Monday, October 27, 2008
Moving Along
Basking in my own personal amusement.... I am happy to say I finally own the Bissell Pet Eraser and MAN IT ROCKS!!!! Must have for all pet owners! I took it to Artex's kitty window seat covered with fur, fur and more fur... and it cleaned right up. I'm so happy I stuck to my guns on wanting it!
I finished up class one towards my MBA this week. Organizational Behavior is officially over and hopefully I got a good grade (I think I did). This Saturday I start class 2. I wish they gave you a week in between, but alas.... no rest for the determined! I'm now in Management Information Systems (in layman's terms...... Computers in Business). It shouldn't be too bad. Eight more weeks and I'll be done for the semester, WOO HOO!
Aerie's been adapting to her new home well. Matthew called me this morning to tell me that she did something new today and that's reaction. He had her in the living room watching something on TV and apparently at one point there was an audience clapping and then she started clapping. Whether it was by sheer accident or on purpose, either way... it was pretty cool he said!
Aerie gets her booster shot on Wednesday and goes back for a check up on her pink eye. I can't believe our house burns and she gets pink eye in the same week. We'll never forget that, that's for sure!
Well, time to fly! I've got a million things to do!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Anyoe have some sanity?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Yeah! 6 Month Photos!
Life is just as crazy as it's been! Run, Run, Run is all I do anymore. I attempt to find time to do homework and other things (like cleaning my house..... so totally not happening).... but there's only so many hours in the day and by the time I'm home from work, I'm just exhausted!
Well, that's my update for today. I have too much to do.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Well, last Saturday we went to the Cover Bridge Festival in Cherry Valley near where I went to high school. I wasn't overly impressed with it (I didn't really wanna go but Grandma Beatrice did). It was kind of a wasted trip since it pretty much sucked! I love festivals, but between the Indian (Cecil - this weekend - we're going - weather dependent), Apple (Hickory - Next Weekend), and Pumpkin (Oct 10-12) - they are all pretty much the same vendors in a different location honoring something... I usually pick/choose depending on my schedule.... Usually it's the Indian and the Pumpkin for the most part, but apparently Grandma Beatrice wants to go to all of them this year. UGH! I knew I wasn't getting out of the Pumpkin with the costume contest .... it just wasn't happening! Ah well, such is life!
Moving on, Sunday We all went to Oktoberfest in Canonsburg (I like this festival a lot) but this year was really disappointing! I did win a basket in the Chinese Auction though - go figure I couldn't use most of it ..... It was mostly for Matt since it had a big case of beer! He'll be happy for a while.
Our little girl is growing by leaps and bounds now. We've been flying through new foods - she's on Green Beans now. Our menu choices at this point include: Carrots, Green Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, and Bananas. I think Tomorrow I'll start her on some Applesauce.
Yesterday at Grandma Martins, Aerie apparently took her first couple of steps at crawling getting both her arms and legs moving for a moment before crashing to the floor. Grandma Martin was quite impressed!
Yesterday, Aerie officially started Kindermusik in McMurray! She absolutely loved it. While at Kindermusik she took another stab at crawling and actually made it a few feed before having her strength give out. She's going to be completely mobile before we know it.... Time to hunt out the baby proofing stuff!
Kindermusik was wonderful last night. Aerie absolutely loved everything. She gets so happy and excited when we're there. She seems to really enjoy interacting with other babies her age too. For the most part, all the children are close in age. There's another girl about a week younger and two a month older and a few older/younger as well. It's nice being able to socialize her like that every week (plus I'm making cool friends). I think that's actually what's helped her figure out the crawling last night. She was watching two of the other children intently and then she did it. I was so happy!
Aerie's 2nd set of Brownlee photos are this week. I finally found her the perfect outfit at Toys R Us last weekend.... but I'm not telling just yet.... he he.... :)
Well that's about it for now. Perhaps I'll write something soon (hopefully).
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Where to begin???
Both parents have since been released from AGH. I didn't have time to post that though (I'm sorry). Mom's doing great and Dad is slowly recovering... he has a very long road to go before he's back on track with his health. Thankfully, there are enough people ready to put a foot up his rear end right now to keep him in line! I think it's safe to say he got one hell of a wake up call over the last month! Hopefully now it will stick in his damn brain that he needs to take better care of himself and not let it get to this point again, because then we'll all be ready to kick his butt!
Two weeks ago I started back at Waynesburg for my MBA (Yes, I know.... I'm nuts to add this lovely chore on top of working, parenting, and having some form of a life). I really enjoy it so far, my class rocks, the teacher rocks, and it's just really great to be back in the swing of learning again because it's such a wonderful experience.
This morning I finally set up Arabella's savings account (That I've been trying to set up since mid-August) at our credit union. A few weeks ago we emptied out her piggy bank and my parents rolled up the change while we were at work. She had a nice chunk going for her so I put it all into a savings account for her to use later in life when it will be useful (like for college or some awesome trip to Europe or something worthwhile).
Arabella's 6 month check up is coming in the next few weeks. It's hard to believe my little girl is going to be six months old next Saturday! Where on earth did the time go? Before I know it, I'll be making the preparations for her first birthday..... Yikes!
While we're thinking ahead, Arabella's six month photos at Brownlee are also coming up (October 2nd to be exact). Brownlee's is doing autumn photos outside (so cross your fingers for great weather!)
Since the 2nd is a Thursday, I plan on taking the whole day off to spend it with Aerie. After her photos, we might head into Pittsburgh since it's Radical days and certain museums are offering free admission. On Oct 2, it's Phipps and the butterfly garden is still going on so I thought it would be nice to take her out to the garden and see the flowers and the butterflies (or more like... me see the butterflies).... Then Thursday evening is our Kindermusik class so it'll be a great day for the two of us.
If you haven't checked them out yet, there's tons of new photos posted on the website of Aerie. I'm so addicted to taking pictures of her. She's such a beautiful little girl, how can I not take pictures???
So in the works, my mother is working on Arabella's Halloween costume (She started bugging me about it months ago with what I wanted to make her). I personally didn't care... so I just kinda let her roll with whatever she wanted to make....
