks I'm nuts) but I just want everything to be perfect for her arrival which could be any day. I hate not knowing!
I have another appointment today (JOY). It's this afternoon so hopefully they give me some good news. I HOPE! I HOPE! I HOPE! I'm so sick of doctors at this point. I never wanna see another doctor again.... well at least not for a long, long, long time!!
I printed a ton of pictures this weekend at Walgreens (gotta love specials)... so I have things to occupy my time that can be done easily like scrapbooking. I've already completed as much as I can in the baby book I got from my shower. All the pre-baby stuff is filled out... now she just needs to get here so I can fill in the rest. It came out lovely! I also printed pictures to finish the scrapbook Matthew started for the two of us years ago as well as some other random things I want to accomplish. If they get done - great - if not, They'll get done eventually!
I think I'm going to try to clean up the house today a little. It's actually in pretty good shape thanks to my mom ... just touching up some clutter that accumulated over the weekend. Clutter is the biggest problem we have - epecially when we're busy with work and what not, but if that's the biggest problem we have - it's not a big deal. I'm sure Artex will help me too as he gets into everything I'm doing! Last night I was sorting through some photos to put in the photo boxes I bought from Michaels last week and he decided to help me by showing me how much room was in them... by sitting in them. Go figure! He's a cat and loves boxes.... at least he's cheap for entertainment!
I need to buy him a new toy soon though. With the baby coming his jungle gym needs to be torn down to make room. He hasn't played with it much since we moved it away from the window anyways ... but it's his toy and I feel bad we have to take it away. I think I'll have to get him something cool to replace it. Target clearenced a bunch of kitty stuff... perhaps I'll pick him up something small and fun! They had an adorable wheel thingy that was only like $8. It's small and would fit easily somewhere small. Perhaps that's what I'll get.
Well time to get some things accomplished. Until later.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
.... ticking...
So yesterday was my last day at work and I can't say that I'm sad. It actually means the end is really getting close and things are going to start changing, which I'm excited about. I got a lot accomplished over the last few days. Matthew finally washed the clothes and bedding and we put everything away. I bought two organizers to go under the crib for extra storage of blankets and what nots. I also picked up a few other things we needed. In general, things are really starting to come together.
I felt pretty good yesterday .... which makes Matthew worry more as people keep telling him when I start feeling good it's gonna happen REAL soon. I don't know how true it is, but at least I've felt good. I've been functional for the most part - something I've missed greatly.
The last of the Thank You cards went out yesterday (thanks for your patience). I was doing them as I could but there were just so many (and so many stamps.... UGH). But they are done and I'm thankful that's one less thing I need to concern myself with.
If you haven't checked out pictures of the baby's room yet, I posted them online this week. It looks lovely - the pictures really don't do it the justice it deserves. I think we did a great job with the help of a lot of people. Matthew's mom really came through with some awesome decorations as well as my family finding such neat things and my mom making gorgeous curtains and a beautiful afghan! Everything matches so well, I just can't believe.
Matthew is going to hang a few more things for me today and then build the organizers.... and then I think we're in pretty good shape.
I've got a game plan for some distractions over the next few days. I just printed over 300 pictures to Walgreens last night (They had sale..... ) so I have plenty of pictures to scrapbook from the baby shower and for the baby book and also some to finish the book Matthew and I started when we started dating. I figured it would give me something easy and relaxing to do next week while I"m home. If not, it'll get done eventually!!!
Artex did something different today. When I was sitting on the couch this morning, he came over to do his normal thrust head directly into my belly and listen to the baby ritual (every morning, just like clockwork).... I know he can hear her since cats hear so well but today was different. He had his head on me and started meowing... not like his mean meows.. more similar to his playful meows (or the ones we get when he's hungry or wants attention) and this went on for a few minutes and while it was happening she was kicking me .... I bet she can hear him. It was crazy, but really neat!
