Ah, what a busy, busy week. I'm still in recovery mode even though I was off work last Friday to have my wisdom teeth out (FUN FUN). I spent the majority of Friday sleeping off the pain which actually wasn't too terribly bad.
Saturday, Aerie went to her first series of graduation parties. It started with Miranda and then ended with my cousin Dannys. She did really well until about 20 minutes into Danny's party when she got a bit cranky and let us know it was time to go home. We didn't mind though, we spent ample time at each location.
Sunday we did nothing. I made one short trip to Toys R Us to return a few things but otherwise, we spend the day just enjoying relaxing before going back to work on Monday.
Next week is vacation time and trust me, I can't wait. We'll be celebrating Matthew's birthday as well (YEAH).... Aerie got the most wonderful present for him. I can't wait to give it to him (it needs to arrive first though).
Well, that pretty much recaps the weekend... off to insanity.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Updates Updates Updates....
Well here we are already most of the way through June. I can't believe Aerie is almost 3 months old. We've had a busy month! Aerie attended her first festival and the zoo this month! Though, she slept through both of them for the most part! A few weeks ago, she rolled over... but I believe it was truly a complete accident. I had her on the floor on her belly and one arm gave out and she just toppled over and stared at me with a confused look on her face as to why she was staring at the ceiling instead of the floor. It was kinda cute.
Every day is full of giggles and smiles! I love it. Hearing her laugh makes everything in life worthwhile. Since she's been more active and playful lately, we haven't read as much as we use to - but we still do read almost every day! Often, I sit and talk to her instead... she looooooooves to talk. She talks to me, Matthew, the grand parents and anyone that wants to sit and listen. I swear sometimes she's going to say some kind of understandable word... she tries to so hard!
For Father's Day this past weekend, Arabella and I took Matthew to the zoo for the Dragon Reniassance Festival. It was a lot of fun, but Arabella decided to sleep through the majority of it. We did wake her up while in Kids Kingdom to see a deer up close and personal. Matthew even took a picture - it was priceless! I'm sure it'll be more fun with her next year when she's a little older and can actually see things far away.
We have a few graduation parties this weekend so Aerie is going to meet more of the family. I'm sure there's some people hoping like crazy I show up just so they can see the precious angel.
If you haven't seen her pictures recently, make sure to check out the new photos... there's lots of good stuff there.
Well, I've got a million things to do.
Every day is full of giggles and smiles! I love it. Hearing her laugh makes everything in life worthwhile. Since she's been more active and playful lately, we haven't read as much as we use to - but we still do read almost every day! Often, I sit and talk to her instead... she looooooooves to talk. She talks to me, Matthew, the grand parents and anyone that wants to sit and listen. I swear sometimes she's going to say some kind of understandable word... she tries to so hard!
For Father's Day this past weekend, Arabella and I took Matthew to the zoo for the Dragon Reniassance Festival. It was a lot of fun, but Arabella decided to sleep through the majority of it. We did wake her up while in Kids Kingdom to see a deer up close and personal. Matthew even took a picture - it was priceless! I'm sure it'll be more fun with her next year when she's a little older and can actually see things far away.
We have a few graduation parties this weekend so Aerie is going to meet more of the family. I'm sure there's some people hoping like crazy I show up just so they can see the precious angel.
If you haven't seen her pictures recently, make sure to check out the new photos... there's lots of good stuff there.
Well, I've got a million things to do.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Arabella Chasing Butterflies
By now, everyone knows my daughter's room is covered in butterflies, fairies, and unicorns! It's what I loved and I loved decorating the room with my trinkets and pictures. Even though the room is done, we're always finding little trinkets to add to the collection for her since most of the collection was actually mine. Apparently a while back, my mother's friend Rita saw a beautiful Marie Osmond Fairy doll on QVC. The doll was dressed as a fairy with butterflies on her dress and legs and a big butterfly net. She was simply beautiful.... and then we discovered her name....
Arabella Chasing Butterflies
Well once Rita told my mother about the doll, it was a no question the doll would be purchased for Granny Beatrice's beautiful granddaughter Arabella.
The doll has finally arrived and she's stunning. I didn't know anything about it until my mother brought her over last friday. She was perfect, just like our little Arabella!
