I can't believe my ultrasound is so close. I'm so excited! I've been waiting for this day for so long. The 2D ultrasounds just don't do it. Yeah they make nice scrap book photos but we're finally going to SEE our baby! Perhaps this time my mother will figure out where the head and mouth are since she can't seem to see them on the other ultrasounds!!!
Time is really winding down. I can't believe it's already the end of January. Where did the time go? It seemed like Matthew and I had so much time to get the house ready - but not anymore! I just made a nice long list of things I want to do over the next few weekends to get ready for the baby. I'd like to have mostly everything in order prior to the shower so when we bring home all our wonderful new gifts I can put them away instead of storing them god knows where creating more clutter! NO MORE CLUTTER!
Matthew has put me on a mission. He said I have too much clothing (yeah there's a shock) and we need to get rid of one of the four dressers in the room because it's just getting a bit crowded. I do agree but it's MY CLOTHES! My alternative to getting rid of things is storing what I'm not wearing right now.... like winter stuff that doesn't fit me right now because I'm pregnant. We have an overhead storage in our bedroom that's being used for junk. I'm gonna get up there and organize it and put some of my seasonal clothes up there.
I was looking at the spacebags online. I think I'm going to buy a few of those to store my clothes. It will make for easy transitions between seasons. They also make ones for suits/dresses now which I want to store the business suits I don't wear and some of my gowns that don't get used all that much but I'm not getting rid of - like my ren fair clothes. This will create a whole lot of room and potentially take my 3 dressers (yes I take up 3 dressers plus two closets) down to two dressers and one closet. Well here's to hoping! HA! I probably won't do it but we'll see!
So who's not ready for the stupid weather coming tonight *raises hand* ... yeah I'm so not looking forward to coming to work tomorrow ..... whatever time that may be. Ice and me ..... Yeah ... I might wait out the storm... but then again the storm may not do what it said or might even change direction ... I mean how often are those silly weather guys actually RIGHT on their predictions! I guess I'll just wake up and see what's going on. Then Matthew will yell at me and tell me to stay put .... and I most likely will until after it's been cleared. I hate ice! I hate winter! I'm so sick of winter!!!
Well I'm off.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
So it's dark and dreary... I just want to crawl back into bed for the day. Who wouldn't?
Well, it's been a fairly exciting weekend. Matthew and I decided on paint for the baby's room. It's a beautiful shade of green from Lowes. Here's the web version I found on the company website.
Picking the paint was harder than I thought it would be. We went to Home Depot first but they were rather expensive and we really didn't find that perfect shade. When we went to Lowes, this shade jumped out quickly and we agreed on it instantly. (Surprisingly). The web doesn't do it justice, it's actually a beautiful shade of green but you get the idea with it being there! I can't wait until we can buy it and paint the room. We were shocked that Lowes gave us an estimated price of less than half of what Home Depot told us. Apparently, we were going to need several coats of the paint we found at Home Depot costing about $100 by the time everything was done. At Lowes, we found a great shade in a one-coat brand and it's only $24. MUCH better price!!!!

So now we just need to wait until payday to buy the paint - most likely this weekend. The room needs to be painted prior to the baby shower because once we bring all our wonderful gifts home, I want to just have them ready to set up and not have to find places to put them for now. That's the plan anyways! I think it'll be accomplished. It won't take Matt long to paint the room - most of the things that needed moved out have been moved and what's left is not hard to move to another location. We'll probably enlist a few friends to help in the job which will make it go much quicker. I'm thankful we've got great friends and neighbors!
The Superbowl is slowly creeping up on us. I'm hoping we win big on some football pools - money is always a good thing! Our Ultrasound is next week as well, I've been really looking forward to it! I can't wait to go! Exactly one week from today We'll be in Monroeville getting our first real glimpse of the precious baby. Ah so many things to do!
Matthew and I have been spending a lot of time at Washington Hospital for baby care classes. They've proven quite useful as we've learned a lot from our attendance. Unfortunatly, it also means I want more expensive things for the baby... I mean who doesn't want more expensive things!
After taking the breastfeeding class, I have determined and set myself a goal of purchasing a Medela Pump In Style from the Hospital (They have the best price - I've checked around). It's $265 After taxes, but totally worth it! Last night during my class I met with a lot of moms who told me it's the best one on the market for what I need it for (Going back to work) because the cheap ones from Walmart only work if you use it "occassionally" not every day like I'll have to do when I return to work full time. In the long run the $300 item is still cheaper than buying formula - by a loooooooooooooooooong shot! On Average the formula we priced is about $30 a can/bottle (Depending on brand/size/etc). I'm sure I'd go through more than eight cans in the time she'd be feeding so the pump just paid for itself!
Plus nursing is so much better for me and the baby. It'll even help me lose the weight - because I really want to lose the weight I've gained (Not that it's been much but still...) it may even help me lose more than I've gained which would totally rock! The hospital also offers a support group which our class sat in on last night. I really enjoyed it and think I'll be joining after Arabella's born. It's only once a month and it will give her a chance to socialize and me to learn more as we're going through the process.
I've also discovered a baby and me class at the Wellness Center I think I'll try to do as well. It's also once a month and provides even more knowledge and learning - plus it gives me a chance to find playmates for Arabella! I already made one friend in the support group last night who I discovered lived about 2 streets away from us. She's about the same age and her daughter is only 3 months old!
Well it's about that time. I must go for now. I swear I'll write again this week (maybe).
Friday, January 25, 2008
Horray! It's Friday!
Wow, it felt like this day would never come. This has been quite an insane week for me and Matthew with baby things and work things and just THINGS.
On Monday we had part 1 of a 2 part class on breastfeeding from 7-9pm (after working all day). Tuesday, I had an awards luncheon at work, Wednesday we had part 1 of 5 on child preparation (Basically the lamaze stuff) from 7-9 (every wednesday for the next month), Thursday I had a doctors appointment in the morning. UGH! Now I need a rest - but no - No rest for me! Tonight Matthew and I are going to pick out paint and shelving for the baby room, among some other random shopping that needs done.
I'm exhausted! Seriously!!! Life is just NUTS right now. But that's to be expected. This weekend isn't much better as tomorrow Matthew has a hair appointment and I've got a meeting with some people at Waynesburg Southpointe to check out what I"m in for when I'm ready to go back to school this fall. Then as of last night, Matthew decided he wants to rearrange our bedroom (ha, like I'm moving anything)! so that' smore things to do this weekend (ah well it's a good excuse to really CLEAN the bedroom).
The baby's room is coming along - slowly - but we're getting there. It's ready for painting now (just gotta move stuff out of the room) and then my mom is working on some pretty curtains for the room then we'll be all set before the shower so I can actually put stuff away after the shower!
If anyone's been paying attention, I made some changes to my registry (nothing major) just added a few things and I took off a few things. At the time when I made the registry we were still going back and forth in our minds between nursing and formula but I think after our class on Monday we've made up our minds about nursing for many reasons - better for me, baby and certainly our wallets!!!!
The one thing that sticks out in my mind about the class was when the lady was talking about the cost difference and how much formula really does cost... we're built with free formula... why add extra cost to an already expensive thing! Now if we could only find a way to get free diapers - we'll be set LOL!
Well, time to get some things done. I'm so ready for a nap - a nice long nap! I can't even sleep in tomorrow UGH! When will this end (oh it's not going to end).... Ha. One day I will be normal again and be able to wear my rings - i miss my rings... and tie my shoes without having to sit down .... and just wear most of my clothes again (I have been lucky for the most part... wardrobe just got SMALLER in quantity....)... but alas.... one day.
On Monday we had part 1 of a 2 part class on breastfeeding from 7-9pm (after working all day). Tuesday, I had an awards luncheon at work, Wednesday we had part 1 of 5 on child preparation (Basically the lamaze stuff) from 7-9 (every wednesday for the next month), Thursday I had a doctors appointment in the morning. UGH! Now I need a rest - but no - No rest for me! Tonight Matthew and I are going to pick out paint and shelving for the baby room, among some other random shopping that needs done.
I'm exhausted! Seriously!!! Life is just NUTS right now. But that's to be expected. This weekend isn't much better as tomorrow Matthew has a hair appointment and I've got a meeting with some people at Waynesburg Southpointe to check out what I"m in for when I'm ready to go back to school this fall. Then as of last night, Matthew decided he wants to rearrange our bedroom (ha, like I'm moving anything)! so that' smore things to do this weekend (ah well it's a good excuse to really CLEAN the bedroom).
The baby's room is coming along - slowly - but we're getting there. It's ready for painting now (just gotta move stuff out of the room) and then my mom is working on some pretty curtains for the room then we'll be all set before the shower so I can actually put stuff away after the shower!