... but we're not telling! :P At least, I'm not telling anyways..... You'll all just have to wait and see what we're going to make her (and no it's not the princess she already is!).
Well that's about all for today. I've got a million things to do, a sick boyfriend, and a desire to go home and play with my baby. I'm off!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Updates on my parents
Sunday - mom went into AGH to be regulated (blood) for surgery on Wednesday.
Wednesday - mom had surgery... went fantastic! Immediatly following she was up and moving around like she didn't even have any kind of operation!!!
Also Wednesday, my father's health (as most of you know) has gotten progressivly worse and worse and worse. Wednesday he looked horrible (partially contributed from stress from surgery on mom).
Thursday - after much yelling and screaming from a variety of family members, we finally convinced him to go to the hospital. He went to Canonsburg, was admitted and told he'd be seeing pulmonary doctors in the morning.
Friday - I went to work... mom was anticipating release so I figured I'd be closer to going to get her (seeing as how I was half way there). In the morning, Dad was moved to ICU... I stalled for about an hour at work waiting to see if mom was going to be released - she wasn't. So I went to Canonsburg.
Shortly after arriving, we were informed he was being moved to AGH because they couldn't do anything more for him there.
Basically, to make a long story short - where we stand now.......
He is in Allegheny General Hospital in MICU. Because of his size, they can not do some of the tests to determine what all is really going on. The doctors are treating it as if he has a blood clot and possibly Pneumonia. His size is also a factor in making any problem worse. He is sedated and on a respirator (sedation so he won't pull out the tubes). As of this morning, he was responsible when doctors were in - squeezing their hands in answer to questions. They also took him off sedation briefly this morning, gave him some water and then put him back under.
From what doctors have told us, this is going to be along healing process. Against our wishes, he let his health get progressivly worse and worse and now we're left trying to solve one problem at a time. We're certain he will be hospitalized for quite some time and from there who knows. There is no estimated time of recovery... it's just one day at a time. We're learning more and more each day.
Yesterday was a very long and emotional day. I haven't gone back to the hospital as of yet. They've been running tests and what not all morning so there wasn't much to be done. We're heading in shortly.
I tried to call as many people as I could to inform them of the situation but obviously our family is huge and I don't have everyone's number (and probably forgot a few people along the way). If I didn't call you, I'm sorry. I'll try to update the site as much as I can with information. Feel free to contact me anytime and I'll let you know what I know. I'll also post updates here so I can get info to the masses rather than calling a million people.
Currently, mom's still hospitalized on the 9th floor in AGH and Dad is on the 4th (I'm getting a lot of exercise, trust me). Hopefully, she will be coming home tomorrow.... I'm betting on it because then I have to contend with traffic from the Steeler game and that's my kind of luck.
Surprisingly, we're handling the situation ok. Keep us in your thoughts though and email me any time if you want a personal update (I'd post my phone number but I don't want some wacko accidently finding the website and calling me). But if you email me directly, I'll gladly give it to you. My email is and email anytime!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Well a brief recap (cuz that's about all the time I've got right now). Matthew, Aerie and I just returned from Baltimore on Friday night, Friday night I attended a fundraiser for my cousin Jake's friend who lost his home in a fire a while back (I won a nice spa certificate - thanks to mommy who gave me the dollar for it as a birthday gift - GO FIGURE, as well as a manicure at the Wellness Center). Saturday was our fantasy football draft (fun times), Sunday was a baby shower..... and now here I am on Tuesday working my butt off (waiting on some people right now) because we have 2 things due this week and I'm on vacation starting tomorrow (yeah!!!!).
So my goal over vacation is to get about 4 chapters in my school book read (I'll probably only accomplish 2) and do some scrapbooking and finally (and most importantly) spending wonderful times with Aerie because that's what I love to do the most!
Baltimore was ok - had some rocky issues with the hotel and what not but overall it was a fun trip. Aerie's tooth busted through while we were in the hotel Thursday and we went to the harbor on Friday. Overall it was nice, but it sucks Aerie is still so young because there's lots we could do but she wouldn't be able to really enjoy going so we opted to wait until my next trip down to take her to some of the fun places.
Life's been a buzz lately. I return to school next Saturda (oh my god did it really sneak up on me that quickly). I'm actually really excited about it too. Yeah it's a lot of work and what not - but the reward will be much greater). Plus, now I think is the best time because Aerie's still young. Too young to be involved in a variety of activities like dance, cheerleading, etc. She won't get there for a few years so I can knock out this MBA in the mean time.
Well, what I was waiting for is here so I've gotta run. I'll try to post more while I'm on vacation.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Is it really August??????
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Jason Michael Carrolll.........................................
A few months back, I found out he was opening for Martina so I rallied the cash together for myself to buy 4th row seats with my best friend, Leeanne. THEN three weeks ago, I find out he's playing a free Happy Hour Concert sponsored by Froggy last night.... Ok... MUCH BETTER THEN 4th row!
So now, here we are with me haulin my butt to Bridgeville knowing the place is going to be packed because he's such a huge freakin star! Thankfully, I was lucky enough to find a friend up close by the stage to hang and talk with and stay up front in the sea of madness that was the Rhythm House last night.
Ha ... ironic moment of the day. I'm listening to Froggy right now and "Livin' Our Love Song" just came on..... (His song). Ok back to my night though, seriously! So .... I've been up front at shows and I've been back stage... but for some reason that I can't explain... he's just so different. From the moment I heard "Alyssa Lies" the first time on the radio I was in love with his music. Matthew bought me his cd a short while later when it arrived in stores and for over a year now it's never left my car/cd player for very long. His music and voice is just addictive....
So, during these happy hour shows (Froggy has them about once a month), usually the artist goes on at 6 and is off around 7pm..... yea............ he went on at 6 and got off the stage at 7:45pm. Then stayed in the back room and signed autographs for everyone! (Yes I hauled my butt back there through the mob to wait for 40 minutes just to meet him..... and yes, it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo worth it!
Last night was probably one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. You can tell Jason is a rocker deep inside, even before he played a few covers from Aerosmith and REO Speedwagon. He's just so full of energy and fun that the night just few by (I honestly didn't realize how late it was until after he was on for over an hour). I didn't care either because I was having a blast!
