Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Last Day Home....

I can't believe it's my last day home and I return to work tomorrow. It's been weird being off work for so long.... the longest vacation (if you want to call it that), I've ever had. I thought I'd be ready to go back to work, but I'm starting to wish I could stay home longer.... like forever (come on powerball numbers)... but I gotta go make money to buy Arabella all kinds of wonderful things!

Today's my check up with the Doctor. Finally an end to these appointments for me. Now that I'm not pregnant anymore, I'm going to go back to the dentist to get some things fixed up they couldn't do while I was pregnant. That should be fun! I'm getting myself together now that I have insurance. Going without for so long wasn't great... but it's all better now.

Arabella goes to Grandma M's house tomorrow and then Granny Beatrice comes to our house to watch her on Friday. I hope she adapts well without me around. My mom watched her for a while yesterday while I went to the walmart with my dad to get a few things. She seemed to do ok. I hope it all goes well. She's still in sleepy mode anyways so all she really does is eat and sleep and of course make wonderful messy diapers! Actually, they're not so bad.... just gotta watch for the sneezing!

So far today, I've continued rearranging things... I just can't seem to find an order and organization I like in her room so I just keep moving things. Eventually I think I'll find something I like. I think my biggest problem is as I adapt to life as a mommy, I realize better ways and places for some things so I keep moving what I think will work better somewhere else, and then I find more things and more things and it's just a process that may never end. I do it all over the house too! It drives Matthew nuts because he always tells me he can't find things. Ah well!

Time for me to get back to doing things. It's going to be such a busy day with my doctors appointment and I want to spend as much time with the baby as possible. I don't think I'm going to be an emotional wreck tomorrow, especially since I've been away from her for periods of time while going shopping with friends and what not, but I'm still gonna miss her.....

Later all!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Last Week Home

Well, it's my last week at home and I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad. I return to work on Thursday (alright! Short week!) and I've got mixed feelings. I've enjoyed my time home, but lately I started climbing walls of boredom. It's rough when all Arabella wants to do is eat, sleep, cry, and poop... so playtime hasn't really been too much. I've been reading to her a lot... but you can only sit and read for so long, especially when the books make her fall asleep.

At the same time, I've been craving interaction with other people. I haven't really done much over the last month other than a few outings to the mall and what not.... so in one sense, I'll be happy to get back to a normal routine (well, develop one anyways). But of course I'm going to miss her..... I'm actually glad I won't be home much longer. A lot of moms told me the longer you're home, the harder it is to go back to work emotionally.... at least I have that going for me.

Life has been going well. Arabella had her pictures done at Brownlee last Saturday (April 19th) and I can't wait to see them. We'll be viewing them on May 10th (The first Saturday appointment they had). She did such gorgeous pictures and work so I can't wait to see them! I know I'm going to end up wanting tons of them, they looked so beautiful... she even did a Fairy picture with me with Arabella and purple wings...... I can't wait!

This last full week at home was hectic. I tried to get a lot of cleaning done before I went back to work. I started reconditioning my body to get up like I would for work, dress, pump, shower, feed her, etc. etc. I must say it was helpful as each day was a little better. I continued the process this week as well. Thankfully, if Matthew feeds her around 1:30am when he's usually up anyways, she sleeps until 5:30 which is when I get up .... so it's working out rather well.

Yesterday, Arabella did something rather interesting. When we were just waking up in the morning, she was laying down with Matthew after she'd been fed, changed, etc. All of the sudden she let out a squeal that sounded like a monkey..... actually it sounded exactly like her rain forest swing which has a monkey sound on it! It was hilarious!

Well, I've gotta get more things done. More pictures have been posted - check them out!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Great Day

Ah what a great start to my Saturday! Arabella goes for Pictures at Brownlee Portrait studios today. I can't wait. I just wish I had more clothes for her to wear but unfortunatly she fits into minimal outfits and most of them are onesies. I did manage to find one dress that will fit her ... so one dress it is!