I know he's a little bummed out he's lost his room (we kinda gave him it ... and now all his stuff is out).... and I think he's slightly confused but he seems to be ok. I hope he won't be jealous... but I don't think he will. We still love him and we'll be giving him lots and lots of attention as much as possible. He'll always be my little kitty.... and I'll still spoil his butt rotten as much as possible! What would you expect from someone who made not one but TWO scrap books for their cat. Just think how bad I'll be with my kid........
Well, so many things to do. It's time to go clean the kitchen and then I'm going to figure out this sterilizer I bought. Better now then later!!!
I felt pretty good yesterday .... which makes Matthew worry more as people keep telling him when I start feeling good it's gonna happen REAL soon. I don't know how true it is, but at least I've felt good. I've been functional for the most part - something I've missed greatly.
The last of the Thank You cards went out yesterday (thanks for your patience). I was doing them as I could but there were just so many (and so many stamps.... UGH). But they are done and I'm thankful that's one less thing I need to concern myself with.
If you haven't checked out pictures of the baby's room yet, I posted them online this week. It looks lovely - the pictures really don't do it the justice it deserves. I think we did a great job with the help of a lot of people. Matthew's mom really came through with some awesome decorations as well as my family finding such neat things and my mom making gorgeous curtains and a beautiful afghan! Everything matches so well, I just can't believe.
Matthew is going to hang a few more things for me today and then build the organizers.... and then I think we're in pretty good shape.
I've got a game plan for some distractions over the next few days. I just printed over 300 pictures to Walgreens last night (They had sale..... ) so I have plenty of pictures to scrapbook from the baby shower and for the baby book and also some to finish the book Matthew and I started when we started dating. I figured it would give me something easy and relaxing to do next week while I"m home. If not, it'll get done eventually!!!
Artex did something different today. When I was sitting on the couch this morning, he came over to do his normal thrust head directly into my belly and listen to the baby ritual (every morning, just like clockwork).... I know he can hear her since cats hear so well but today was different. He had his head on me and started meowing... not like his mean meows.. more similar to his playful meows (or the ones we get when he's hungry or wants attention) and this went on for a few minutes and while it was happening she was kicking me .... I bet she can hear him. It was crazy, but really neat!
I know he's a little bummed out he's lost his room (we kinda gave him it ... and now all his stuff is out).... and I think he's slightly confused but he seems to be ok. I hope he won't be jealous... but I don't think he will. We still love him and we'll be giving him lots and lots of attention as much as possible. He'll always be my little kitty.... and I'll still spoil his butt rotten as much as possible! What would you expect from someone who made not one but TWO scrap books for their cat. Just think how bad I'll be with my kid........
Well, so many things to do. It's time to go clean the kitchen and then I'm going to figure out this sterilizer I bought. Better now then later!!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Almost Baby Time
Well, I just got back from my weekly torture at the doctors. Of course the baby wouldn't cooperate for the Non-stress test so it took almost 2 hours for my appointment. OH WHAT FUN The kids already difficult!
Unfortunatly, I'm still not dilated ... :( which is a bummer. I was told to make Friday my last day at work because they'll probably have me in several times over the course of next week to see if I start to dilate. If I don't start showing signs... it's the road to induction which sucks! They don't want me going much past my due date so I guess I'm planning on a baby arrival sometime next week or early the following week (Hey... Matt may get April fools day after all). There's still time though so I guess it's a wait and see what happens kinda thing.
The room is almost ready (and now I've got an excuse to get a fire under Matt's butt to get it done). Diana (Matthew's Mom) bought us a pretty wall art scene for over the crib with a Castle, fairies, birds and hearts. It's so pretty! It compliments the beautiful curtians my mother maid so well too because all the colors match.
We've got the dresser and crib up and I'm starting to get the room to a FORM of organization - which is great. As soon as I get it all cleaned up I'm going to take a few pictures and put up here for everyone who hasn't seen the room. She's definatly got a lot of butterflies, fairies and unicorns! I love it though, it's simply beautiful.