Meeting him was pure joy as well. I've met a lot of people in my life, but I don't think I've ever met someone who's just so sweet and nice. He stood around for well over an hour signing autographs and taking pictures and he actually took the time to talk to each person that was there. It wasn't a sign, smile and good bye set up (like so many autograph sessions are)... he seemed to really want to talk to his fans! I just wish I could have stayed longer because I bet he was hanging out afterward drinking in the bar with the rest of the guests! He just seems like that kind of person!
So I'm tired..... still in a fantastic mood and realizing now it's Thursday. This has seriously been one of the busiest weeks I've had in ages! Matthew and I have been somewhat of hermit like since I've been preganant. It's not even an issue of not having a lot of money or not having the time or a baby sitter... it's just a realization that we have someone to take care of and spending money frivilously isn't going to get us anywhere in life.
It's surprising how much I've changed my attitute toward a lot of things. Before, by now I would have spent well over $500 on concert tickets for the year.... and I think to this point I'm up to maybe $100 and that's for Martina and Toby. I also plan to go to Brooks and Dunn and Brad Paisly provided I can find a few friends to drag along with me.... I'm sure I will... I always do!
I can't believe it's pretty much August (And I haven't been to PGP once yet). Sunday is actually the first day I'll be going to PGP this summer..... it feels so weird too! It honestly feels as though I haven't been there in years.. when it's really only been about a year. Crazy! Toby Keith is Sunday. I'm so stoked to go too! My mom's going (Because I told her so) and my friends Dana and Melissa. It's going to be a riot!
As I was saying though, this has just been one busy week between doctor appointments, last nights concert, after work Matthew is hitting the meadows with money on his card for free play (I went the last two times so I figured I'd let him go this time), Saturday I'm getting a facial I bought months ago at a nice spa in Canonsburg.
So yes, life's a little nuts this week. I don't know why... it's always AUGUST that's nuts for me... Next weekend we've got our mini golf tournament, then the following weekend is my family reunion (still not sure if I'm going... but I might) and then Aug 20 we're leaving for Baltimore and then I come back to work for 3 days and I'm off on vacation until Sept 1 (Woo Hoo off for my birthday (Planned that on purpose)....
So yea... If I'm distant, forgetting to put things up on the website, or just confused.... now you know why!
FYI - Pictures from last night WILL be posted soon on the website (probably tonight or tomorrow).... :) :)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Yeah!!!! Cereal!!!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Who's sick of rain? I AM I AM!
So this week, the high chair was built for Aerie! HORRAY! Next Monday she starts on cereal after her 4 month check up. I'm so excited! I've already bought the bowls, spoons, etc for her and have the cereal as well. We have some plain and some flavored (apple and banana) cuz I like variety and I'm sure she will too!
Aerie's already getting so big... yet she still has no rear end so NOTHING FITS HER! She hasn't so much filled out as she's gotten really, really looooooooooooong. I think she's going to be tall like her Daddy.
Her eyes are still changing color so we're not quite sure what they are going to be. They don't want to make up their mind between a hazel brown and a hazel green.. and then sometimes they are steel gray. Matthew's eyes change color a lot so perhaps she'll be like her daddy with randomly changing eye color .... his change depending on his moon.... I swear!
So life's been pretty good. Aerie's pretty well set on a schedule of eating and sleeping. She sleeps so well and will sleep through anything. Last night when we had some pretty crazy storms.. my little angel was fast asleep (now if only I was too... but nooooooooooooooo). Stupid Thunder!
Next month our whole family is going to Baltimore while I'm there on work business. I have a meeting and rather than leave Aerie at home which would be somewhat troublesome with the breastfeeding..... I opted to just bring her (and daddy) with me! I'm so glad my company is so amazingly wonderful.
Well time to jet.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Kindermusik Here We Come!
I enrolled her in Village which is a combo class of Dream Pillow and Zoom Buggy... The class is geared for Newborns-18 months. Here's the web description of the class:
Kindermusik VillageEach week you'll dance with your baby in your arms, share songs, and celebrate the marvelous transformations of the first 18 months.
Features include:
-Musical play that stimulates your baby's physical and mental development
-Establish soothing routines
-Social interaction with other Moms and babies
-Age-appropriate instrument & prop play
-Weekly Foundation of Learning tips for Parents
Zoom Buggy! - Swoosh, vroom, and clickety-clack your way through this delightful unit. Babies and adults will dance, sing, and play instruments to the theme of being on the go. Through a variety of songs, chants, and instrumental selections you and Baby will experience the rumbling of a baby buggy, the squeaky stroller, the bumpa bumpa bumpa of the wagon, the train chugging up the track and much more.(Weeks 1-7)
Dream Pillow - Baby is the star in Dream Pillow, with each activity carefully planned to stimulate his developing brain, thereby promoting physical, social, cognitive, emotional, and language development.But it is the parent who is watching and guiding this little star on the rise, and Dream Pillow, like all Village units, is written with the parent very much in mind.(Weeks 8-15)
At Home Materials for each of the units: Home CD, Baby's Board Book, Featured Home Instrument for music-making at home, and two Art Banners.
I'm so excited for Septemember now. Both Aerie and I start school! I hope Aerie likes the class as much as she seemed to enjoy it at the store. It'll be a fun experience for the two of us! Not to mention its time that we get to spend together ever week doing something fun with other babies her age! Plus, I'll also meet some other moms with kids her age for possible future playdates!
I've been looking for a while for a mommy and me style group so I could meet other moms but unfortunatly most of what is in this area meets during the day while I'm at work (not helpful!) so I was thrilled when I learned Kindermusik had evening classes. Sadly, the evening one is in McMurray, but at least it's not that far away. They have classes in Washington starting up as a trial and hopefully in the spring they might have some evening classes. Either way, I'm sure it's going to be a very worthwhile experience for the two of us!
Sunday, Aerie and I went to a baby shower. She met some family she hasn't met yet, but that were at my shower. I was so proud of her for being such a good baby. She didn't really fuss or scream at all! I'm so lucky!!!
