It's hard to believe it's been almost 3 weeks since Arabella was born and less than three weeks before I return to work. Time sure flies.
We had a busy weekend about us with some visitors .... Friday night Leeanne and I scrapbooked and I finished up her first album. If you saw the book at the shower.. that's the one I finished. I ended with pictures of Matt and I at the hospital.. and now I'll start her new one from when she came home and pictures with the family.
Friday night also was the night of Arabella's first real bath. Her cord fell off on Thursday but we
didn't have a chance to actually give her a bath until Friday night. She enjoyed it, I think... there wasn't any screaming or crying... at least not until we took her out of the nice warm water. I think she liked laying in her hammock bathtub .... it looks comfy. Why can't they make those for older people... that'd totally rock to lay in a nice warm tub in a hammock....I'd so fall asleep!
Saturday Nathan and Jackie were in from New York to meet their new cousin. Arabella also had a visit from Uncle Dave and Aunt Diane for a few moments. She had quite a busy day. Sunday, Matthew took some babysitting duties so Leeanne and I could go out shopping for a little while and find a dress for Arabella's pictures on Saturday. It's not that I don't have any clothes for her... it's more so that I don't have any beatiful dresses that actually fit her right now. She's still not into the 0-3 month clothes yet so pretty much everything is huge for her.
So Sunday Leeanne and I set out to find some dress that would actually fit her reasonably well for the pictures. We ended up going to Pennys to raid what was left of the easter dresses and I think I found one small enough (and not poofy) that would fit her well. I haven't tried it on just yet (gonna do that today...) but I think it's going to work.
Of course, there was a sale on the dresses and the more you bought the better the price so
naturally I had to go buy three dresses instead of one. Basically, I paid a little more for three than I would have buying only one. They're so pretty too! I can't wait til she can wear all of them (and all the other gorgeous outfits people have bought her). Here's a few pictures of the three dresses I picked out. This first one is the one I believe will fit her now. I'm going to try it on her this afternoon and probably snap a few pictures in it. I'll try the others too to see if potentially they might fit ok to take a few pictures in (they'll probably look like ball gowns on her).
Well, back to baby duty..... she's crying and is probably hungry, wet or just wants some attention this morning. Enjoy the new pictures posted in the album.....
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