If anyone's been paying attention, I made some changes to my registry (nothing major) just added a few things and I took off a few things. At the time when I made the registry we were still going back and forth in our minds between nursing and formula but I think after our class on Monday we've made up our minds about nursing for many reasons - better for me, baby and certainly our wallets!!!!
The one thing that sticks out in my mind about the class was when the lady was talking about the cost difference and how much formula really does cost... we're built with free formula... why add extra cost to an already expensive thing! Now if we could only find a way to get free diapers - we'll be set LOL!
Well, time to get some things done. I'm so ready for a nap - a nice long nap! I can't even sleep in tomorrow UGH! When will this end (oh it's not going to end).... Ha. One day I will be normal again and be able to wear my rings - i miss my rings... and tie my shoes without having to sit down .... and just wear most of my clothes again (I have been lucky for the most part... wardrobe just got SMALLER in quantity....)... but alas.... one day.
Monday, January 21, 2008
I Hate Frigid Weather!!!
It finally feels like winter (and Friday it looked like Christmas) and it's freakin COLD. My office building is rather quiet today since at least 1/3 of the offices are off today for MLK day but there's still a variety of offices here working as usual. Ah well!
So it's cold! I mean really freakin cold! I hate this weather. It makes my whole body just hurt ... :( as if I don't already have enough random feelings.... UGH! It's gonna be coooooooooooooooold all week long too... :(
UGH! Anyways, I'm sitting here waiting on my lunch. I ordered from my favorite pizza place in moon. They have such yummy food. It's far too cold to go out to eat anywhere! I don't want to leave the building until I go home tonight. BRRRRRRR....
It's going to be such a busy week for me. Tonight I have a baby class, tomorrow is my awards banquet (or something) at work, Wednesday Matthew and I have another baby class and I have a proposal due at work, Thursday morning I have a doctors appointment and then Saturday I'm going to meet with people from Waynesburg. What a week!!! I guess I won't be accomplishing a whole lot this week!
Yesterday Matthew, Leeanne and I went shopping at Michaels as they had a very nice scrapbooking sale. Good stuff! I was quite happy with what I bought. I can't wait to start using it (when I have a moment to actually do something). Matthew and I also worked on the baby's room more last night. The bookshelves are now out of the room along with some other things and it's almost to the point we're ready to paint. We're getting there.
We've decided to help with some of the random things we've got in the room, We're going to build a storage unit (or some shelving) above part of my desk to elimiate all the bins around the floor. We have nice high walls that will allow us to put a lot of things up the wall and get it off the floor. I've got Matthew on a building frenzy for things I want/need to help get everything organized!
I want shelves up the wall (or some kind of storage unit thing). so that I can get all my scrapbooking things into some storage boxes (the nice storage boxes and baskets) and organized on the wall. This will take them out of the bins on the floor and into a more useful place. I also want a bookshelf to house all of my writing books since I'll be going back to school (again) soon and that's the most logical place to put something like that!
The next thing I want is some shelving high up on the walls (out of little hands reach) to put some decorative items I've collected over the years for Arabella to look at in her room (but high enough to be out of reach).
Our next plan of attack is taking the empty bins that now holds all my random stuff and putting them in the closet for storage of baby things. My clothes are coming out of that closet and back into the room to make room for all of Arabella's lovely things. That's at least the game plan - hopefully it works.
Regardless we are making process in the room - slowly - but we're getting there. I'm hoping we get a lot further in the coming weeks. The game plan is to be panting by Feb. At this point, it's completely doable since the room for the most part is clean. Most of what's left to do is moving bulky items that I just can't move so Matt and probably our neighbor John will have to move them along.
Well my lunch has arrived and I'm hungry! Yum Cheeseburger Hoagie!
So it's cold! I mean really freakin cold! I hate this weather. It makes my whole body just hurt ... :( as if I don't already have enough random feelings.... UGH! It's gonna be coooooooooooooooold all week long too... :(
UGH! Anyways, I'm sitting here waiting on my lunch. I ordered from my favorite pizza place in moon. They have such yummy food. It's far too cold to go out to eat anywhere! I don't want to leave the building until I go home tonight. BRRRRRRR....
It's going to be such a busy week for me. Tonight I have a baby class, tomorrow is my awards banquet (or something) at work, Wednesday Matthew and I have another baby class and I have a proposal due at work, Thursday morning I have a doctors appointment and then Saturday I'm going to meet with people from Waynesburg. What a week!!! I guess I won't be accomplishing a whole lot this week!
Yesterday Matthew, Leeanne and I went shopping at Michaels as they had a very nice scrapbooking sale. Good stuff! I was quite happy with what I bought. I can't wait to start using it (when I have a moment to actually do something). Matthew and I also worked on the baby's room more last night. The bookshelves are now out of the room along with some other things and it's almost to the point we're ready to paint. We're getting there.
We've decided to help with some of the random things we've got in the room, We're going to build a storage unit (or some shelving) above part of my desk to elimiate all the bins around the floor. We have nice high walls that will allow us to put a lot of things up the wall and get it off the floor. I've got Matthew on a building frenzy for things I want/need to help get everything organized!
I want shelves up the wall (or some kind of storage unit thing). so that I can get all my scrapbooking things into some storage boxes (the nice storage boxes and baskets) and organized on the wall. This will take them out of the bins on the floor and into a more useful place. I also want a bookshelf to house all of my writing books since I'll be going back to school (again) soon and that's the most logical place to put something like that!
The next thing I want is some shelving high up on the walls (out of little hands reach) to put some decorative items I've collected over the years for Arabella to look at in her room (but high enough to be out of reach).
Our next plan of attack is taking the empty bins that now holds all my random stuff and putting them in the closet for storage of baby things. My clothes are coming out of that closet and back into the room to make room for all of Arabella's lovely things. That's at least the game plan - hopefully it works.
Regardless we are making process in the room - slowly - but we're getting there. I'm hoping we get a lot further in the coming weeks. The game plan is to be panting by Feb. At this point, it's completely doable since the room for the most part is clean. Most of what's left to do is moving bulky items that I just can't move so Matt and probably our neighbor John will have to move them along.
Well my lunch has arrived and I'm hungry! Yum Cheeseburger Hoagie!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Brrrrrrrrrr I want hot coco
I'm cold! I hate winter! I think the stupid weather is making my hands hurt. The last two days they have been swollen and painful, almost like Arthritis. YUCK!
So it's finally Friday. The weekend outlook is coooooooooooooooold. I've got family coming over tomorrow to help with invitations and favors for the shower. Hopefully we'll get everything done tomorrow and ready to go! That's the plan anyways! I think we will though because we have enough people and that's all that matters.
It's supposed to be frigid this weekend. I think I'm going to stay in the comfort of my nice warm apartment all weekend wrapped up in my Christmas robe and slippers. That's the plan anyways! Since becoming pregnant, I'm like a hermit. I don't want to go anywhere or do anything, just kinda mill around the house. I think it's because most of what I want and love to do I can't really do. I can't really dance because well jumping and spinning probably isn't a good idea (if you've ever watched me dance, you understand what I'm talking about). I can't go bowling (obviously) and this area pretty much blows for alternatives. Matthew and I have caught a few movies in the last few months but who really wants to pay like $8 a person for a movie. I'll wait til it's out on DVD or hits the dollar theatre in Bridgeville.
UGH! Monday starts our child care classes. One on Monday for two weeks and one on Wednesday for four weeks. I'm going to be pretty busy here for the next month - at least on Monday and Wednesdays. Oh well, it's worth it!
I have the sudden urge to want some hot coco. I wish I had some here at work. I did at one point this month, but I drank it somewhere along the line. Oh well, I have a bunch at home so I will have to make a cup later (I'll probably change my mind by then anyways).
I'll be spending my Friday evening cleaning up the house a little before tomorrow when everyone comes over. At least then the cleaning will be done for the most part. The house actually ahsn't been too bad as I've attempted to keep on top of it all week so cleaning isn't so exhausting. That's my plan for after the baby too, but I know it won't be as easy as it is now. I think we'll adjust well though. With our staggered schedules, at least for the most part it shouldn't be too bad of a transition.
So Matthew and I were watching The Apprentice last night and the task they did involved a new Kodak Printer - all in one (Print, Scan, Copy) that has an insanely cheap and effective printer cartridge. After seeing it last night, I was set that I wanted it (we're in need of a new printer anyways). After doing some research, Sams has the really nice model for $99 (It's $199 at Kodak.com). Matthew and I are going to get it probably when we have a few extra bucks. The ink is $10 for black cartridges and $15 for color.... that's insane! The amount you can print is unreal too! You should look it up if you need a new printer! The model we want to get also has a fax machine, which made Matt happy because he's wanted one so we may even turn that portion on. We always need to fax random things here and there. Regardless, the printer portion is just unbelievable! I can't wait until we have some money to go get it! It's perfect!