We've got the bassinet ready to go for her arrival too. It's going in our room tonight. We've actually had a good amount of luck keeping Artex out of it, which is kinda surprising. The only place I've caught him was hiding in the basket below it.... though I don't want him there.. if that's the worst he does... I can live with it! It may be his way of being close to the baby since he knows he can't go IN the bassinet with her... at least under her puts him close. He's so affectionate towards her. He's always head butting my belly when he gets up on me. He listens to my belly too... it's adorable! It's even funny when they start poking and kicking one another (at least until I get a good kick to my belly and then that's it.... PLAYTIME OVER...
Well, I've got a million things to do (literally) and I think I better go get started. It's almost baby time ... and to be honest I'm ready!
Unfortunatly, I'm still not dilated ... :( which is a bummer. I was told to make Friday my last day at work because they'll probably have me in several times over the course of next week to see if I start to dilate. If I don't start showing signs... it's the road to induction which sucks! They don't want me going much past my due date so I guess I'm planning on a baby arrival sometime next week or early the following week (Hey... Matt may get April fools day after all). There's still time though so I guess it's a wait and see what happens kinda thing.
The room is almost ready (and now I've got an excuse to get a fire under Matt's butt to get it done). Diana (Matthew's Mom) bought us a pretty wall art scene for over the crib with a Castle, fairies, birds and hearts. It's so pretty! It compliments the beautiful curtians my mother maid so well too because all the colors match.
We've got the dresser and crib up and I'm starting to get the room to a FORM of organization - which is great. As soon as I get it all cleaned up I'm going to take a few pictures and put up here for everyone who hasn't seen the room. She's definatly got a lot of butterflies, fairies and unicorns! I love it though, it's simply beautiful.
We've got the bassinet ready to go for her arrival too. It's going in our room tonight. We've actually had a good amount of luck keeping Artex out of it, which is kinda surprising. The only place I've caught him was hiding in the basket below it.... though I don't want him there.. if that's the worst he does... I can live with it! It may be his way of being close to the baby since he knows he can't go IN the bassinet with her... at least under her puts him close. He's so affectionate towards her. He's always head butting my belly when he gets up on me. He listens to my belly too... it's adorable! It's even funny when they start poking and kicking one another (at least until I get a good kick to my belly and then that's it.... PLAYTIME OVER...
Well, I've got a million things to do (literally) and I think I better go get started. It's almost baby time ... and to be honest I'm ready!
Friday, March 14, 2008
How many more days?
We've crossed under the two week mark. Life is defiantly getting more interesting by the minute. We got our crib yesterday, now I just need Matthew to put it together along with the dresser! I think that's what he's doing tonight.
Today's been rather eventful. It started with Y108 announcing my name for the Gas Cards this morning. I heard it go off and was out the door with my cell phone in moments. I only had 10 minutes to call them back (and about 3 people called me shortly after they announced it to make sure I heard it! So I won a $50 gas card to Get Go (MUCH NEEDED).... Hooray! What a lovely start to my Friday morning.
So then, shortly after lunch Matthew called me to tell me his co-workers gave him a lovely gift basket at work today for the baby. He sent me some of the pictures via our cell phones. Some of the stuff is down right hilarious! Gotta love funny baby stuff! They did a nice job and it was a nice surprise! To all those that read this at Land America.... THANK YOU! I can't wait to get home and actually see the basket and not just pictures through a cell phone. There's some onesies, wipes, and other baby goodies for our little one. We're thankful for everything we've received.
Life is getting so busy anymore, though I'm more and more frustrated that I can't do things for myself. It kills me to even attempt to do the dishes. I just don't have the energy. I'm going to the baby sale tomorrow at the fair grounds (hopefully) to pick up some random things for our little one. Everything is half off (YEAH). Leeanne will be coming over tomorrow and then Patti and Timmy are coming for a visit tomorrow night.