This week has been pretty enteretaining thus far as well. Monday was pure insanity with a major proposal due and I ran around like a nut! Then Tuesday was such a great day. It started with a phone call from Y108 saying I was chosen as mom of the week ... but the mystery is who in the world entered me! No one wants to own up to it! Thank you to the mystery person though! I am the proud receipient of dinner for two at Texas Roadhouse, a massage at the Health Pyramid, and tickets to the Improv at the Waterfront.
That started my morning off with a smile... then it continued when I found out my raise went through today (YEAH! MORE MONEY!) So overall, it was a pretty good day for me! Now if I could just hit the powerball tonight.... man would that top it off!
If you haven't done so, check out some of the new pictures I've posted of Aerie. There's a very amusing one where she's riding Artex (thanks to Matthew for picking on my poor little kitty). He didn't seem to mind though.
Well that's about all my time for today. Until who knows when....
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Vacations are nice.....
Friday was Matthew's birthday (yes the 4th of July). We went to a picnic and then came home. Other then the one trip out we've done nothing but hang around the house and play with Aerie. A vacation well spent! It was just nice not to have to be anywhere, go anywhere or do anything..... just relax.
Sadly, it rained for most of our vacation or we might have ventured out to a park or something with Aerie for a picnic but by the time Saturday and Sunday rolled around we just didn't want to do anything.
I just posted some new pictures (Yea ... I'm a bit slow this week) so check them out and enjoy! Nothing really new to report other then another beautiful Sunday. Perhaps Aerie and I will go for a walk this afternoon if it's not too hot. Currently she's passed out on her gym mat after playing for the last two hours.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
July Already? Where is this year going?
So if you haven't heard the news, Arabella's on a roll.... literally... we just can't keep her in one direction anymore. Once she figured out how to roll over there's no stopping her she's on the go.... this kid wants to be mobile and fast! YIKES! Time to start really looking at baby proofing because I don't think it'll be long before she's crawling.. she already pushes herself up so well... it's only going to be a matter of time.
We had a busy weekend.... Saturday we went garage sale hopping and then Sunday Aerie spent the day with Grandma Nadine Beatrice so Matthew and I could go to a mini golf tournament. It was the first time we've been out alone since Arabella was born and I must say... it felt weird! Both of us did ok in the tournament but not good enough to win. After golf, we swung by the meadows to blow through some free play slots.... nothing like free money to gamble with... I lost and Matthew won (of course).
Matthew's birthday is Friday.... I finally got his present together (well mostly together).... I have to finish up one more part of it before Friday which is no biggie since we have Thursday off anyways. Ah... nice long weekend... I can't wait!
My company picnic is also coming up on July 18th... then next month starts the craziness... why is August always such a busy month for me? Weddings, parties, festivals, you name it... I've got it in August..... plus I scheduled another mini vacation for my birthday... figured I've earned it since I was pretty miserable on my birthday last year because of morning sickness. It also was great my birthday fell on Labor Day weekend so I get an extra day off with no used vacation days.
I've got some new pictures of Aerie. I'm going to try and post them this week... probably while I'm off. I've been so busy I haven't had the time to get them off my camera and uploaded to the website but they'll be there soon, I promise!
UGH! I could seriously use as nap right about now... I'm so tired and I don't know why... I slept pretty good last night (as good as you can with a young baby). Aerie is getting on an ok schedule for the most part.... as a breastfed baby though you can only do so much because it's just not going to sit heavy like formula. But I don't mind, she's worth the lack of sleep any time!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Saturday, Aerie went to her first series of graduation parties. It started with Miranda and then ended with my cousin Dannys. She did really well until about 20 minutes into Danny's party when she got a bit cranky and let us know it was time to go home. We didn't mind though, we spent ample time at each location.
Sunday we did nothing. I made one short trip to Toys R Us to return a few things but otherwise, we spend the day just enjoying relaxing before going back to work on Monday.
Next week is vacation time and trust me, I can't wait. We'll be celebrating Matthew's birthday as well (YEAH).... Aerie got the most wonderful present for him. I can't wait to give it to him (it needs to arrive first though).
Well, that pretty much recaps the weekend... off to insanity.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Updates Updates Updates....
Every day is full of giggles and smiles! I love it. Hearing her laugh makes everything in life worthwhile. Since she's been more active and playful lately, we haven't read as much as we use to - but we still do read almost every day! Often, I sit and talk to her instead... she looooooooves to talk. She talks to me, Matthew, the grand parents and anyone that wants to sit and listen. I swear sometimes she's going to say some kind of understandable word... she tries to so hard!
For Father's Day this past weekend, Arabella and I took Matthew to the zoo for the Dragon Reniassance Festival. It was a lot of fun, but Arabella decided to sleep through the majority of it. We did wake her up while in Kids Kingdom to see a deer up close and personal. Matthew even took a picture - it was priceless! I'm sure it'll be more fun with her next year when she's a little older and can actually see things far away.
We have a few graduation parties this weekend so Aerie is going to meet more of the family. I'm sure there's some people hoping like crazy I show up just so they can see the precious angel.
If you haven't seen her pictures recently, make sure to check out the new photos... there's lots of good stuff there.
Well, I've got a million things to do.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Arabella Chasing Butterflies

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Reunion Class
So we had our child class reunion last night. Sadly, only 3 couples showed up (probably because of the Pens game). At least we got to see a few of the babies. It was really interesting listening to the other couples tell their stories. Everyone had such a different experience. Of the three of us, I was the only C-Section, one girl had a 4 hour labor... one had a 26 hour labor! What a difference. I felt bad for the one couple as they've just had an insane experience. Their baby didn't like the bottles, formula, toys, clothes, etc. They also had some crazy health problems that landed her in Children's for a week. Thankfully, she's better now.
It was kinda neat being on the other end of the class. I remember sitting there listening to the other new parents and the different stories. I loved being on the other side. It was nice sharing what we went through and of course seeing all the other babies. I just wish more people would have came to the class reunion. I was so looking forward to seeing all the other new parents.