Ah........... Fridays.... is this day over yet?
So it's finally Friday. The weekend outlook is coooooooooooooooold. I've got family coming over tomorrow to help with invitations and favors for the shower. Hopefully we'll get everything done tomorrow and ready to go! That's the plan anyways! I think we will though because we have enough people and that's all that matters.
It's supposed to be frigid this weekend. I think I'm going to stay in the comfort of my nice warm apartment all weekend wrapped up in my Christmas robe and slippers. That's the plan anyways! Since becoming pregnant, I'm like a hermit. I don't want to go anywhere or do anything, just kinda mill around the house. I think it's because most of what I want and love to do I can't really do. I can't really dance because well jumping and spinning probably isn't a good idea (if you've ever watched me dance, you understand what I'm talking about). I can't go bowling (obviously) and this area pretty much blows for alternatives. Matthew and I have caught a few movies in the last few months but who really wants to pay like $8 a person for a movie. I'll wait til it's out on DVD or hits the dollar theatre in Bridgeville.
UGH! Monday starts our child care classes. One on Monday for two weeks and one on Wednesday for four weeks. I'm going to be pretty busy here for the next month - at least on Monday and Wednesdays. Oh well, it's worth it!
I have the sudden urge to want some hot coco. I wish I had some here at work. I did at one point this month, but I drank it somewhere along the line. Oh well, I have a bunch at home so I will have to make a cup later (I'll probably change my mind by then anyways).
I'll be spending my Friday evening cleaning up the house a little before tomorrow when everyone comes over. At least then the cleaning will be done for the most part. The house actually ahsn't been too bad as I've attempted to keep on top of it all week so cleaning isn't so exhausting. That's my plan for after the baby too, but I know it won't be as easy as it is now. I think we'll adjust well though. With our staggered schedules, at least for the most part it shouldn't be too bad of a transition.
So Matthew and I were watching The Apprentice last night and the task they did involved a new Kodak Printer - all in one (Print, Scan, Copy) that has an insanely cheap and effective printer cartridge. After seeing it last night, I was set that I wanted it (we're in need of a new printer anyways). After doing some research, Sams has the really nice model for $99 (It's $199 at Kodak.com). Matthew and I are going to get it probably when we have a few extra bucks. The ink is $10 for black cartridges and $15 for color.... that's insane! The amount you can print is unreal too! You should look it up if you need a new printer! The model we want to get also has a fax machine, which made Matt happy because he's wanted one so we may even turn that portion on. We always need to fax random things here and there. Regardless, the printer portion is just unbelievable! I can't wait until we have some money to go get it! It's perfect!
Ah........... Fridays.... is this day over yet?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Yeah .... School :)
Ah what a week. I've actually had a productive week. I began looking into where I shall be returning to school this fall! I can't wait. I think I just want to be a professional student for the rest of my life - it's what it seems like anyways!
I think I've narrowed it down to two choices but in reality I think it'll be one. I found two degrees - MBA - Marketing and Masters in Multimedia. The MBA is at Waynesburg (Back to the Burg) and the Multimedia is at Cal. I like the multimedia degree but it focuses more on web than print and I'm a print kind of person (and so is my job) so I think ultimatly I'll end up at Waynesburg. Ironically, Waynesburg is actually CHEAPER than going to Cal! I can take the classes at SouthPointe on Saturday mornings - which is my plan. Matthew can watch the baby while I'm at class so it will make life easy. I'm not even thinking about night classes. Too much insanity with work, then baby, then school. Saturday mornings work just fine for me.
I'm in the process of setting up an appointment to go to SouthPointe and meet with the people from Waynesburgh probably within the next month. I want to do it before the baby comes as I'm trying to do anything I can before the baby comes to make my life easier later. In July I will be eligible for Education Reimbursement through JMT and I have to write a proposal for the approval. At this point, draft one is already complete and then throughout the next few months I can update the information as necessary, but the overall portion of the proposal is done - the hard part anyways! So that's out of the way, woo hoo!
I actually applied to Waynesburg online yesterday. I forgot how much fun filling out the stupid form was going to be. Oh well, it's done now I just need to send down my transcripts and it'll be official. I'm sure I'll be accepted. I have great grades coming from Chatham - not to mention I'm a former alum. I'm sure everything will be fine and dandy, but it is exciting.
Matthew and I have talked about me going back to school for a while now (even before the baby). My intentions were to enroll this fall after taking a year off to relax - then go back to the grind. We both realize in theory another degree means more opportunities and in the long run - more money for our family. I think an MBA will be a very useful degree all around because of the potential to do so much with the education. I actually like college (Yes I said that). I hated high school but I do enjoy college - especially now when I can really appreciate what the degrees mean to me and my family.
Well it's about that time now.... until later.
I think I've narrowed it down to two choices but in reality I think it'll be one. I found two degrees - MBA - Marketing and Masters in Multimedia. The MBA is at Waynesburg (Back to the Burg) and the Multimedia is at Cal. I like the multimedia degree but it focuses more on web than print and I'm a print kind of person (and so is my job) so I think ultimatly I'll end up at Waynesburg. Ironically, Waynesburg is actually CHEAPER than going to Cal! I can take the classes at SouthPointe on Saturday mornings - which is my plan. Matthew can watch the baby while I'm at class so it will make life easy. I'm not even thinking about night classes. Too much insanity with work, then baby, then school. Saturday mornings work just fine for me.
I'm in the process of setting up an appointment to go to SouthPointe and meet with the people from Waynesburgh probably within the next month. I want to do it before the baby comes as I'm trying to do anything I can before the baby comes to make my life easier later. In July I will be eligible for Education Reimbursement through JMT and I have to write a proposal for the approval. At this point, draft one is already complete and then throughout the next few months I can update the information as necessary, but the overall portion of the proposal is done - the hard part anyways! So that's out of the way, woo hoo!
I actually applied to Waynesburg online yesterday. I forgot how much fun filling out the stupid form was going to be. Oh well, it's done now I just need to send down my transcripts and it'll be official. I'm sure I'll be accepted. I have great grades coming from Chatham - not to mention I'm a former alum. I'm sure everything will be fine and dandy, but it is exciting.
Matthew and I have talked about me going back to school for a while now (even before the baby). My intentions were to enroll this fall after taking a year off to relax - then go back to the grind. We both realize in theory another degree means more opportunities and in the long run - more money for our family. I think an MBA will be a very useful degree all around because of the potential to do so much with the education. I actually like college (Yes I said that). I hated high school but I do enjoy college - especially now when I can really appreciate what the degrees mean to me and my family.
Well it's about that time now.... until later.
Monday, January 14, 2008
It's Snowing!!!
Ah snow! It's so pretty to watch as it falls out the window! Thankfully it's not really laying on the roads or cars, just on the ground so it's pretty outside! I have the sudden urge to want to go outside and build a snowman!!
Ah winter. So cold! I dislike the cold weather but surprisingly I haven't really complained at all this season about Matthew keeping it too cold in the house. We've been relativly comfy so far. Normally he sets the thermostat so low I could see my breath when I talk (not literally) but you get the point.
So the weekend was a blur. We did accomplish a few tasks but I felt icky most of the weekend. Eh, it happens! Just one of those weekends. My mother and I went ribbon and embellishment shopping. Of course taking me into any arts and craft store is a bad idea because I just end up buying things for my scrapbook (which I did). Ah well.
So the big show of the season was announced today and of course it's Kenny at Heniz Field (I can just IMAGINE what these tickets are going to cost) and .. yes I plan on being there somehow some way!
They haven't officially announced the supporting acts but my fingers and I found a few rumored acts online (actually they're on kennychesney.com, I just don't know which ones are for the Pittsburgh show. It's supposed to be
Keith Urban
Gary Allen
Leanne Rimes
on all dates
Then these artists are playing some shows:
Brooks and Dunn
Big and Rich
Luke Bryan
Sammy Hagar ???????? - Where did that one come from?????
I'm content with any of the above!!!! :) I've actually never seen Leanne Rimes live so I'd really like to see her. I'd totally love to see Big and Rich and Luke Bryan be on the Pittsburgh show that way Brooks and Dunn comes through on their own. :) Getting more bang for the summer!
I also think I've surfaced what should be the country line up for Star Lake too .... it looks to be
Tim McGraw and Jason Aldean
Toby Keith and Montgomery Gentry - Buying me some good seats for that one!!!!
Brooks and Dunn - if we get them with Kenny, I doubt they'll come back through the area.