The doll now sits on a shelf in my daughters room. Due to the small items on her, I put her up out of reach until Aerie's a little older. She's so precious! I'm so happy Aunt Rita found this wonderful item. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Here's the picture of the doll.

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Reunion Class
Ah finally Thursday. Only one more day on this week. It seems each week gets long and longer probably because all I want to do is spend time with Aerie!
So we had our child class reunion last night. Sadly, only 3 couples showed up (probably because of the Pens game). At least we got to see a few of the babies. It was really interesting listening to the other couples tell their stories. Everyone had such a different experience. Of the three of us, I was the only C-Section, one girl had a 4 hour labor... one had a 26 hour labor! What a difference. I felt bad for the one couple as they've just had an insane experience. Their baby didn't like the bottles, formula, toys, clothes, etc. They also had some crazy health problems that landed her in Children's for a week. Thankfully, she's better now.
It was kinda neat being on the other end of the class. I remember sitting there listening to the other new parents and the different stories. I loved being on the other side. It was nice sharing what we went through and of course seeing all the other babies. I just wish more people would have came to the class reunion. I was so looking forward to seeing all the other new parents.
In other news, I'm about to use my daughters adorable cuteness to my benefit this weekend. Froggy is having a photo contest for an opportunity to be Luke Bryans official photography on stage and off during the Kenny Chesney Concert. Plus you get pit tickets and a meet and greet privately with Luke... basically an all around amazing day. You have to take a photo "showing you're froggy" and my mother and I have cooked up one hell of a photograph (provided my daughter will cooperate). I will post it once it's taken. If the station people like it and it's gets selected as one of the 5 finalists, I'll be calling on my friends to vote vote vote as the most votes is going to the show. Here's hoping Aerie wins over the hearts of all the listeners and station people at Froggy!!! I think she can do it!! I know she can! But even if she doesn't, I'll love dressing her up for this photo and it will most definitely go into the scrapbook.
Ah, this day is almost over and I can head to Grandma's to pick up my daughter. I missed her so much today. I just want to hold her all the time and be with her and play with her. Everyday is just an experience and I don't want to miss anything! I know sadly, I probably will miss some things because of working full time but that just means I make every hour of every day with her precious! She is my life now!
Well time to get packing!
So we had our child class reunion last night. Sadly, only 3 couples showed up (probably because of the Pens game). At least we got to see a few of the babies. It was really interesting listening to the other couples tell their stories. Everyone had such a different experience. Of the three of us, I was the only C-Section, one girl had a 4 hour labor... one had a 26 hour labor! What a difference. I felt bad for the one couple as they've just had an insane experience. Their baby didn't like the bottles, formula, toys, clothes, etc. They also had some crazy health problems that landed her in Children's for a week. Thankfully, she's better now.
It was kinda neat being on the other end of the class. I remember sitting there listening to the other new parents and the different stories. I loved being on the other side. It was nice sharing what we went through and of course seeing all the other babies. I just wish more people would have came to the class reunion. I was so looking forward to seeing all the other new parents.
In other news, I'm about to use my daughters adorable cuteness to my benefit this weekend. Froggy is having a photo contest for an opportunity to be Luke Bryans official photography on stage and off during the Kenny Chesney Concert. Plus you get pit tickets and a meet and greet privately with Luke... basically an all around amazing day. You have to take a photo "showing you're froggy" and my mother and I have cooked up one hell of a photograph (provided my daughter will cooperate). I will post it once it's taken. If the station people like it and it's gets selected as one of the 5 finalists, I'll be calling on my friends to vote vote vote as the most votes is going to the show. Here's hoping Aerie wins over the hearts of all the listeners and station people at Froggy!!! I think she can do it!! I know she can! But even if she doesn't, I'll love dressing her up for this photo and it will most definitely go into the scrapbook.
Ah, this day is almost over and I can head to Grandma's to pick up my daughter. I missed her so much today. I just want to hold her all the time and be with her and play with her. Everyday is just an experience and I don't want to miss anything! I know sadly, I probably will miss some things because of working full time but that just means I make every hour of every day with her precious! She is my life now!
Well time to get packing!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Is it really only Tuesday? UGH! It feels like a Monday... and I wish it were Friday. What a week... well really what a night.... how about the Penguin game??? WOW~ granted... I fell asleep for most of it.. then woke up when Matt and Debbie started screaming when they tied it up with 30 seconds left.... I stayed awake for most of the 1st OT.. then passed out watching the game on in the bedroom while Matt, Debbie and John watched in the living room. No worries though, Matt woke me up to tell me they won!