In other news, I'm about to use my daughters adorable cuteness to my benefit this weekend. Froggy is having a photo contest for an opportunity to be Luke Bryans official photography on stage and off during the Kenny Chesney Concert. Plus you get pit tickets and a meet and greet privately with Luke... basically an all around amazing day. You have to take a photo "showing you're froggy" and my mother and I have cooked up one hell of a photograph (provided my daughter will cooperate). I will post it once it's taken. If the station people like it and it's gets selected as one of the 5 finalists, I'll be calling on my friends to vote vote vote as the most votes is going to the show. Here's hoping Aerie wins over the hearts of all the listeners and station people at Froggy!!! I think she can do it!! I know she can! But even if she doesn't, I'll love dressing her up for this photo and it will most definitely go into the scrapbook.
Ah, this day is almost over and I can head to Grandma's to pick up my daughter. I missed her so much today. I just want to hold her all the time and be with her and play with her. Everyday is just an experience and I don't want to miss anything! I know sadly, I probably will miss some things because of working full time but that just means I make every hour of every day with her precious! She is my life now!
Well time to get packing!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
It's been kinda funny all day... so many people are dragging after watching that game .... crazy! The drive to work was empty with what I'm sure was a ton of people going in late because of the game. It was nice for me though!
In other news, Matthew and I have our baby class reunion tomorrow. I'm really excited about going as well. I can't wait to see everyone else's babies! Of course the class had to fall on the next pens game too! At least it'll be over around 8:30pm so we'll still get to come home and watch most of the game. Perhaps I'll even make it through the whole thing (I haven't as of yet.... ).
So I've determined that I'm cursed with Kenny tickets.... I'm just not meant to go to the show. I've been trying to win them every day on the radio and I've been just about every caller BUT the right one. Actually one time in one ticket giveaway I was caller 1, 5, 8, and 11.... Man was I mad! How that happened - I have no idea... but whatever! Perhaps I'm just building up to win a really good prize???
Next week is the St. Pat's festival in Canonsburg. I'm so excited. Matthew and I have enlisted my mommy to babysit so we can go down. We'd take her with us but Matthew and I want to gamble and those games don't usually start until 8/9pm and Aerie doesn't need to be out that late. It'll be the first time Matthew and I have been out together without the baby since she was born. I'm not sure I know what to do......
We've also put in the request for my mother to babysit on June 29 so Matthew and I can compete in the mini golf tournament like we do every year at Red Carpet. Perhaps we'll have to get a babysitter one Sat/Sun for a few hours so we can grab a couple of practice rounds prior to the tournament. Either way, we'll go down early that Sunday and have a ball before hand.
Has everyone looked at the new photos posted and the new organization of Aerie's photo albums. I've made it much easier to find pictures. If you haven't checked out the new pictures - make sure you do because they're great shots! You'll just love the ones with her sunglasses compliments of granny beatrice!
I think this weekend I'm going to spend some time scrapbooking. I've had some pictures piling up and I want to get them into the book. I've also got some pictures with family members that I needed to fill the blank pages in one of her albums. It's hard to believe (no not really) that I've already got four albums for the baby and one is about to be completed.
Well, it's about time for me to go pick up Aerie. I miss her so much. Everyday seems like I want to see her more and more. I just love my little girl. She's the best thing in the world!
Grandma Beatrice - get ready to scrapbook this weekend! And yes, I just had to write about you in my last blog! BECAUSE I CAN!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Ask My Mother About Changing Diapers....
and now the story...
On Fridays my mother watches Arabella at my house (cuz it's just easier then dragging the baby out to hickory).... so Matthew and I arrive home around 6 or so and she's eating ... dressed all cute (because my mother ALWAYS puts her in something cute) and today it just happened to be a little blue dress (That was Waaaaaaaay to big) ....
So after we eat and what not... my mom and I look at some new pictures I took on my computer and Aerie starts to cry.... Matthew tends to her and realized that her diaper is no where near covering her rear end.... in fact her little bum bum was hanging out all over the place...... apparently my mother forgot the the purpose of a diaper was to keep what comes out contained until changes......... whoops....
so anyone that sees my mom can ask her about changing diapers to hear the funny story about NOT covering my daughters rear end........
In other new.... the weekend flew by! It was disappointing that the pens lost. Aerie seemed quite disappointed (Yes, she watched the game with us). We actually had laid her down for a nap, grabbed the baby monitor and headed upstairs to John and Debbie's to watch the game when only moments in... she started crying... so rather then run up and down the steps all night Matt just brought her up with us... as soon as she was there she was fine sitting in the chair with me watching the game..... kinda cute! I can't wait to see if she likes football too! Actually, I think she was just lonley since it was just her and Artex in the apartment. She wanted to be with everyone where all the action was! OF COURSE!
Today, we mostly sat around the house. Our goal this weekend was a bit of cleaning and quality time with Aerie which sometimes it feels like we have no time with her because of our busy work schedules. But this weekend we did manage to get a lot of great time with her and I'm honestly thrilled about it.
Wednesday is our baby care class reunion. I can't wait. I'm excited to see what all the other parents in our class had ... should be quite intersting.
Well, my facial peel is about dry.... so it's time for me to go so I can get this facial done before Aerie wakes up to eat.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Holiday Weekend and Aerie's Eight Week Birthday
Over the weekend, my car decided that I am not permitted to have a radio to drive with (it stopped working) so Tuesday it had to go to dealership. They told me the radio is shot and they have to order me a new one (yeah... new radio) but it'd take a week or so to get there (boo.... no radio for like two weeks)....
Tuesday I also attended a meeting for the Society for Professional Marketing Services - an organization I plan on joining through JMT. I checked out their new member breakfast and it totally rocked. I met some great connections and even one girl whom I've got a lot in common with (background in music... ended up in the A/E/C industry instead... ) kinda funny! Anyways, this organization is all around a great thing for me and I'm so stoked about joining.
I went to the dermatologist yesterday to try and get my acne under control. It's gone NUTZOID since I've been pregnant. My doctor had hoped it would have tamed itself after Aerie was born, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO (I'm sure the breastfeeding has something to do with it.....). So off to the Dr. I went to get something that would work since I can't take anything off the shelf with Benzolye Peroxide (which is pretty much 99% of acne control products over the counter).....