Brad Paisley (no supporting act found)
Rascal Flatts with Taylor Swift
Martina McBride - Possibly? Not sure on this one...
Yeah I know, I scare myself sometimes!!!! Where do I find this stuff? I'm not telling... just my little resources for concert info before most people even have a clue! I could be wrong though, but I'm sure at least most of that is right!
So as usual, I'll be spending some time at shows. I think I'm skipping Rascal Flatts this year. The last two years have been a drag so I don't look for anything different and that's money I'm not spending (unless I get free tickets... then I just don't care). I will most definatly be hitting Toby/MG. Two of my favorites might actually spring for some decent seats for that show. Otherwise, I'll be in the lawn like normal. Cheap seats but fun times! Hopefully I'll have a good season of free tickets again. I bought the stupid package last year and ended up selling more than I used because I kept getting free tickets. Not making that mistake again! I'll just buy them as they go, plus when they run deals on tickets that aren't selling I'm better off in the long run anyways!
It seems like it's been ages since I've been to a show.... wait it has been ages since I've been to a show. I think I'm starting to have withdrawl. For anyone that knows me, it's unusual for me to go more than a month or two without finding some kind of live music to go see. UGH! I need to hit a show soon!!!! I've been told concerts are my drugs.... much like drugs, they are addictive and EXPENSIVE!!!! LOL At least if I have to have a bad habit, in reality it's really not so bad (just on my wallet) but I don't mind.
Ah it's snowing again! It looks like a blizzard outside but I think it's just the way the snow is blowing around. It looks fun though! I can't wait to take Arabella out and play in the snow (obviously a year or two from now!!!)! I'm sure it'll be fun! Everything is going to be fun!
Ah winter. So cold! I dislike the cold weather but surprisingly I haven't really complained at all this season about Matthew keeping it too cold in the house. We've been relativly comfy so far. Normally he sets the thermostat so low I could see my breath when I talk (not literally) but you get the point.
So the weekend was a blur. We did accomplish a few tasks but I felt icky most of the weekend. Eh, it happens! Just one of those weekends. My mother and I went ribbon and embellishment shopping. Of course taking me into any arts and craft store is a bad idea because I just end up buying things for my scrapbook (which I did). Ah well.
So the big show of the season was announced today and of course it's Kenny at Heniz Field (I can just IMAGINE what these tickets are going to cost) and .. yes I plan on being there somehow some way!
They haven't officially announced the supporting acts but my fingers and I found a few rumored acts online (actually they're on kennychesney.com, I just don't know which ones are for the Pittsburgh show. It's supposed to be
Keith Urban
Gary Allen
Leanne Rimes
on all dates
Then these artists are playing some shows:
Brooks and Dunn
Big and Rich
Luke Bryan
Sammy Hagar ???????? - Where did that one come from?????
I'm content with any of the above!!!! :) I've actually never seen Leanne Rimes live so I'd really like to see her. I'd totally love to see Big and Rich and Luke Bryan be on the Pittsburgh show that way Brooks and Dunn comes through on their own. :) Getting more bang for the summer!
I also think I've surfaced what should be the country line up for Star Lake too .... it looks to be
Tim McGraw and Jason Aldean
Toby Keith and Montgomery Gentry - Buying me some good seats for that one!!!!
Brooks and Dunn - if we get them with Kenny, I doubt they'll come back through the area.
Brad Paisley (no supporting act found)
Rascal Flatts with Taylor Swift
Martina McBride - Possibly? Not sure on this one...
Yeah I know, I scare myself sometimes!!!! Where do I find this stuff? I'm not telling... just my little resources for concert info before most people even have a clue! I could be wrong though, but I'm sure at least most of that is right!
So as usual, I'll be spending some time at shows. I think I'm skipping Rascal Flatts this year. The last two years have been a drag so I don't look for anything different and that's money I'm not spending (unless I get free tickets... then I just don't care). I will most definatly be hitting Toby/MG. Two of my favorites might actually spring for some decent seats for that show. Otherwise, I'll be in the lawn like normal. Cheap seats but fun times! Hopefully I'll have a good season of free tickets again. I bought the stupid package last year and ended up selling more than I used because I kept getting free tickets. Not making that mistake again! I'll just buy them as they go, plus when they run deals on tickets that aren't selling I'm better off in the long run anyways!
It seems like it's been ages since I've been to a show.... wait it has been ages since I've been to a show. I think I'm starting to have withdrawl. For anyone that knows me, it's unusual for me to go more than a month or two without finding some kind of live music to go see. UGH! I need to hit a show soon!!!! I've been told concerts are my drugs.... much like drugs, they are addictive and EXPENSIVE!!!! LOL At least if I have to have a bad habit, in reality it's really not so bad (just on my wallet) but I don't mind.
Ah it's snowing again! It looks like a blizzard outside but I think it's just the way the snow is blowing around. It looks fun though! I can't wait to take Arabella out and play in the snow (obviously a year or two from now!!!)! I'm sure it'll be fun! Everything is going to be fun!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Horray for Friday!!!
Horray for Friday! I thought you would never come! Hopefully the day flies by as I'm wanting to curl up at home all weekend in my nice warm house (as it is to be very cold this weekend). Unfortunatly I do have some random assorted tasks to accomplish in the process and hopefully between Matthew and I we can knock everything off ASAP.
My day started out with a good laugh though. As I was reading through the morning paper, I found a hilarious ZITS Cartoon that I had to find online so I could show Matthew. I couldn't resist posting it here either!! If you know Matthew,
you'll understand why this is funny!! I think it's funny in general though! I also sent it to our favorite piercer, Kathi. I'm sure she'll get a kick out of it as well. I think ZITS is one of my favorite cartoons. So many of the strips remind me of things I've done, said or friends I've had.
I tinkered with my favors last night at home. I think they will come out quite nicely when everything is said and done. I also finished up the invitations (minus embellishments the kids are going to do). Everything is coming along nicely.
My mother and I are going shopping this weekend to find some embellishments for the favors as well. I put the word out to those coming to my favor day because you never know what you can find where .... hopefully we'll have a nice arrangement of embellishments and ribbon from everyone. I can't wait to see!
I finally spent a gift card yesterday someone gave me for my birthday (only took me several months... LOL). Matthew and I needed calendars for the house so I bought three at Barnes and Nobel. One for the fridge and one for over my desk. I was really impressed with the one I found for myself. I bought Matthew a Dragon calendar. I thought it was only fair since our 2007 calendars were Troy Polamalu and cats.... figured I'd let him at least stare at something he liked for the next 12 months.
I bought myself a page-a-day calendar for my desk at work with cat cartoon humor. Some of them are really funny and I think I'll even save a few just for my amusement. I might use them in the scrap book I'm making for Artex. They are very fitting of him! Who knows.. no sense in wasting good embellishments though! The cartoons are black and white so they can be easily colored and the way the dates are on the page, I can easily cut those off as well.
Finally, the wall calendar for my desk is simply gorgeous. I've never seen one like it so I had to buy it. It's a 3-D fairie calendar. The pictures are lovely and very beautiful. I love the calendar. I'm going to hang it over my desk in the baby's room (as it even fits with the decor there as well). I think the calendar is geared for kids, but I don't care. I love it!!! It'll give Arabella something else that is beautiful to look at in the room!!! I may even save it after the year and use the designs to decorate something, who knows!!!
Well time to get things done today!
My day started out with a good laugh though. As I was reading through the morning paper, I found a hilarious ZITS Cartoon that I had to find online so I could show Matthew. I couldn't resist posting it here either!! If you know Matthew,

I tinkered with my favors last night at home. I think they will come out quite nicely when everything is said and done. I also finished up the invitations (minus embellishments the kids are going to do). Everything is coming along nicely.
My mother and I are going shopping this weekend to find some embellishments for the favors as well. I put the word out to those coming to my favor day because you never know what you can find where .... hopefully we'll have a nice arrangement of embellishments and ribbon from everyone. I can't wait to see!
I finally spent a gift card yesterday someone gave me for my birthday (only took me several months... LOL). Matthew and I needed calendars for the house so I bought three at Barnes and Nobel. One for the fridge and one for over my desk. I was really impressed with the one I found for myself. I bought Matthew a Dragon calendar. I thought it was only fair since our 2007 calendars were Troy Polamalu and cats.... figured I'd let him at least stare at something he liked for the next 12 months.
I bought myself a page-a-day calendar for my desk at work with cat cartoon humor. Some of them are really funny and I think I'll even save a few just for my amusement. I might use them in the scrap book I'm making for Artex. They are very fitting of him! Who knows.. no sense in wasting good embellishments though! The cartoons are black and white so they can be easily colored and the way the dates are on the page, I can easily cut those off as well.