At some point this weekend hopefully Matthew builds the crib and dresser and we're going to wash all the baby clothes. My parents are bringing over the changing table and I can actually put the final touches on the baby's room. It's really coming along nicely. We're trying to make it as nice as possible with what we can afford. So what if the furniture doesn't match.... it's not like she'll know the difference.... as long as it's comfy!
I've been thinking alot about making my last day next Friday instead of working until the 27th. I've got enough time to almost pull it off, so it's not entirely a bad idea. I wouldn't mind having a few days off before the baby comes ... especially since each day is getting harder and harder. Where's all this energy I'm supposed to get!!! I'm still waiting!
Apparently people keep asking Matthew if I'm "Nesting" yet.... and he always says no. I have no energy to do anything... I think I was "Nesting" a few months ago when I was making Matthew clean and fix everything under the sun!
Ah well! The end is near. I'll just be happy to be normal again! I miss my dancing.... and sleeping on my belly.... and wearing my clothes. I really do miss my clothes!!! I'm down to next to nothing that fits and still refuse to buy ANYTHING because it's a waste of money at this point. I'm gonna make it with what I got (hopefully).... but I think I'll be fine. I really only gotta make it about another week because if I make next Friday my last day... I can sit at home in sweats the following week... because then I just won't care.
I'm thankful I work at such a great company. They let me get away with so many comfy clothes so I don't have to go out and buy expensive business attire for work. I'm so lucky! I love my job. It's the greatest place to work! I think this was the best move I've ever made! I'm one of the few people in the world that actually LOVE what they do and don't whine about going to work all the time (yes, I do have my days but it's most due to exhaustion).
Well time to accomplish more things. Check out the pictures from the basket Matthew got today! You'll love them!
Today's been rather eventful. It started with Y108 announcing my name for the Gas Cards this morning. I heard it go off and was out the door with my cell phone in moments. I only had 10 minutes to call them back (and about 3 people called me shortly after they announced it to make sure I heard it! So I won a $50 gas card to Get Go (MUCH NEEDED).... Hooray! What a lovely start to my Friday morning.
So then, shortly after lunch Matthew called me to tell me his co-workers gave him a lovely gift basket at work today for the baby. He sent me some of the pictures via our cell phones. Some of the stuff is down right hilarious! Gotta love funny baby stuff! They did a nice job and it was a nice surprise! To all those that read this at Land America.... THANK YOU! I can't wait to get home and actually see the basket and not just pictures through a cell phone. There's some onesies, wipes, and other baby goodies for our little one. We're thankful for everything we've received.
Life is getting so busy anymore, though I'm more and more frustrated that I can't do things for myself. It kills me to even attempt to do the dishes. I just don't have the energy. I'm going to the baby sale tomorrow at the fair grounds (hopefully) to pick up some random things for our little one. Everything is half off (YEAH). Leeanne will be coming over tomorrow and then Patti and Timmy are coming for a visit tomorrow night.
At some point this weekend hopefully Matthew builds the crib and dresser and we're going to wash all the baby clothes. My parents are bringing over the changing table and I can actually put the final touches on the baby's room. It's really coming along nicely. We're trying to make it as nice as possible with what we can afford. So what if the furniture doesn't match.... it's not like she'll know the difference.... as long as it's comfy!
I've been thinking alot about making my last day next Friday instead of working until the 27th. I've got enough time to almost pull it off, so it's not entirely a bad idea. I wouldn't mind having a few days off before the baby comes ... especially since each day is getting harder and harder. Where's all this energy I'm supposed to get!!! I'm still waiting!
Apparently people keep asking Matthew if I'm "Nesting" yet.... and he always says no. I have no energy to do anything... I think I was "Nesting" a few months ago when I was making Matthew clean and fix everything under the sun!