I've been up since 7am getting ready. It takes a lot to do things now. Matthew and I will be in at least one picture because I wanted a family portrait.. so I had to get ready long before I get Arabella ready.

Martina McBride tickets also went on sale this morning. Leeanne and I are going and I just HAD to have good seats for once. I've loved Martina for so long but could never actually afford good seats since she always played at AJ Palumbo. She's at PGP this year with JMC and well... I've been wanting to see him up close too so now was my chance. I must be the luckiest person in the world when it comes to tickets because in 10 minutes I had bought 4th row center stage.... good enough for me!!!!!

So it's shaping up to be a great day... now if Arabella is cooperative at the pictures I'll be such a happy person today! She was a little cranky this morning but hopefully she's gotten that all out of her system now.

In other news, Arabella went for her first real outing yesterday visiting Black Box and JMT .... she did well til we got to JMT then started fussing alot. I think it was just a long day and a lot of people. Overall, she did very well though.

Check out the pictures from yesterday in the photo section.

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's hard to believe it's been almost 3 weeks since Arabella was born and less than three weeks before I return to work. Time sure flies.

We had a busy weekend about us with some visitors .... Friday night Leeanne and I scrapbooked and I finished up her first album. If you saw the book at the shower.. that's the one I finished. I ended with pictures of Matt and I at the hospital.. and now I'll start her new one from when she came home and pictures with the family.

Friday night also was the night of Arabella's first real bath. Her cord fell off on Thursday but we didn't have a chance to actually give her a bath until Friday night. She enjoyed it, I think... there wasn't any screaming or crying... at least not until we took her out of the nice warm water. I think she liked laying in her hammock bathtub .... it looks comfy. Why can't they make those for older people... that'd totally rock to lay in a nice warm tub in a hammock....I'd so fall asleep!

Saturday Nathan and Jackie were in from New York to meet their new cousin. Arabella also had a visit from Uncle Dave and Aunt Diane for a few moments. She had quite a busy day. Sunday, Matthew took some babysitting duties so Leeanne and I could go out shopping for a little while and find a dress for Arabella's pictures on Saturday. It's not that I don't have any clothes for her... it's more so that I don't have any beatiful dresses that actually fit her right now. She's still not into the 0-3 month clothes yet so pretty much everything is huge for her.

So Sunday Leeanne and I set out to find some dress that would actually fit her reasonably well for the pictures. We ended up going to Pennys to raid what was left of the easter dresses and I think I found one small enough (and not poofy) that would fit her well. I haven't tried it on just yet (gonna do that today...) but I think it's going to work.

Of course, there was a sale on the dresses and the more you bought the better the price so naturally I had to go buy three dresses instead of one. Basically, I paid a little more for three than I would have buying only one. They're so pretty too! I can't wait til she can wear all of them (and all the other gorgeous outfits people have bought her). Here's a few pictures of the three dresses I picked out. This first one is the one I believe will fit her now. I'm going to try it on her this afternoon and probably snap a few pictures in it. I'll try the others too to see if potentially they might fit ok to take a few pictures in (they'll probably look like ball gowns on her).

These two I bought as well. They are 0-3 months but look poofy and a little big for her right now. Hopefully within a month or so she'll be wearing them for Summer.... I love the yellow one... it's absolutly gorgeous! She'll get there sooner than I think I'm sure though! It seems like she's not growing.... but I know she's going to start growing and fast... faster than I can keep clothes that fit her in the closet (at least I've got a great selection to start with).

Well, back to baby duty..... she's crying and is probably hungry, wet or just wants some attention this morning. Enjoy the new pictures posted in the album.....

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Two Week Check Up

Arabella had her two week check up today and everything is great! She's a happy, healthy baby!!! She didn't even scream too much at the doctors office - a blessing! She's back up to 7 lbs. 8 oz. and is still 21 inches long. Exactly where she should be!