Finally, the wall calendar for my desk is simply gorgeous. I've never seen one like it so I had to buy it. It's a 3-D fairie calendar. The pictures are lovely and very beautiful. I love the calendar. I'm going to hang it over my desk in the baby's room (as it even fits with the decor there as well). I think the calendar is geared for kids, but I don't care. I love it!!! It'll give Arabella something else that is beautiful to look at in the room!!! I may even save it after the year and use the designs to decorate something, who knows!!!
Well time to get things done today!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Happy Over The Hump Day
Happy Hump Day! Finally it's wednesday and now we're over the hump. This week is just dragging on and on. It has been a nutty couple of days though.
I finally made a decision on the favors and even grabbed some of the stuff for them yesterday. While I was in Washington, I stopped at Target to blow my $50 in Gift Cards I got as an incentive for filling out my health profile at work. (FREE MONEY). So I bought the two games for my DS that I'd been wanting (Well two of many I've been wanting). Mario Party and Vocabulary Builder. Both very addictive!!!
I didn't get much sleep last night because of the storm. At about 3 this morning it sounded as though someone was shooting paintballs at our house. (YES THAT IS HOW HARD IT WAS RAINING). I made Matthew turn on the TV to attempt to drown it out. We were listening to the political crap so what could possibly be more boring! I still didn't sleep well. It kept waking me so now I'm super tired!
Surprisingly for as nasty as it was last night, it actually looks nice outside. The sun is shining and it's not really cold. I wish I was outside and not stuck indoors. It sucks the weather is going to be icky again. I can't believe the crazy weather we're having.
I keep seeing the insanity that's going on in central states with the tornados, floods, and stuff. Didn't they just get through the Ice Storm not even a month ago! It's devestating!!! It also reminds me of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow". Really makes you think.... That movie was just on too! I mean, it's not exactly the same but unexplainable weather in the wrong season, sounds a lot like what we're getting right now. I mean it's freakin January and most people are walking around without coats on!!!
I just keep hoping we don't have bad weather next month for the baby shower (though that'd be my kind of luck). Keep your fingers crossed for me. Preparations are actually coming along nicely, if we could just get the list of guests finalized. My family is just too huge, plain and simple. I want to invite everyone but I just can't and it sucks! Ah well, we'll get it together sooner or later.
I think I'm stopping to get some Dairy Queen on my way home. I've been wanting a blizzard all day. Perhaps it's a craving, but I know that's what I want on my way home. I don't know what to think though because Ice Cream for me is a norm. I love it and wanting it isn't that unusual.
Well time to take down the Christmas decorations at work. FUN TIMES! I was actually enjoying looking at the pretty purple Christmas tree!
I finally made a decision on the favors and even grabbed some of the stuff for them yesterday. While I was in Washington, I stopped at Target to blow my $50 in Gift Cards I got as an incentive for filling out my health profile at work. (FREE MONEY). So I bought the two games for my DS that I'd been wanting (Well two of many I've been wanting). Mario Party and Vocabulary Builder. Both very addictive!!!
I didn't get much sleep last night because of the storm. At about 3 this morning it sounded as though someone was shooting paintballs at our house. (YES THAT IS HOW HARD IT WAS RAINING). I made Matthew turn on the TV to attempt to drown it out. We were listening to the political crap so what could possibly be more boring! I still didn't sleep well. It kept waking me so now I'm super tired!
Surprisingly for as nasty as it was last night, it actually looks nice outside. The sun is shining and it's not really cold. I wish I was outside and not stuck indoors. It sucks the weather is going to be icky again. I can't believe the crazy weather we're having.
I keep seeing the insanity that's going on in central states with the tornados, floods, and stuff. Didn't they just get through the Ice Storm not even a month ago! It's devestating!!! It also reminds me of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow". Really makes you think.... That movie was just on too! I mean, it's not exactly the same but unexplainable weather in the wrong season, sounds a lot like what we're getting right now. I mean it's freakin January and most people are walking around without coats on!!!
I just keep hoping we don't have bad weather next month for the baby shower (though that'd be my kind of luck). Keep your fingers crossed for me. Preparations are actually coming along nicely, if we could just get the list of guests finalized. My family is just too huge, plain and simple. I want to invite everyone but I just can't and it sucks! Ah well, we'll get it together sooner or later.
I think I'm stopping to get some Dairy Queen on my way home. I've been wanting a blizzard all day. Perhaps it's a craving, but I know that's what I want on my way home. I don't know what to think though because Ice Cream for me is a norm. I love it and wanting it isn't that unusual.
Well time to take down the Christmas decorations at work. FUN TIMES! I was actually enjoying looking at the pretty purple Christmas tree!
Baby Shower,
Dairy Queen,
The Day After Tomorrow,
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Lovely Weather
Oh what lovely weather we have for the middle of winter! Shouldn't it be a whole lot colder outside? These last two days have just been wonderful. I wish it was like this all year! It's not too hot and not too cold, it's just perfect. Too bad it's over after today and it'll be coooooooooold again!
So I've had some productive days this week! I have finally started Arabella's baby book and scrapbooked all of her ultrasound pictures thus far. The book turned out so beautiful! I can't wait until I have more to put it in. Perhaps at some point this week I'll take some picture sof the book and postMatthew and I have started working on the room, it's coming along nicely... it should be ready to paint within a few weeks, if not sooner!
The invitations have been designed and are getting ready to go. I've got kids coming over in the next few weeks to help me put them together (along with some other parts of the shower too). I need to pick up some embellishments between now and when the kids come over to help me out. I'm thrilled I have so many younger cousins who want to work with me on the shower, not to mention Matthew's siblings. I'm so lucky to have great people!
I think I found the perfect party favors this morning, they're a little pricy but I fell in love the moment I saw them. I'm hoping I can work something out to get them because it's utterly perfect and most definatly ME! UGH! So many things to do! I'm hoping to get the showe part under wraps here ASAP so I can get the baby room together even quicker.
So has anyone else been watching the new version of American Gladiators because it's awesome! I have my whole house hooked on watching it. I think it's better than the classic version and the Gladiators are much rougher! They have one male Gladiator called Wolf who is absolutly addictive! He is my favorite part of the show!!! If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth the time to watch it!
So I've been waiting to hear the big concert announcement on Y108 all day. They are apparnetly dragging it out until 5pm today with Stony. I already saw that Carrie Underwood is coming, I'm wondering if that's the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. She's coming next month (which is a little odd to announce so quickly to the date of the show) but who knows.
Matthew laughs at me when I say it, but I think the concert gods hate me. Most know it's unusual for me to go a few months without hitting at least one show of some kind. It seems like ages since I've been to a show. I'm starting to lose it! I miss my concerts! I say the concert gods hate me because within a two month period (Of course my last two months of pregnancy) Everyone I love is coming to the area.... Dolly Parton, Trace Adkins, Bon Jovi and Devildriver.... not to mention Drowning Pool/Saliva and a few other smaller shows I'd really like to go to! It's torture!!!!! Ah well, I've seen everyone minus Dolly on the list before so I will survive until they come back (Oh please let Dolly come back!!!!) but it still sucks!
I will be partaking in concert season though, summer is my time to shine and even though my life will be changing for the better in March, I still want to be the same person. At least I'm lucky and usually accumulate most concert tickets for free.... and pay out the rear for the ones I do buy... so it balances out somewhere along the lines! I learned my lesson last season though! I thought I'd be slick and buy the round up series of country concerts at star lake. Well, I ended up selling more than I used because I ended up with free tickets elsewhere. I won't be doing that again this year! Too much of a hassle to try and sell them at the last minute. Plus there were a few shows I'd have rather bought seats to instead of lawn. Oh well, I had to learn my lesson sometime!
I'm really looking forward to the point when I can start taking Arabella to concerts. Often the country shows at Star Lake offer free tickets to young children when mom/dad buy a ticket. Once she's old enough, I'll take her to every show! Easier than finding a baby sitter, plus it'll be a lot more fun! Once she's older, I'll probably get her seats to a few shows when I can for things she likes. There's nothing like sitting up front for a concert! It's a thrill!!!
Well time to eat and get things done! Enjoy this lovely weather while it lasts!
So I've had some productive days this week! I have finally started Arabella's baby book and scrapbooked all of her ultrasound pictures thus far. The book turned out so beautiful! I can't wait until I have more to put it in. Perhaps at some point this week I'll take some picture sof the book and postMatthew and I have started working on the room, it's coming along nicely... it should be ready to paint within a few weeks, if not sooner!