It's been kinda funny all day... so many people are dragging after watching that game .... crazy! The drive to work was empty with what I'm sure was a ton of people going in late because of the game. It was nice for me though!
In other news, Matthew and I have our baby class reunion tomorrow. I'm really excited about going as well. I can't wait to see everyone else's babies! Of course the class had to fall on the next pens game too! At least it'll be over around 8:30pm so we'll still get to come home and watch most of the game. Perhaps I'll even make it through the whole thing (I haven't as of yet.... ).
So I've determined that I'm cursed with Kenny tickets.... I'm just not meant to go to the show. I've been trying to win them every day on the radio and I've been just about every caller BUT the right one. Actually one time in one ticket giveaway I was caller 1, 5, 8, and 11.... Man was I mad! How that happened - I have no idea... but whatever! Perhaps I'm just building up to win a really good prize???
Next week is the St. Pat's festival in Canonsburg. I'm so excited. Matthew and I have enlisted my mommy to babysit so we can go down. We'd take her with us but Matthew and I want to gamble and those games don't usually start until 8/9pm and Aerie doesn't need to be out that late. It'll be the first time Matthew and I have been out together without the baby since she was born. I'm not sure I know what to do......
We've also put in the request for my mother to babysit on June 29 so Matthew and I can compete in the mini golf tournament like we do every year at Red Carpet. Perhaps we'll have to get a babysitter one Sat/Sun for a few hours so we can grab a couple of practice rounds prior to the tournament. Either way, we'll go down early that Sunday and have a ball before hand.
Has everyone looked at the new photos posted and the new organization of Aerie's photo albums. I've made it much easier to find pictures. If you haven't checked out the new pictures - make sure you do because they're great shots! You'll just love the ones with her sunglasses compliments of granny beatrice!
I think this weekend I'm going to spend some time scrapbooking. I've had some pictures piling up and I want to get them into the book. I've also got some pictures with family members that I needed to fill the blank pages in one of her albums. It's hard to believe (no not really) that I've already got four albums for the baby and one is about to be completed.
Well, it's about time for me to go pick up Aerie. I miss her so much. Everyday seems like I want to see her more and more. I just love my little girl. She's the best thing in the world!
Grandma Beatrice - get ready to scrapbook this weekend! And yes, I just had to write about you in my last blog! BECAUSE I CAN!
It's been kinda funny all day... so many people are dragging after watching that game .... crazy! The drive to work was empty with what I'm sure was a ton of people going in late because of the game. It was nice for me though!
In other news, Matthew and I have our baby class reunion tomorrow. I'm really excited about going as well. I can't wait to see everyone else's babies! Of course the class had to fall on the next pens game too! At least it'll be over around 8:30pm so we'll still get to come home and watch most of the game. Perhaps I'll even make it through the whole thing (I haven't as of yet.... ).
So I've determined that I'm cursed with Kenny tickets.... I'm just not meant to go to the show. I've been trying to win them every day on the radio and I've been just about every caller BUT the right one. Actually one time in one ticket giveaway I was caller 1, 5, 8, and 11.... Man was I mad! How that happened - I have no idea... but whatever! Perhaps I'm just building up to win a really good prize???
Next week is the St. Pat's festival in Canonsburg. I'm so excited. Matthew and I have enlisted my mommy to babysit so we can go down. We'd take her with us but Matthew and I want to gamble and those games don't usually start until 8/9pm and Aerie doesn't need to be out that late. It'll be the first time Matthew and I have been out together without the baby since she was born. I'm not sure I know what to do......
We've also put in the request for my mother to babysit on June 29 so Matthew and I can compete in the mini golf tournament like we do every year at Red Carpet. Perhaps we'll have to get a babysitter one Sat/Sun for a few hours so we can grab a couple of practice rounds prior to the tournament. Either way, we'll go down early that Sunday and have a ball before hand.
Has everyone looked at the new photos posted and the new organization of Aerie's photo albums. I've made it much easier to find pictures. If you haven't checked out the new pictures - make sure you do because they're great shots! You'll just love the ones with her sunglasses compliments of granny beatrice!
