Ah.... what a day. A long day, but a wonderful day. We headed out to Moroeville this morning with my family and Matthew's family for what was to be the first real glimpse of our future. The 2D Ultrasounds just don't cut it. I wanted more - more more more!
It was everything we hoped for..... she's so cute and adorable. Unfortunatly she hugged to me like there's no tomorrow so we couldn't get the greatest of pictures - but we got a lot of good shots of her chubby cheeks and adorable nose. She sleeps like her daddy with one hand above her head and the other tucked in close.
At one point during the ultrasound, she hugged on the cord, which made for a cute picture. It also looked as though she was sucking her thumb a lot.
The lady confirmed for the third time we're having a girl.... yet still some family was doubting. Three ultrasounds later - it's still a girl! YEAH!!!! :)
It's now almost 4. Matthew and I just got home a little while ago. We stopped for some lunch after the ultrasound. I just uploaded the pictures to walmart and sent them over to the photo department to print for my scrapbook. I will be uploading them to photobucket today (As soon as photobucket decides to come back online!!!!!!). A video will follow shortly. (gotta do one thing a time).
Well enjoy the photos - they are coming shortly. I promise!
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