Ah well! The end is near. I'll just be happy to be normal again! I miss my dancing.... and sleeping on my belly.... and wearing my clothes. I really do miss my clothes!!! I'm down to next to nothing that fits and still refuse to buy ANYTHING because it's a waste of money at this point. I'm gonna make it with what I got (hopefully).... but I think I'll be fine. I really only gotta make it about another week because if I make next Friday my last day... I can sit at home in sweats the following week... because then I just won't care.
I'm thankful I work at such a great company. They let me get away with so many comfy clothes so I don't have to go out and buy expensive business attire for work. I'm so lucky! I love my job. It's the greatest place to work! I think this was the best move I've ever made! I'm one of the few people in the world that actually LOVE what they do and don't whine about going to work all the time (yes, I do have my days but it's most due to exhaustion).
Well time to accomplish more things. Check out the pictures from the basket Matthew got today! You'll love them!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The End is Near
Yes, the end is in sight, though I thought it would never get here. I'm finally to the point of exhaustion... where is this burst of energy everyone tells me I'm gonna get... cuz it surely ain't happening!!!
I'm still working, trying to hang in until the very last moment... it's getting hard and harder though. I make it through the day but by the time I get home I'm ready to go to sleep. There's nights I barely have the energy to do the dishes. Matt's been doing them for me... because if I'm not exhausted my hands are swollen and hurt. It kills me not being able to do things.... I hate just sitting around but what can I do.
We found a dresser for the room thanks to my Dad. I ended up buying the one Kmart ran on sale this week for $30. It's a bit smaller than what I wanted, but it'll do.... price was right and it's not too bad. It will function for now until she gets a little older and then we'll figure out something at that point.
The room's decorations are coming along nicely. Matthew has everything hung up for the most part and the butterflies are now on the wall. I keep meaning to take a picture of it but forget when I'm actually home. I will take pictures once the crib and other goodies are into the room. We're moving the bassinet into the bedroom this weekend. Hopefully we'll be getting the crib this weekend as well and then the room will really be ready. The pack and play and other shower items are still in boxes. We don't want to open them until she's closer to arrival because they take up less space in the box right now... that will come soon though. We're getting there.
Artex seems to know somethings going on and something is about to happen. He's been spending an awful lot of time on my lap - more than usual. I think he realizes his attention from me will be getting split soon... and he wants to cram every last bit he can in now. I don't mind though, I like when he's affectionate.
Our upstairs neighbor got a cat this week. They brought her down to see Artex, but as usual he hissed and became very withdrawn. He doesn't like other cats, but perhaps with time he'll get use to the fact that there's another cat in the house. He'll have to! I think it's his lack of interaction with other cats in his life. He's only had dogs and rabbits as housemates when I lived at home, never other cats so he feels territorial, plus he's a male so what can I say!
So it's only Wednesday and it seems like I've been working for 100 days without a break. UGH! i will say I'm looking forward to the end! I miss my clothes! For those that know how much clothing I have.... everything that fits me right now can be confined into ONE drawer (and I mean LITERALLY everything). It sucks! I have so much stuff and I can't wear it!!! I miss it!!! Soon.... I will be so happy to wear my clothes again. I'm sick of wearing the same stuff because I refuse to buy clothes I'll only wear for a short period, especially at this point! I also miss sleeping on my tummy, being able to bend over and the sheer joy of just functioning normally without pain and swelling to hands and feet. Oh I long for those days again...
I will also love the end because it means no more weekly trips to be tortured by doctors. I'm sick of doctors! I don't want to go to the doctors again for a VERY long time...... I've seen enough for a lifetime!!!!
Soon..... very soon.....
Well until the next time I pull myself to a computer to blog......
I'm still working, trying to hang in until the very last moment... it's getting hard and harder though. I make it through the day but by the time I get home I'm ready to go to sleep. There's nights I barely have the energy to do the dishes. Matt's been doing them for me... because if I'm not exhausted my hands are swollen and hurt. It kills me not being able to do things.... I hate just sitting around but what can I do.