I think this weekend I'm going to spend some time scrapbooking. I've had some pictures piling up and I want to get them into the book. I've also got some pictures with family members that I needed to fill the blank pages in one of her albums. It's hard to believe (no not really) that I've already got four albums for the baby and one is about to be completed.
Well, it's about time for me to go pick up Aerie. I miss her so much. Everyday seems like I want to see her more and more. I just love my little girl. She's the best thing in the world!
Grandma Beatrice - get ready to scrapbook this weekend! And yes, I just had to write about you in my last blog! BECAUSE I CAN!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Ask My Mother About Changing Diapers....
So for those that see my mother on a regular basis, you should ask her about changing diapers..... because apparently 20 some odd years after I'm out of diapers... she's apparently forgotten an important rule....... The diaper goes OVER the rear end of the baby.....
and now the story...
On Fridays my mother watches Arabella at my house (cuz it's just easier then dragging the baby out to hickory).... so Matthew and I arrive home around 6 or so and she's eating ... dressed all cute (because my mother ALWAYS puts her in something cute) and today it just happened to be a little blue dress (That was Waaaaaaaay to big) ....
So after we eat and what not... my mom and I look at some new pictures I took on my computer and Aerie starts to cry.... Matthew tends to her and realized that her diaper is no where near covering her rear end.... in fact her little bum bum was hanging out all over the place...... apparently my mother forgot the the purpose of a diaper was to keep what comes out contained until changes......... whoops....
so anyone that sees my mom can ask her about changing diapers to hear the funny story about NOT covering my daughters rear end........
In other new.... the weekend flew by! It was disappointing that the pens lost. Aerie seemed quite disappointed (Yes, she watched the game with us). We actually had laid her down for a nap, grabbed the baby monitor and headed upstairs to John and Debbie's to watch the game when only moments in... she started crying... so rather then run up and down the steps all night Matt just brought her up with us... as soon as she was there she was fine sitting in the chair with me watching the game..... kinda cute! I can't wait to see if she likes football too! Actually, I think she was just lonley since it was just her and Artex in the apartment. She wanted to be with everyone where all the action was! OF COURSE!
Today, we mostly sat around the house. Our goal this weekend was a bit of cleaning and quality time with Aerie which sometimes it feels like we have no time with her because of our busy work schedules. But this weekend we did manage to get a lot of great time with her and I'm honestly thrilled about it.
Wednesday is our baby care class reunion. I can't wait. I'm excited to see what all the other parents in our class had ... should be quite intersting.
Well, my facial peel is about dry.... so it's time for me to go so I can get this facial done before Aerie wakes up to eat.
and now the story...
On Fridays my mother watches Arabella at my house (cuz it's just easier then dragging the baby out to hickory).... so Matthew and I arrive home around 6 or so and she's eating ... dressed all cute (because my mother ALWAYS puts her in something cute) and today it just happened to be a little blue dress (That was Waaaaaaaay to big) ....
So after we eat and what not... my mom and I look at some new pictures I took on my computer and Aerie starts to cry.... Matthew tends to her and realized that her diaper is no where near covering her rear end.... in fact her little bum bum was hanging out all over the place...... apparently my mother forgot the the purpose of a diaper was to keep what comes out contained until changes......... whoops....
so anyone that sees my mom can ask her about changing diapers to hear the funny story about NOT covering my daughters rear end........
In other new.... the weekend flew by! It was disappointing that the pens lost. Aerie seemed quite disappointed (Yes, she watched the game with us). We actually had laid her down for a nap, grabbed the baby monitor and headed upstairs to John and Debbie's to watch the game when only moments in... she started crying... so rather then run up and down the steps all night Matt just brought her up with us... as soon as she was there she was fine sitting in the chair with me watching the game..... kinda cute! I can't wait to see if she likes football too! Actually, I think she was just lonley since it was just her and Artex in the apartment. She wanted to be with everyone where all the action was! OF COURSE!
Today, we mostly sat around the house. Our goal this weekend was a bit of cleaning and quality time with Aerie which sometimes it feels like we have no time with her because of our busy work schedules. But this weekend we did manage to get a lot of great time with her and I'm honestly thrilled about it.
Wednesday is our baby care class reunion. I can't wait. I'm excited to see what all the other parents in our class had ... should be quite intersting.
Well, my facial peel is about dry.... so it's time for me to go so I can get this facial done before Aerie wakes up to eat.
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