Tomorrow Leeanne and I are going to Saddle Ridge. It's been over 10 months since I've been there on a Friday. I'm so thrilled to go too! Leeanne's really getting into dancing and that rocks cuz now I've got someone to go with me. She really wants to learn and that is awesome! I'm ready to teach her!
Other then Saddle Ridge, I plan on spending my time with Aerie. We're just starting into a new book after finishing the Princess Bride last night. I let Matthew pick out the next book. His first choice was To Kill a Mocking Bird but I said no .... so then he Picked The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. Can't wait to start reading it tomorrow night!
Well, back to work.... lunch is over.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wow Time Flies
Moving on, this week marked Arie's first real Smile - no longer Gas smiles. She's only done it a few times but we know they are finally real smiles. The first one was Tuesday night with Matthew and then last night with me. Last night she even giggled a bit... well it was more of a squeal but it was a new sound for her we haven't heard. We're so happy!
Being back to work has been crazy. I called off Monday after an exhausting night with Arie... I believe the culprit was gas... and she just kept us up. It was fun being home with her after some well needed rest. Monday also marked a really funny moment. As I was sitting on the floor with her in the bouncing chair... I was gently bouncing her a bit when Artex decided he felt the need to be involved. After spending ten minutes nuzzling me on my lap he moved to the other side of the bouncy chair and watched as I gently pressed the chair down to make Arie bounce. After watching for a few minutes he started putting his paws on the chair and made it bounce himself. It was really cute. Then later when I was washing dishes and she was still in the chair, he did it again... unbelievable! Pets are truly amazing! Now if we could just teach him to change diapers we'd be completely set!!!
Saturday I think I'm going to take Arie to Boarders in south hills for their book event. A lot of the books they recommend for children will be on sale and some even read by celebrities .... I think it'll be fun to go and check it out. Saturday Toby tickets also go on sale. I'm so totally buying them the moment they go up. I've got two friends going with me too. I can't wait - should be a blast!
Well, I've got a million things to do...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Now I'm Exhausted!!!!
Speaking of sleep, it seems as though the only way I'm getting any is by going to bed at 9pm. I hope this won't last forever because I feel as though life is passing me by completely. I'm missing my shows (Thank God for DVR) and I'm missing out on time with Matthew because he's barely home from work and I'm ready to crash for the night. I know it's going to get easier, but my gosh!!!
So Saturday is the big day! We finally get the view Arabella's pictures at Brownlees! I am so excited! I just know they are going to be gorgeous!!! It was such a thrilling experience going there. I don't want to go anywhere else to have her photos done because they are simply beautiful!!! She's so creative and pleasing!
I can't believe it's only Monday .... if feels like I've been awake for days. I think it's the lack of sleep because of all the pumping and if I don't pump it hurts sooooooooooooooo much. I would just love to sleep for 8 hours and be done with it.... but I can't :( gone are those days , at least until she starts solids and I don't have to make as much milk!
Arabella goes to the doctors on Monday for shots. This should be an interesting experience. I'm both excited and nervous. I'm excited to see how much she's grown but scared to see her get those painful shots! I hate needles so I'm sure she's not going to want to see them either. My poor baby.
If you haven't checked out the pictures recently of Arabella, defiantly do so. There's a really cute one of Artex looking at her in her playpen (which finally got built). Artex is such a great big brother. He even wakes me up at night when she's fussing. I think it's more because he can't sleep with her crying... but it's still sweet.
I won a phone on the radio yesterday. Really made my day too! Unfortunatly, It's a sprint phone (I didn't hear that part of the contest) so now I gotta figure out what I'm going to do with it. It's a Palm Centro phone retails for like $200-$300. I think I'm going to try and sell it and then take the money to get myself something nice and then put the rest away for something useful (like more pictures of Arabella since she goes back every 3 months). I may just save all of it for the pictures and use it towards getting what I want. Anyone interested in buying it??? It's pink so guys, be warned!
Leeanne and I are planning on going to Saddle Ridge on Saturday. It'll be the first time I've been out dancing since August. God I've missed it. I heard they remodled the place... should be interesting. I'm itchin for some dancing.... SERIOUSLY!!!
Well my time is up. Enjoy the new photos.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Back to work
Arabella's adapting well to life with Grandparents! I'm glad too! I got through yesterday well. Everyone told me it was going to be the longest day of my life, but it raelly wasn't that bad. I didn't have time to think about anything other then work and that actually isn't a bad thing - made the day fly by!
I'm joining a marketing association at work. I just picked it out today - the Society of Marketing Professional Services. Sounds like fun. They have lunches and seminar and all kinds of interesting Marketing related things! I'm looking forward to joining. My first meeting with SMPS is going to be on May 20th for the New Member Breakfast! I might take the seminar on the 21st too but I haven't decided yet. I need to talk to my boss about it and it's potential to really have value in my job (which I think it does).
This weekend is going to be nice and quiet. We don't have anything planned and I aim to keep it that way. Leeanne is coming over tonight but then I'm relaxing for the weekend before going back to work 5 days for the first time in over a month.
Well time to get things done! Later all!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Last Day Home....
Monday, April 28, 2008
Last Week Home
At the same time, I've been craving interaction with other people. I haven't really done much over the last month other than a few outings to the mall and what not.... so in one sense, I'll be happy to get back to a normal routine (well, develop one anyways). But of course I'm going to miss her..... I'm actually glad I won't be home much longer. A lot of moms told me the longer you're home, the harder it is to go back to work emotionally.... at least I have that going for me.
Life has been going well. Arabella had her pictures done at Brownlee last Saturday (April 19th) and I can't wait to see them. We'll be viewing them on May 10th (The first Saturday appointment they had). She did such gorgeous pictures and work so I can't wait to see them! I know I'm going to end up wanting tons of them, they looked so beautiful... she even did a Fairy picture with me with Arabella and purple wings...... I can't wait!
This last full week at home was hectic. I tried to get a lot of cleaning done before I went back to work. I started reconditioning my body to get up like I would for work, dress, pump, shower, feed her, etc. etc. I must say it was helpful as each day was a little better. I continued the process this week as well. Thankfully, if Matthew feeds her around 1:30am when he's usually up anyways, she sleeps until 5:30 which is when I get up .... so it's working out rather well.