We found a dresser for the room thanks to my Dad. I ended up buying the one Kmart ran on sale this week for $30. It's a bit smaller than what I wanted, but it'll do.... price was right and it's not too bad. It will function for now until she gets a little older and then we'll figure out something at that point.
The room's decorations are coming along nicely. Matthew has everything hung up for the most part and the butterflies are now on the wall. I keep meaning to take a picture of it but forget when I'm actually home. I will take pictures once the crib and other goodies are into the room. We're moving the bassinet into the bedroom this weekend. Hopefully we'll be getting the crib this weekend as well and then the room will really be ready. The pack and play and other shower items are still in boxes. We don't want to open them until she's closer to arrival because they take up less space in the box right now... that will come soon though. We're getting there.
Artex seems to know somethings going on and something is about to happen. He's been spending an awful lot of time on my lap - more than usual. I think he realizes his attention from me will be getting split soon... and he wants to cram every last bit he can in now. I don't mind though, I like when he's affectionate.
Our upstairs neighbor got a cat this week. They brought her down to see Artex, but as usual he hissed and became very withdrawn. He doesn't like other cats, but perhaps with time he'll get use to the fact that there's another cat in the house. He'll have to! I think it's his lack of interaction with other cats in his life. He's only had dogs and rabbits as housemates when I lived at home, never other cats so he feels territorial, plus he's a male so what can I say!
So it's only Wednesday and it seems like I've been working for 100 days without a break. UGH! i will say I'm looking forward to the end! I miss my clothes! For those that know how much clothing I have.... everything that fits me right now can be confined into ONE drawer (and I mean LITERALLY everything). It sucks! I have so much stuff and I can't wear it!!! I miss it!!! Soon.... I will be so happy to wear my clothes again. I'm sick of wearing the same stuff because I refuse to buy clothes I'll only wear for a short period, especially at this point! I also miss sleeping on my tummy, being able to bend over and the sheer joy of just functioning normally without pain and swelling to hands and feet. Oh I long for those days again...
I will also love the end because it means no more weekly trips to be tortured by doctors. I'm sick of doctors! I don't want to go to the doctors again for a VERY long time...... I've seen enough for a lifetime!!!!
Soon..... very soon.....
Well until the next time I pull myself to a computer to blog......
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Counting Down The Days
Wow, I'm getting really bad about posting on here... guess its because I've been a little busy as of late.
Life is really starting to get crazy. After the shower, Matthew and I have really started putting the room together with all the beautiful things we've been given. Unfortunatly, we're still waiting on a few of the major pieces like the crib and the dresser (anyone have a nice slender dresser for cheap????) so there's only so much we can do. Arabella's toybox is already over flowing, as is her closet. She's going to be one well dressed child with lots of goodies to play with!
Matthew has put the bassinet together and it's simply lovely. We'll be moving it into the bed room this weekend probably. We've built it early to get Artex use to the idea of it being in the house and that he is NOT allowed to be in it. So far he hasn't really messed with it, which is a really good thing!
I've been out and about pricing all the things we're going to need to buy for the baby. We started buying some things as we find them, but we're just pricing righ tnow. I think we're going to get the bulk of the items this weekend or next weekend. I don't want to wait too long as it gets hard and harder for me to do anything at this point! A trip around Walmart is a killer and of course they have to put the baby section ALL The way in the back of the store. What moron man designed that one!!!
I bought my boppy pillow for nursing on Monday from Toys R Us. I saw it, I liked it, I bought it! I was actually going to wait, but it's all good. They had one I really liked so I just felt like getting it that day. We also bought Arabella a wonderful entertainer to grow with her as she learns to crawl (it becomes a neat tunnel of discovery when she starts to crawl).