Overall this week has been good. She's sleeping through the night (and we're thankful) and she hasn't been too fussy during the day (she has her moments though). Unfortunatly, life doesn't allow me to take too many naps during the day (and sometimes none at all). Between pumping, feeding, changing, and consoling the crying.... I'm pretty much spent until Matthew comes home and then I can lay down for a while.

I don't mind though - I have to get use to the lack of sleep and running on empty for when I return to work in only a few short weeks. It's hard to believe she's already two weeks old at this point... and I go back to work in about three weeks.

Matt returned to work this week, but I know he wishes he could stay home with his girls. As soon as he's home, Arabella starts wanting attention from him. I know she misses him while he's away all day. Yesterday she was crying and the minute he picked her up she went silent. I knew that she wanted him to hold her.... for a while. She also loves to sleep on him... just like in this picture.... she curls up in a ball on his belly while he plays video games. It's really cute... she sleeps so soundly even with all the noise from the game and Matthew talking in the microphone....

I can't believe how fast time is flying... it's almost time for me to return to work. I'm actually looking forward to going back to work because then life will return to normal and we can adapt to real life. It's nice being home and all but it's not reality.... I'm not balancing work and a family on then will I truly adapt. And then in the fall a whole new world comes through when I balance work, family and school .... I'll manage though....

I'm looking forward to this weekend .... Leeanne will be over and we plan on Scrapbooking.... Matthew has agreed to take care of parenting during that time period so I can stay focused on making a beatiful baby book. Of course, I'll be around to help as needed though .... :)

Well time to go back to the routine.... :)

Sunday, April 6, 2008


You never appreciate the silence of a house until you have a screaming baby....... actually ... it hasn't been that bad. Arabella is relatively content most of the time. I just put her down to sleep again about 20 minutes ago and she's passed out... so I thought I'd eat some breakfast (finally....been trying to eat it since about 7am) and jump online for a few.

Life is going well. Matthew and I are adapting to change really well. Sleep hasn't been all that lost... but I'm sure we'll have a few nights of those to come in the future. Thankfully he's pretty much a night owl and I'd rather go to bed early so we kinda worked it out well. Arabella so far is actually on a good sleep/eating schedule that will coincide with me going back to work rather easily. Hopefully she'll stay on it when I go back. Keep your fingers crossed!

Matthew will be going back to work tomorrow and I'll be on my own with Arabella. I haven't been alone with her for more than a few hours at a time so tomorrow should be interesting. I think it'll be ok plus Matthew is only 5 minutes away anyhow!

I'm getting around really well at this point. The staples came out on Friday and man did I feel a lot better! They were what hurt the most sticking to my skin and then standing up... OWIE! Unfortunately I had a bit of redness around the incision which my doctor said is common when you're in labor for a long time and then end up with the C-section because you're body is just exhausted! They put me on some antibiotics and then last night I discovered I'm allergic to them and broke out in a rash! WHAT FUN! Matthew was thrilled at the 11pm trip to CVS to get some benadryl and cortizone because I was losing it with the itchiness!

All better now though! They're going to call me in something else and hopefully I won't be allergic to that either! UGH! I'm so sick of taking medications and seeing doctors! After my six week check up at the end of the month, I hope I don't need to see a doctor again for a long time - other than Arabella's!

Artex is adapting to having a baby around rather well. He hasn't gotten himself in too much trouble! We caught him in the crib one night and then Matt built the tent the next day. He hasn't attempted to jump in the bassinet thankfully. He has taken a liking to trying to sit on our lap when we're feeding her. He's done it to me a few times and Matthew as well (once last night). He also likes to sleep on the bed and just look at her bassinet. Overall, I'd say he's been really good! I know he's a little starved for attention but we're both trying to give him as much attention as possible right now in between everything else.

Well, it's time to get some things accomplished before Arabella wakes up hungry which should be soon.... I think she's in her growth sprut because she's eating a whole lot more.

Until next time (whenever that may be). .....