The invitations have been designed and are getting ready to go. I've got kids coming over in the next few weeks to help me put them together (along with some other parts of the shower too). I need to pick up some embellishments between now and when the kids come over to help me out. I'm thrilled I have so many younger cousins who want to work with me on the shower, not to mention Matthew's siblings. I'm so lucky to have great people!
I think I found the perfect party favors this morning, they're a little pricy but I fell in love the moment I saw them. I'm hoping I can work something out to get them because it's utterly perfect and most definatly ME! UGH! So many things to do! I'm hoping to get the showe part under wraps here ASAP so I can get the baby room together even quicker.
So has anyone else been watching the new version of American Gladiators because it's awesome! I have my whole house hooked on watching it. I think it's better than the classic version and the Gladiators are much rougher! They have one male Gladiator called Wolf who is absolutly addictive! He is my favorite part of the show!!! If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth the time to watch it!
So I've been waiting to hear the big concert announcement on Y108 all day. They are apparnetly dragging it out until 5pm today with Stony. I already saw that Carrie Underwood is coming, I'm wondering if that's the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. She's coming next month (which is a little odd to announce so quickly to the date of the show) but who knows.
Matthew laughs at me when I say it, but I think the concert gods hate me. Most know it's unusual for me to go a few months without hitting at least one show of some kind. It seems like ages since I've been to a show. I'm starting to lose it! I miss my concerts! I say the concert gods hate me because within a two month period (Of course my last two months of pregnancy) Everyone I love is coming to the area.... Dolly Parton, Trace Adkins, Bon Jovi and Devildriver.... not to mention Drowning Pool/Saliva and a few other smaller shows I'd really like to go to! It's torture!!!!! Ah well, I've seen everyone minus Dolly on the list before so I will survive until they come back (Oh please let Dolly come back!!!!) but it still sucks!
I will be partaking in concert season though, summer is my time to shine and even though my life will be changing for the better in March, I still want to be the same person. At least I'm lucky and usually accumulate most concert tickets for free.... and pay out the rear for the ones I do buy... so it balances out somewhere along the lines! I learned my lesson last season though! I thought I'd be slick and buy the round up series of country concerts at star lake. Well, I ended up selling more than I used because I ended up with free tickets elsewhere. I won't be doing that again this year! Too much of a hassle to try and sell them at the last minute. Plus there were a few shows I'd have rather bought seats to instead of lawn. Oh well, I had to learn my lesson sometime!
I'm really looking forward to the point when I can start taking Arabella to concerts. Often the country shows at Star Lake offer free tickets to young children when mom/dad buy a ticket. Once she's old enough, I'll take her to every show! Easier than finding a baby sitter, plus it'll be a lot more fun! Once she's older, I'll probably get her seats to a few shows when I can for things she likes. There's nothing like sitting up front for a concert! It's a thrill!!!
Well time to eat and get things done! Enjoy this lovely weather while it lasts!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Whirlwind Weekend
Ah where to begin! Matthew is finally starting to feel better. There's times he's feeling good but it seems he's still a bit run down from being ill.
Yesterday, Shower preparations really got underway as we started making plans for all the things to be done. We're working on favors (I'm taking suggestions if anyone can think of anything good to give as baby shower favors), the invitations, and a few other bits and pieces. Things are really starting to come together and I'm so glad!
My friend Leeanne and I went shopping on Saturday and I bought a ton of stuff for the baby scrapbook. I've been looking for the scrapbook for quite some time and up until this weekend I couldn't find ANYTHING I liked. I hated most of the traditional baby books I found in Walmart/Joanns/Etc because they were either pink, gaudy and ugly or had way too much junk on the front to really customize and make it my own (which I love to do). Finally at Walmart I found the perfect book, though it's pink it's very me and very customizable.
I choose a pink book with butterflies and flowers. It had a lot of room to work with to really make the book stand out as a unique scrapbook so I'm quite thrilled. Over the weekend I bought a ton of paper and embellishments and really am just ready to go with the book. I'm so excited!
I've also been on the hunt for a journal. At the baby shower, I wanted to do the advice jar, which went over as a great idea but upon chatting at the shower meeting on Saturday the idea of doing it as a journal instead was much better. I could easily loose the pieces of paper from the advice jar after the shower, but a journal book would last forever! I was thrilled with the idea. I've already found embellishments for the cover, the book has been a little more difficult to find. Matthew and I went to about six different stores hunting for a book and the best I found was an art sketch book because it was one of the only BLANK covered books I could find (so I could decorate it on my own). If anyone knows a good place to find a nice blank journal, let me know.... I'm sure I'll find one somewhere. I've got time still, but as a last resort... I'll get the sketch book.
Today has been a bit crazy. After shopping for a bit, I started cleaning up the back room. It's really not that there's a LOT I need to do before Matthew can paint... it's just most of what needs done I need him to do because I can't move it! It's mostly a matter of rearranging now. I've already cleaned for the most part.
Well, back to work I go. I'm sure I'll find some more time this weekend to write.
Yesterday, Shower preparations really got underway as we started making plans for all the things to be done. We're working on favors (I'm taking suggestions if anyone can think of anything good to give as baby shower favors), the invitations, and a few other bits and pieces. Things are really starting to come together and I'm so glad!
My friend Leeanne and I went shopping on Saturday and I bought a ton of stuff for the baby scrapbook. I've been looking for the scrapbook for quite some time and up until this weekend I couldn't find ANYTHING I liked. I hated most of the traditional baby books I found in Walmart/Joanns/Etc because they were either pink, gaudy and ugly or had way too much junk on the front to really customize and make it my own (which I love to do). Finally at Walmart I found the perfect book, though it's pink it's very me and very customizable.
I choose a pink book with butterflies and flowers. It had a lot of room to work with to really make the book stand out as a unique scrapbook so I'm quite thrilled. Over the weekend I bought a ton of paper and embellishments and really am just ready to go with the book. I'm so excited!
I've also been on the hunt for a journal. At the baby shower, I wanted to do the advice jar, which went over as a great idea but upon chatting at the shower meeting on Saturday the idea of doing it as a journal instead was much better. I could easily loose the pieces of paper from the advice jar after the shower, but a journal book would last forever! I was thrilled with the idea. I've already found embellishments for the cover, the book has been a little more difficult to find. Matthew and I went to about six different stores hunting for a book and the best I found was an art sketch book because it was one of the only BLANK covered books I could find (so I could decorate it on my own). If anyone knows a good place to find a nice blank journal, let me know.... I'm sure I'll find one somewhere. I've got time still, but as a last resort... I'll get the sketch book.
Today has been a bit crazy. After shopping for a bit, I started cleaning up the back room. It's really not that there's a LOT I need to do before Matthew can paint... it's just most of what needs done I need him to do because I can't move it! It's mostly a matter of rearranging now. I've already cleaned for the most part.
Well, back to work I go. I'm sure I'll find some more time this weekend to write.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Friday I'm in Love......
Finally, it's Friday! I thought this day would never come. Isn't it funny how the short weeks tend to feel like the longest! UGH!
Matthew is still sick. His fever finally broke but he still feels awful. He did go to work today for the first time since Monday. Not sure if he'll make it through the day. He said he still feels awful. I guess we'll see how things go. My boss was sick the week of Christmas in the same fashion. Gotta love the winter illnesses. I guess it's a really good thing I got a flu shot early in the season. Didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Perhaps I'll get them from now on because I actually enjoy the fact that I'm not sick!
Matthew and I were supposed to go out this evening with his brother and sister-in-law. At this point, I think we're unfortunately going to cancel those plans due to the fact that Matthew's still very sick. The last place he needs to be is a bar, no matter how much I really wanted to go (we were going to Saddle Ridge I think). Oh well, just not meant to be! His health is more important than any night out.
So listening to the Daddy Drag Dash this morning on Y108 was quite a hoot. I really wish I could have been there for it because it was probably hysterical to watch! They made them dress up and put on make up and sing Hannah Montana... Ah the crazy contests people come up with. That concert is tonight, Pittsburgh is going to be a disasterous mess! I can't imagine how completely INSANE it will be at Mellon Arena tonight. Glad I'm not going!
I scheduled my 3D Ultrasound yesterday. I wanted to have it done prior to the baby shower so I'll have all the pictures to display there. It's going to be on February 5th at 11am. I'm so excited! I can't wait!!! It's only a month away. I'm glad I called early, they fill up slots fast. We're going to InSight Imaging. I've heard great things about the place and it seemed to be the best price in the best location. I hope Arabella cooperates with the people and gives us a great view of what we're getting only a few weeks later.
Time sure seems to be flying. I can't believe I'm already into six months. According to my countdown timer on the website, I just crossed over 28 weeks! Can you believe it! It seems like only a month ago I was finally telling people. There's just so many things to do to get ready for Arabella's arrival. I'm hoping to get the baby's room into good shape quickly so Matthew can paint and we can really start to arrange it. I'm sure I'll want to rearrange it at least 20 times between now and then.
