Thursday, February 21, 2008


It's cold! I hate winter!!! But at least today is my last day of work for the week. I took Friday off in preparation for the baby shower (Among other tasks I need to accomplish like putting the room together, getting my car inspecting and having another doctor appointment). Basically, it was just easier to take the day off and get things done then to go to work. Plus, who doesn't looooooooove a day off. Man did I time it well too with the winter storm moving in. At least by the time I have to leave my house tomorrow, roadways should be clear and what not.

My car's getting inspected at 7:45 am. I'm dropping it off tonight so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow morning and I can sleep in and get life accomplished. My appointment is at 10am. My parents are taking me since my car will be on the other side of Washington. No worries - at 8:30pm we're getting the hall decorated for the shower. I can't wait! I'm so excited... I just wish Matt was feeling better to be excited with me. I haven't been able to really put my house back together as of this point due to the fact that he can't move anything for me and I certainly can't move it myself! Ah well, it'll get done. I may enlist my mother's help tomorrow during the day if possible. I already need them to run me to sams club to get me kitty food after my doctors appointment. I think I'm going to walmart tonight too to get a few things we also need (like kitty litter) - gotta take care of my baby until his little sister arrives!

Well time to get some things accomplished. See you all soon!

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