Yesterday, Arabella did something rather interesting. When we were just waking up in the morning, she was laying down with Matthew after she'd been fed, changed, etc. All of the sudden she let out a squeal that sounded like a monkey..... actually it sounded exactly like her rain forest swing which has a monkey sound on it! It was hilarious!
Well, I've gotta get more things done. More pictures have been posted - check them out!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Great Day
I've been up since 7am getting ready. It takes a lot to do things now. Matthew and I will be in at least one picture because I wanted a family portrait.. so I had to get ready long before I get Arabella ready.
Martina McBride tickets also went on sale this morning. Leeanne and I are going and I just HAD to have good seats for once. I've loved Martina for so long but could never actually afford good seats since she always played at AJ Palumbo. She's at PGP this year with JMC and well... I've been wanting to see him up close too so now was my chance. I must be the luckiest person in the world when it comes to tickets because in 10 minutes I had bought 4th row center stage.... good enough for me!!!!!
So it's shaping up to be a great day... now if Arabella is cooperative at the pictures I'll be such a happy person today! She was a little cranky this morning but hopefully she's gotten that all out of her system now.
In other news, Arabella went for her first real outing yesterday visiting Black Box and JMT .... she did well til we got to JMT then started fussing alot. I think it was just a long day and a lot of people. Overall, she did very well though.
Check out the pictures from yesterday in the photo section.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Two Week Check Up
Overall this week has been good. She's sleeping through the night (and we're thankful) and she hasn't been too fussy during the day (she has her moments though). Unfortunatly, life doesn't allow me to take too many naps during the day (and sometimes none at all). Between pumping, feeding, changing, and consoling the crying.... I'm pretty much spent until Matthew comes home and then I can lay down for a while.
I don't mind though - I have to get use to the lack of sleep and running on empty for when I return to work in only a few short weeks. It's hard to believe she's already two weeks old at this point... and I go back to work in about three weeks.
Matt returned to work this week, but I know he wishes he could stay home with his girls. As soon as he's home, Arabella starts wanting attention from him. I know she misses him while he's away all day. Yesterday she was crying and the minute he picked her up she went silent. I knew that she wanted him to hold her.... for a while. She also loves to sleep on him... just like in this picture.... she curls up in a ball on his belly while he plays video games. It's really cute... she sleeps so soundly even with all the noise from the game and Matthew talking in the microphone....
I can't believe how fast time is flying... it's almost time for me to return to work. I'm actually looking forward to going back to work because then life will return to normal and we can adapt to real life. It's nice being home and all but it's not reality.... I'm not balancing work and a family on then will I truly adapt. And then in the fall a whole new world comes through when I balance work, family and school .... I'll manage though....
I'm looking forward to this weekend .... Leeanne will be over and we plan on Scrapbooking.... Matthew has agreed to take care of parenting during that time period so I can stay focused on making a beatiful baby book. Of course, I'll be around to help as needed though .... :)
Well time to go back to the routine.... :)
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Life is going well. Matthew and I are adapting to change really well. Sleep hasn't been all that lost... but I'm sure we'll have a few nights of those to come in the future. Thankfully he's pretty much a night owl and I'd rather go to bed early so we kinda worked it out well. Arabella so far is actually on a good sleep/eating schedule that will coincide with me going back to work rather easily. Hopefully she'll stay on it when I go back. Keep your fingers crossed!
Matthew will be going back to work tomorrow and I'll be on my own with Arabella. I haven't been alone with her for more than a few hours at a time so tomorrow should be interesting. I think it'll be ok plus Matthew is only 5 minutes away anyhow!
I'm getting around really well at this point. The staples came out on Friday and man did I feel a lot better! They were what hurt the most sticking to my skin and then standing up... OWIE! Unfortunately I had a bit of redness around the incision which my doctor said is common when you're in labor for a long time and then end up with the C-section because you're body is just exhausted! They put me on some antibiotics and then last night I discovered I'm allergic to them and broke out in a rash! WHAT FUN! Matthew was thrilled at the 11pm trip to CVS to get some benadryl and cortizone because I was losing it with the itchiness!
All better now though! They're going to call me in something else and hopefully I won't be allergic to that either! UGH! I'm so sick of taking medications and seeing doctors! After my six week check up at the end of the month, I hope I don't need to see a doctor again for a long time - other than Arabella's!
Artex is adapting to having a baby around rather well. He hasn't gotten himself in too much trouble! We caught him in the crib one night and then Matt built the tent the next day. He hasn't attempted to jump in the bassinet thankfully. He has taken a liking to trying to sit on our lap when we're feeding her. He's done it to me a few times and Matthew as well (once last night). He also likes to sleep on the bed and just look at her bassinet. Overall, I'd say he's been really good! I know he's a little starved for attention but we're both trying to give him as much attention as possible right now in between everything else.
Well, it's time to get some things accomplished before Arabella wakes up hungry which should be soon.... I think she's in her growth sprut because she's eating a whole lot more.
Until next time (whenever that may be). .....
Monday, March 31, 2008
Arabella's Finally Here.....
Arabella arrived after a grueling experience in the hospital. Matthew and I went in Wednesday night as planned to administer a medication to help me along with dilation. The doctors broke my water early Thursday morning to start the labor process and I did start dilation a bit but unfortunatly all my contracts were in my back and I couldn't take the pain. It was worse than anything I've experienced so I opted for an early epidural.....
After getting the wonderful drugs to which I felt NOTHING (thankfully).... I unfortunatly didn't dilate any more and by 8pm my doctor opted for a C-Section (not my first choice.... but at that point I didn't care anymore). By the time they made the decision the epidural was wearing off and I felt EVERYTHING.... at that point I didn't care what they did as long as they made the pain go away!
Arabella was born at 9:20. Matthew was with me... he never left my side. Sadly, I didn't really get to spend any time with her until almost 11:30pm because of the recovery after the surgery. I did get to see her briefly in the OR after she was born though.
