So it's dark and dreary... I just want to crawl back into bed for the day. Who wouldn't?
Well, it's been a fairly exciting weekend. Matthew and I decided on paint for the baby's room. It's a beautiful shade of green from Lowes. Here's the web version I found on the company website.
Picking the paint was harder than I thought it would be. We went to Home Depot first but they were rather expensive and we really didn't find that perfect shade. When we went to Lowes, this shade jumped out quickly and we agreed on it instantly. (Surprisingly). The web doesn't do it justice, it's actually a beautiful shade of green but you get the idea with it being there! I can't wait until we can buy it and paint the room. We were shocked that Lowes gave us an estimated price of less than half of what Home Depot told us. Apparently, we were going to need several coats of the paint we found at Home Depot costing about $100 by the time everything was done. At Lowes, we found a great shade in a one-coat brand and it's only $24. MUCH better price!!!!

So now we just need to wait until payday to buy the paint - most likely this weekend. The room needs to be painted prior to the baby shower because once we bring all our wonderful gifts home, I want to just have them ready to set up and not have to find places to put them for now. That's the plan anyways! I think it'll be accomplished. It won't take Matt long to paint the room - most of the things that needed moved out have been moved and what's left is not hard to move to another location. We'll probably enlist a few friends to help in the job which will make it go much quicker. I'm thankful we've got great friends and neighbors!
The Superbowl is slowly creeping up on us. I'm hoping we win big on some football pools - money is always a good thing! Our Ultrasound is next week as well, I've been really looking forward to it! I can't wait to go! Exactly one week from today We'll be in Monroeville getting our first real glimpse of the precious baby. Ah so many things to do!
Matthew and I have been spending a lot of time at Washington Hospital for baby care classes. They've proven quite useful as we've learned a lot from our attendance. Unfortunatly, it also means I want more expensive things for the baby... I mean who doesn't want more expensive things!
After taking the breastfeeding class, I have determined and set myself a goal of purchasing a Medela Pump In Style from the Hospital (They have the best price - I've checked around). It's $265 After taxes, but totally worth it! Last night during my class I met with a lot of moms who told me it's the best one on the market for what I need it for (Going back to work) because the cheap ones from Walmart only work if you use it "occassionally" not every day like I'll have to do when I return to work full time. In the long run the $300 item is still cheaper than buying formula - by a loooooooooooooooooong shot! On Average the formula we priced is about $30 a can/bottle (Depending on brand/size/etc). I'm sure I'd go through more than eight cans in the time she'd be feeding so the pump just paid for itself!
Plus nursing is so much better for me and the baby. It'll even help me lose the weight - because I really want to lose the weight I've gained (Not that it's been much but still...) it may even help me lose more than I've gained which would totally rock! The hospital also offers a support group which our class sat in on last night. I really enjoyed it and think I'll be joining after Arabella's born. It's only once a month and it will give her a chance to socialize and me to learn more as we're going through the process.
I've also discovered a baby and me class at the Wellness Center I think I'll try to do as well. It's also once a month and provides even more knowledge and learning - plus it gives me a chance to find playmates for Arabella! I already made one friend in the support group last night who I discovered lived about 2 streets away from us. She's about the same age and her daughter is only 3 months old!
Well it's about that time. I must go for now. I swear I'll write again this week (maybe).
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