Matthew and I watched The Celebrity Apprentice last night on NBC. I was expecting it to be a complete bomb but surprisingly it was a little better than I thought. It started a bit slow but Gene Simmons really made the show with comments and random acts. I hope he stays on, he'll make for great TV. The preview for next week show that he apparently insults Ivaka Trump but no one knows WHAT he said. I can only imagine! Trace didn't really have a big role on the show this week but sometimes that happens. Of course, sometimes it's better to stay out of the spotlight so people don't start wanting you fired! I guess it's just time to wait until next week to see what happens. Hopefully it gets good! Sometimes it takes a week or two to get things rolling!
Well, I have to go do a few things. Happy Friday people!!!
Matthew is still sick. His fever finally broke but he still feels awful. He did go to work today for the first time since Monday. Not sure if he'll make it through the day. He said he still feels awful. I guess we'll see how things go. My boss was sick the week of Christmas in the same fashion. Gotta love the winter illnesses. I guess it's a really good thing I got a flu shot early in the season. Didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Perhaps I'll get them from now on because I actually enjoy the fact that I'm not sick!
Matthew and I were supposed to go out this evening with his brother and sister-in-law. At this point, I think we're unfortunately going to cancel those plans due to the fact that Matthew's still very sick. The last place he needs to be is a bar, no matter how much I really wanted to go (we were going to Saddle Ridge I think). Oh well, just not meant to be! His health is more important than any night out.
So listening to the Daddy Drag Dash this morning on Y108 was quite a hoot. I really wish I could have been there for it because it was probably hysterical to watch! They made them dress up and put on make up and sing Hannah Montana... Ah the crazy contests people come up with. That concert is tonight, Pittsburgh is going to be a disasterous mess! I can't imagine how completely INSANE it will be at Mellon Arena tonight. Glad I'm not going!
I scheduled my 3D Ultrasound yesterday. I wanted to have it done prior to the baby shower so I'll have all the pictures to display there. It's going to be on February 5th at 11am. I'm so excited! I can't wait!!! It's only a month away. I'm glad I called early, they fill up slots fast. We're going to InSight Imaging. I've heard great things about the place and it seemed to be the best price in the best location. I hope Arabella cooperates with the people and gives us a great view of what we're getting only a few weeks later.
Time sure seems to be flying. I can't believe I'm already into six months. According to my countdown timer on the website, I just crossed over 28 weeks! Can you believe it! It seems like only a month ago I was finally telling people. There's just so many things to do to get ready for Arabella's arrival. I'm hoping to get the baby's room into good shape quickly so Matthew can paint and we can really start to arrange it. I'm sure I'll want to rearrange it at least 20 times between now and then.
Matthew and I watched The Celebrity Apprentice last night on NBC. I was expecting it to be a complete bomb but surprisingly it was a little better than I thought. It started a bit slow but Gene Simmons really made the show with comments and random acts. I hope he stays on, he'll make for great TV. The preview for next week show that he apparently insults Ivaka Trump but no one knows WHAT he said. I can only imagine! Trace didn't really have a big role on the show this week but sometimes that happens. Of course, sometimes it's better to stay out of the spotlight so people don't start wanting you fired! I guess it's just time to wait until next week to see what happens. Hopefully it gets good! Sometimes it takes a week or two to get things rolling!
Well, I have to go do a few things. Happy Friday people!!!
3D Ultrasound,
baby room,
Saddle Ridge,
The Celebrity Apprentice,
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Middle Name Announcement
I just spoke to Matthew, he's still very, very ill! I feel so helpless for him too. He takes care of me so much but I can't do much because he doesn't want me to be around him in case he's contagious! AAAAAHHHHHH! It's driving me crazy. His temperature is still high and he still hasn't ate anything. At least fluids for the most part are sitting. I'm worried about him being dehydrated.
After much deliberation, Matthew and I have decided on Arabella's middle name and that will be Celeste. It was one of the early first names we came up with but I liked it much more as a middle name. Celeste comes from the Latin origin and means Heavenly. So we have a beautiful heavenly lion. Quite perfect! I'm so thrilled!
I've been listening to Y108 all day. Tomorrow should be quite interesting with the Daddy in Drag Dash at the Robinson Mall. I wish I didn't have to work so I could go and watch the fiasco taking place. For those unfamiliar, Y108 is putting fathers in Hannah Montana drag (heels, skirt, wig, etc) to race through an obstacle course at the Robinson Mall for Hannah Montana tickets. Should be quite a sight! People are desperate for the tickets, paying hundreds of dollars for them online. Kiss gave a pair away this morning with a meet and greet with the artists to caller 10,000! I feel sorry for the person sitting in the studio answering the phone all day to get to caller 10,000. They must have done a good job though because they started at 6am and by 10am they were around caller 6,000 and something.
It makes me think of the future Matthew and I will have and the crazy trips I'll be sending him on to find random hot toys for holidays. I remember when my parents went crazy for things like Furbies and the My Little Pony dream house when I was younger. I don't know what kind of toys Arabella will be crazy for, but I'm sure at some point we'll be on the rampage to find some stupid item! At least Matthew and I are fairly resourceful and hopefully won't struggle too much. I've heard the stories from people I work with hunting down things like Transformer Masks and other hot toys from this year. I hope I don't disappoint her ever!
Speaking of Arabella, she must be on a party fix today because she's been overly active. It seems some days she' s more active than others. Today is an over active day as she's been kicking me since 6am! Her kicks are continuing to get more and more powerful. For a while I could only feel them from the inside, but Matthew and Artex have started feeling them more and more. It sometimes scares Artex if he's laying on me and she gives a good, hearty kick. Perhaps they're playing before they even meet.
Well that's about all for the day. Until later.
After much deliberation, Matthew and I have decided on Arabella's middle name and that will be Celeste. It was one of the early first names we came up with but I liked it much more as a middle name. Celeste comes from the Latin origin and means Heavenly. So we have a beautiful heavenly lion. Quite perfect! I'm so thrilled!
I've been listening to Y108 all day. Tomorrow should be quite interesting with the Daddy in Drag Dash at the Robinson Mall. I wish I didn't have to work so I could go and watch the fiasco taking place. For those unfamiliar, Y108 is putting fathers in Hannah Montana drag (heels, skirt, wig, etc) to race through an obstacle course at the Robinson Mall for Hannah Montana tickets. Should be quite a sight! People are desperate for the tickets, paying hundreds of dollars for them online. Kiss gave a pair away this morning with a meet and greet with the artists to caller 10,000! I feel sorry for the person sitting in the studio answering the phone all day to get to caller 10,000. They must have done a good job though because they started at 6am and by 10am they were around caller 6,000 and something.
It makes me think of the future Matthew and I will have and the crazy trips I'll be sending him on to find random hot toys for holidays. I remember when my parents went crazy for things like Furbies and the My Little Pony dream house when I was younger. I don't know what kind of toys Arabella will be crazy for, but I'm sure at some point we'll be on the rampage to find some stupid item! At least Matthew and I are fairly resourceful and hopefully won't struggle too much. I've heard the stories from people I work with hunting down things like Transformer Masks and other hot toys from this year. I hope I don't disappoint her ever!
Speaking of Arabella, she must be on a party fix today because she's been overly active. It seems some days she' s more active than others. Today is an over active day as she's been kicking me since 6am! Her kicks are continuing to get more and more powerful. For a while I could only feel them from the inside, but Matthew and Artex have started feeling them more and more. It sometimes scares Artex if he's laying on me and she gives a good, hearty kick. Perhaps they're playing before they even meet.
Well that's about all for the day. Until later.
Hannah Montana,
My Little Ponies,
Thursday Already!
Wow! It's hard to believe this week is almost over! It seems to just have flown by in warped speed! Last night was a waste of an evening. Matthew is very, very sick. I think he has the flu! He's had a temperature all day and can't keep anything down. I feel so bad for him. I tried to be as helpful as I could last night while avoiding him in hopes to not catch whatever he has if it's contagious! The poor guy's just miserable! He was doing a little better this morning, but not much. He still has a fever and doesn't feel well. Hopefully if he gets up and moving he might start to feel a little better. There's not much you can do when you're sick. Thankfully I haven't had any problems so far (knock on wood) and hopefully it'll stay that way.
So this week has started the season of reality programming. I don't mind, I actually like some of them. Tuesday I watched the premier of The Biggest Loser. It wasn't bad but I don't like the couple's and no team thing. We'll see how it plays out over the course of the week. Last night The Power of Ten and Deal or No Deal returned. They weren't too bad for first shows of the season.
