Ok, I’m sick of being sick! If it’s not my stomach, it’s my head or my nose or I’m sneezing constantly. When will this torture end!!!! I keep getting told it’ll get better soon, so when does soon start?
Works been a little slow today (for a change), but I wish it wasn’t. The days just drag on and on when there’s not much to do. I’m waiting on my package from the government so I can take my class/test to become a public notary (yeah)…. I printed a ton of stuff off the internet today on notary and the laws and read through it. That took up most of the morning. Then I had some lunch and apparently the baby didn’t like it very much because it just made me ill….
I had found some coke in the fridge to settle my stomach and after about an hour started to feel a little better so now it’s not so bad, just have a headache… I’m sick of those!
Matthew’s doing well, frustrated with me mostly. For a while I couldn’t figure out why every time I did the dishes, I felt ill then I took a whiff of the soap and discovered the smell of the soap makes me ill. We’re not sure if it’s the scent or something in the soap or what but needless to say, I can’t do the dishes right now. We’re going to go to the store this weekend and I’m going to smell different bottles of soap until we find one *hopefully* that won’t make me want to be sick.
No big plans this weekend, but I have another doctor appointment next Wednesday. I should get my due date then. We’re estimating end of March/early April. My luck it’s either going to be Easter or April Fools Day… couldn’t have a Halloween baby…. Grrr…. My mom and I would be two happy people since that’s our favorite holiday!
Speaking of Halloween, my decorations are coming out slowly. I’ve already had the lecture of Matthew taking the batteries if anything starts to get annoying… but then again I have a nice stash of them hidden from him!
Yesterday Matthew went to a friend’s house to “inherit” a ton of computer crap his wife wanted rid of… now it’s my problem! Our basement looks like a technology graveyard gone horribly wrong… but that’s Matthew’s “cave” so he can keep it however he wants. I don’t go down there much anyways!
Sunday the baby and I will be going to Alan Jackson. I’ve been looking forward to this show all summer so I’m sure to enjoy it. I miss line dancing a lot right now. I think I might go up one weekend soon before I get too far into the pregnancy to want to do anything. As of now, every week I’ve wanted to go I haven’t felt good or we’ve had other plans. I’ll get there sooner or later though… for sure!
Well back to work. I need to find something useful to do with my time other than updating this website. Ah the days of boredom sure are a drag. At least it’s 3:00 P.M. now… the day is almost over in 2 more long and dragging hours of nothingness…
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Welcome to the journal!

Since we both have family near and far, I figured this website would serve as a medium to communicate with the family as I progress through the pregnancy and after the birth to share photos and stories with all the family. We live in a world of technology, so I might as well use it to my advantage.
I have posted the first ultrasound photos from this past monday. Doctors estimate me about 11-12 weeks, but Matt thinks it's less, I'm hoping they are right because the second trimester is supposed to be the best. I'm so ready to be done with the morning sickness and tired feeling all the time.

It's been an exciting journey these past through weeks since we found out on August 19 (and then kept it a secret for over a month later). We wanted to be sure everything was going to go well before telling everyone (and get out of the miscarriage phase too).
Matthew and I are getting more and more excited with each coming day. Artex is even getting excited (That's our cat in case you don't know that). Since my discovery, he hasn't left my side for a moment when we're home. He sits with me when Matthew is at work and usually lays on my lap cuddling my belly. It's awfully cute!
Saturday Artex had a moment of pride and thanks from me. Usually when I'm ill, Matthew wakes up and comes to my aid to make me feel better. Saturday morning he did not wake like normal and to aid me, Artex climbed behind me on a stand in our restroom to paw at my back as if to say "I'm here... can't rub your back like Daddy... but I'll try." It was so comforting! Animals really are amazing creatures!
I'm feeling pretty good today, but I have good and bad days. I've hit the point where I started getting headaches and they really take a toll on me late at night. I can barely stay awake past 9pm anymore. I just want to sleep. Of course, I've heard in the second trimester, I'll have plenty o enegery then back to nothing towards the end. Oh well, it's been an experience.
One thing I really love about being pregnant is my nails are so long and strong! Normally only one or two grow nicely and the rest break but I've had a nice set of nails for the last two months! If only they'd stay this way forever!
Well, back to work I go. I took a mini-break to write this blog. Please stop back often to look for new pictures, read how things are progressing (Matthew will be writing as well so you'll hear his side) and feel free to post comments! I want to hear from both sides of our family! Keep in touch and definatly come visit anytime!
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