Matthew has take everything downstairs we're not going to use RIGHT NOW like the high chair and walker (obviously it'll be at least a few months before she's ready for those things). He's going to put the swing together in the next few weeks as well. We don't want to build it too early as it takes up less space in the box right now. We can't wait to use it though!
I had my ultrasound on Monday. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures because they aren't very clear at this point. The girl printed one for me but you can't really see anything. They are estimating her due date as being accurate and right now she's about 6lbs but now's when she's really going to gain weight! At least they didn't tell me she's 10lbs now..... I'd be getting scared!!!!!!
I started writing out the thank you's from the shower last night. It's going to take me until Arabella's born to get through the massive list. Thank you to everyone
and they are coming (I swear) but there are just so many. While I was writing them last night, Artex decided to help me along..... or at least I think that's what he was trying to do. I apologize for the horrible quality of the picture, I took it with my camera phone. Apparently after watching me write about 30+ thank you's he decided he'd had enough of watching me and he would then LAY on top of the thank yous, my list of people and my pen! It's kinda like fighting a losing battle with him! Actually, it reminded me a lot of when he was a baby and I was teaching and going to school. Whenever I would sit on the couch with my lap desk it was like an instant cat call and within minutes he would be on top of my lap desk and my work wanting to lay there. He hasn't done that in a long time - I kinda missed it! At least he let me get about 30 done before he plopped his butt in the way though!

My mind is starting to wander today. I'm exhausted from all the work I'm doing in the house. I can only do little bits at a time and it drives me crazy! Matthew hung the shelves over the weekend so I spent most of the weekend rearranging. I've put some beautiful figurines in Arabella's room (high out of the reach of little hands) but still visible for all to see. I've also put all her books on the shelves for easy access. She's already got a collection like Mommy! I'm so thrilled! I can't wait to start reading them to her. There are so many wonderful books people bought us from the shower. I'm thankful I've got great friends and family.
Leeanne was over this weekend and we scrapbooked a good bit. I actually have the cat's scrap book almost completed. Only a few more pictures to put on to pages. I had so many that I actually broke it up into two books. One from when he was a baby and one with more recent pictures. I'm sure he'll have a few more by the time I'm done. Just think of how bad I'm going to be with the baby when I'm this bad with my cat! Of course he's my baby too! He was my child for the last two years and I spoiled him rotten. I'll continue to spoil him too! He's such a little angel!
I can't believe it's already March 5th and in less than 30 days (hopefully) I'll be seeing our baby. I think I'm ready at this point. I know I'm ready for my clothes to fit me again, to not have to get up to pee a million times, and I'd just like to be able to SLEEP on my belly again. I always slept on my belly and I miss it! I miss dancing too! I'm lucky Matthew is supportive of me going back to Saddle Ridge to keep line dancing. It was either line dancing or a gym and line dancing is more fun and a whole lot cheaper! Plus I'm more likely to actually DO it. When I was line dancing I went down three sizes in a year without a diet! I'm hoping it'll help me lose the baby fat along with a good healthy diet. Gotta get good for the baby while nursing!!! He actually said he doesn't mind me going because he knows it makes me happy! I'm so happy!!! :)
I also found out today that the Dolly Parton show from Monday was rescheduled and depending on our finances in April and how I'm feeling. Matthew said he'd consider taking me to the show (it has a lot of "if"s but he knows how badly I want to go to the show and how upset I was that I couldn't because of it being in March and not knowing how I'd feel. Not to mention that the concert gods all hate me by putting Dolly, Devildriver, Saliva, Trace Adkins and Bon Jovi all in MARCH when I'm due. GRRRRRRRRRRR.... it's like utter TORTURE TO ME!!!!! I'm hoping I feel well enough to go next month. I'd love to see her live! I was saving some money to buy a sewing basket from Joanns but I think I'd rather go see Dolly Parton!
Well, my hands are hurting so it's time to stop typing for me. Hopefully, I'll post again real soon!
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