Tonight is the Apprentice. I've been looking forward to it for months! Trace Adkins is on the show so it should prove to be something interesting. It's also featuring Gene Simmons... need I say more? Hopefully it doesn't bomb! The critics are expecting it to be really bad, but I think it'll be kind of funny!
Tomorrow 1 vs 100 returns. Matthew loved that show! I swear he needs to go on one of those trivia shows. He knows so much stupid random knowledge. We sit and watch them and he usually knows all the answers. Some of it is just plain scary too! I heard that the Brain Bus for Jeopardy is coming to the area, perhaps I'll make Matthew go try out for the show. I think he'd do well. It's all in the luck of the categories. Rumor has it they are keeping the show Duel that was on over the Christmas holiday. We loved it so I'm hoping they keep it. If they do I think I'll get him to sign up for that because I know he'd really kick butt in it! If you didn't watch the week long experience. It was a very interesting and unique trivia show! I totally loved it! We were hooked from day one!
Only a few more days until the first playoff game. I'm kinda bummed we can't go. If it wasn't for the baby, Matthew and I would have tried like crazy to find tickets for the game (And knowing me I would have came up with a few). Oh well, just wasn't meant to be. I'm sure they are extremely expensive too! I wouldn't care though, it's the experience that matters most!
I can't wait until our baby is old enough to start going to major events and things. We're planning to show her everything we can. Museums, Movies, Theatre, Travel, anything and everything we can get our hands on! Of course Monster Trucks, Wrestling and sports will also be high in the list of experiences as well!
I know Matthew can't wait until she's old enough to play trivia games. It'll be a constant battle to see how long before she can actually beat him! I know he'll love every minute of it too! Thankfully my love for board games, we have a nice selection (though I'm sure we'll have to add many many more) to start with. We have a lot of trivia games too so I'm sure he'll have a lot of fuel to start trivia training with little Arabella.
My house is still in a bit of disarray from the holidays. We've got all the decorations downstairs and put away but unfortunately I haven't done anything else with the apartment. I'm not even sure when I will drag the other decorations for normal use out of the basement. It could be weeks. Between now and then I may raid Michael's or Walmart for some new goodies. I always want new goodies!!!
I had a great idea while we were putting up Christmas decorations this year to have Matthew put nails around the archways of our doors so I can buy different garlands for different times of the year and put around there so I need to get some now. I'm not sure what I want to put there but I'll know it when I see it!
Well it's about time to go to work. Later.
So this week has started the season of reality programming. I don't mind, I actually like some of them. Tuesday I watched the premier of The Biggest Loser. It wasn't bad but I don't like the couple's and no team thing. We'll see how it plays out over the course of the week. Last night The Power of Ten and Deal or No Deal returned. They weren't too bad for first shows of the season.
Tonight is the Apprentice. I've been looking forward to it for months! Trace Adkins is on the show so it should prove to be something interesting. It's also featuring Gene Simmons... need I say more? Hopefully it doesn't bomb! The critics are expecting it to be really bad, but I think it'll be kind of funny!
Tomorrow 1 vs 100 returns. Matthew loved that show! I swear he needs to go on one of those trivia shows. He knows so much stupid random knowledge. We sit and watch them and he usually knows all the answers. Some of it is just plain scary too! I heard that the Brain Bus for Jeopardy is coming to the area, perhaps I'll make Matthew go try out for the show. I think he'd do well. It's all in the luck of the categories. Rumor has it they are keeping the show Duel that was on over the Christmas holiday. We loved it so I'm hoping they keep it. If they do I think I'll get him to sign up for that because I know he'd really kick butt in it! If you didn't watch the week long experience. It was a very interesting and unique trivia show! I totally loved it! We were hooked from day one!
Only a few more days until the first playoff game. I'm kinda bummed we can't go. If it wasn't for the baby, Matthew and I would have tried like crazy to find tickets for the game (And knowing me I would have came up with a few). Oh well, just wasn't meant to be. I'm sure they are extremely expensive too! I wouldn't care though, it's the experience that matters most!
I can't wait until our baby is old enough to start going to major events and things. We're planning to show her everything we can. Museums, Movies, Theatre, Travel, anything and everything we can get our hands on! Of course Monster Trucks, Wrestling and sports will also be high in the list of experiences as well!
I know Matthew can't wait until she's old enough to play trivia games. It'll be a constant battle to see how long before she can actually beat him! I know he'll love every minute of it too! Thankfully my love for board games, we have a nice selection (though I'm sure we'll have to add many many more) to start with. We have a lot of trivia games too so I'm sure he'll have a lot of fuel to start trivia training with little Arabella.
My house is still in a bit of disarray from the holidays. We've got all the decorations downstairs and put away but unfortunately I haven't done anything else with the apartment. I'm not even sure when I will drag the other decorations for normal use out of the basement. It could be weeks. Between now and then I may raid Michael's or Walmart for some new goodies. I always want new goodies!!!
I had a great idea while we were putting up Christmas decorations this year to have Matthew put nails around the archways of our doors so I can buy different garlands for different times of the year and put around there so I need to get some now. I'm not sure what I want to put there but I'll know it when I see it!
Well it's about time to go to work. Later.
1 vs 100,
Deal or No Deal,
The Celebrity Apprentice
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Welcome to the New Year
Wow day two of a whole new year. It doesn't even seem any different. I think I out grew the thrill of a party on New Years. Last year I didn't even drink, this year I barely even made it to midnight (and passed out shortly there after). There was a party of sorts going on at the house, but I spent the evening with a friend watching movies downstairs. I just wasn't in a party mood.
I spent most of the weekend attempting to get random tasks done. I worked on the baby's room to get it cleaned and organized. I'm mostly through it at this point. I want to get it together so Matt can finally paint it in the near future then I'll really get it ready.
Yesterday we took down our Christmas decorations. I wanted to do it while Matt was home to help me. It made the process much easier. Plus I have a busy weekend ahead of me so I didn't want to do it this weekend. Last night we stopped at Walmart and even added a few more things to the Christmas decorations for next year since everything was 75% off. We bought a new pre-lit tree and I finally got a real skirt for the tree (not the dollar store one I had for the last two years). I also picked up some lighted garland and a few ornaments/decorations. For the price, why not! I was so happy to get my tree skirt. I wanted one so badly but couldn't justify the price of some of the nicer ones. I had it in my mind I was getting one after Christmas. We were actually at Walmart a few days earlier and they were 50% off, but it was still a $15 item. When we returned last night, it was $6. I'll take it at that price! It's red and ruffly! I totally love it!
I went back to work today after enjoying a nice four day weekend (I seriously could have used a few more days off though)! At least it's a short week now. Life is getting back to normal in the office as most of the office has returned from the holiday season. I'm sure work will be picking up in the next few days as well.
I found out today that I'll be missing my corporate marketing meeting in Baltimore. I'm actually kinda bummed about not being able to go but it's Feb. 27 and that's way to close to my due date to be traveling across the state during winter. Too many "what ifs" that it's just better for me to miss this meeting unfortunately. Oh well, there's always next year!
Well, back to work for the time being. Happy New Year!
I spent most of the weekend attempting to get random tasks done. I worked on the baby's room to get it cleaned and organized. I'm mostly through it at this point. I want to get it together so Matt can finally paint it in the near future then I'll really get it ready.
Yesterday we took down our Christmas decorations. I wanted to do it while Matt was home to help me. It made the process much easier. Plus I have a busy weekend ahead of me so I didn't want to do it this weekend. Last night we stopped at Walmart and even added a few more things to the Christmas decorations for next year since everything was 75% off. We bought a new pre-lit tree and I finally got a real skirt for the tree (not the dollar store one I had for the last two years). I also picked up some lighted garland and a few ornaments/decorations. For the price, why not! I was so happy to get my tree skirt. I wanted one so badly but couldn't justify the price of some of the nicer ones. I had it in my mind I was getting one after Christmas. We were actually at Walmart a few days earlier and they were 50% off, but it was still a $15 item. When we returned last night, it was $6. I'll take it at that price! It's red and ruffly! I totally love it!
I went back to work today after enjoying a nice four day weekend (I seriously could have used a few more days off though)! At least it's a short week now. Life is getting back to normal in the office as most of the office has returned from the holiday season. I'm sure work will be picking up in the next few days as well.
I found out today that I'll be missing my corporate marketing meeting in Baltimore. I'm actually kinda bummed about not being able to go but it's Feb. 27 and that's way to close to my due date to be traveling across the state during winter. Too many "what ifs" that it's just better for me to miss this meeting unfortunately. Oh well, there's always next year!
Well, back to work for the time being. Happy New Year!
New Years Eve,
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