Thursday was the longest wait of my life, but it was worth it. Matthew and I are so happy to finally have our daughter. She looks so much like Matthew and me... it's crazy. She was lucky enough to have all the Martin traits - Matthew's Hair, a strawberry birthmark on her neck, his chin and of course the dimples on her butt. She did get some of my features too.... but it seems phyiscally more of Matthews... and that's ok. I'd rather her get my personality... and interests... so I guess as she grows we'll see what she's like.
I came home from the hospital yesterday so we've been home now for two days. It's been crazy since then. She's a good sleeper.... she sleeps for hours on end. We were worried at first because we couldn't get her to eat because we'd have to wake her up but the doctor said it was fine. She'll tell us when she wants to eat.
She has her first doctor appointment tomorrow morning. The doctors saw her at the hospital and said she's doing great. I have my staples out on Friday (man I can't wait) and hopefully then I'll be able to really function around the house.
I've had to rely a lot on Matthew for the time because I can't do a lot (much like pregnancy). I can't get up or sit down while holding her because I have to brace myself from the staples and I can't bend over. Other than those two things though, I can function rather well and each day is getting better and better.
Enjoy the photos. I keep posting more and more as we take them and I have a moment. Parenting hasn't been so bad so far.. she's mostly slept through the day so I'm sure as she wakes more and more things will become more and more hectic. Ah, such is life.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Big Day
Today's a day of relaxing for me. I plan on just laying around the house in preparation for the long night ahead of me. At least that's the plan. I might scrapbook a little.... clean just a few things (mostly every thing's done though) and just enjoy some time with Artex who as usual is glued to my hip! I really think he knows something is going on.... he won't leave my side.
On the plus side, he absolutely LOVES his new hammock! He's been laying in it a lot which is great - I'm glad he likes it. We just need to find a nice location for it... right now it's just kind of sitting around until things get moved around a bit and Matthew tears down the jungle gym. Hmmmm I may even get ambitious and tear down the jungle gym... (It's just plastic! It can't be that hard) but we'll see... depends on my mood later.
I packed my bags last night (all three of them) for the hospital. I think I've got everything - I hope I've got everything! Distractions, clothes, baby stuff... I think I'm set. Just trying to get things ready now... I don't want to be doing it at the last minute.
Well time to go accomplish some things for the day and grab a yummy snack! Snacks are my friend today since after dinner I won't get to eat anything until who knows when :( bummer..... I'm gonna be so hungry.
Matthew if you read this ... I swear if you go to Burger King while I can't eat you may not live to come out of that hospital! :P......
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
One More Day
Monday, March 24, 2008
.... she's coming...
I can't say I'm disappointed... I'm actually thrilled. It's nice knowing when things are going to happen - no more wondering if that last pain was actually a contraction (or Matthew asking me every night if I'm having contractions every time I get a weird pain). It's just nice to know WHEN it's going to happen and we can be completely ready and prepared.
I'm glad they aren't waiting until next week either since I will be going back to work on May 1st, this will give me a lot of time to recover before returning to work. I have a few days to myself at home (Today and tomorrow) and then all day Wednesday to lose my mind and then the wait is over. There's just so much to do though, I don't know where to begin.
Well, after my appointment, I stopped at Target to return a few things (and buy even more things). I realized we didn't have any cute shoes for Arabella to come home in on Thursday so I had to buy some (and then buy other things too). I bought her two pairs of adorable shoes, a pair of tights, a onesie that says "I love Daddy" and some headbands with butterflies (of course). I also bought Artex a hammock since we're taking away his jungle gym. It's only fair I give him SOMETHING. It's small and compact so it won't take up nearly as much room and we can move it where necessary as we need space. I think he's going to like it a lot!
While at Target, I also raided the Easter left overs. I bought three cute baskets with butterflies on them. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them, but I just HAD to have them for things! I bought some candy too (of course).
Well, time for me to go - I've got a million things to do before Arabella arrives. I must get ready for it! Now comes crunch time for us!
... do you ever feel like you're fighting a losing battle...
While cleaning over the weekend he's been my happy helper... or something to that effect... while putting baby clothes away he climbed into the basket and the drawer at least a dozen times "checking it out". He's also been spending a lot of time under the crib as if waiting for Arabella to
Life is getting more and more interesting.... these days are just getting so crazy. I still feel as though there's a million things to do and I'm not going to get them done, but I just don't have enough energy to accomplish everything. Matthew thinks I'm nuts (I know he thinks I'm nuts) but I just want everything to be perfect for her arrival which could be any day. I hate not knowing!
I have another appointment today (JOY). It's this afternoon so hopefully they give me some good news. I HOPE! I HOPE! I HOPE! I'm so sick of doctors at this point. I never wanna see another doctor again.... well at least not for a long, long, long time!!
I printed a ton of pictures this weekend at Walgreens (gotta love specials)... so I have things to occupy my time that can be done easily like scrapbooking. I've already completed as much as I can in the baby book I got from my shower. All the pre-baby stuff is filled out... now she just needs to get here so I can fill in the rest. It came out lovely! I also printed pictures to finish the scrapbook Matthew started for the two of us years ago as well as some other random things I want to accomplish. If they get done - great - if not, They'll get done eventually!
I think I'm going to try to clean up the house today a little. It's actually in pretty good shape thanks to my mom ... just touching up some clutter that accumulated over the weekend. Clutter is the biggest problem we have - epecially when we're busy with work and what not, but if that's the biggest problem we have - it's not a big deal. I'm sure Artex will help me too as he gets into everything I'm doing! Last night I was sorting through some photos to put in the photo boxes I bought from Michaels last week and he decided to help me by showing me how much room was in them... by sitting in them. Go figure! He's a cat and loves boxes.... at least he's cheap for entertainment!
I need to buy him a new toy soon though. With the baby coming his jungle gym needs to be torn down to make room. He hasn't played with it much since we moved it away from the window anyways ... but it's his toy and I feel bad we have to take it away. I think I'll have to get him something cool to replace it. Target clearenced a bunch of kitty stuff... perhaps I'll pick him up something small and fun! They had an adorable wheel thingy that was only like $8. It's small and would fit easily somewhere small. Perhaps that's what I'll get.
Well time to get some things accomplished. Until later.